50 Names and Titles of Yeshua HaMashiach | A Revelation of His Glory and Love

Eric P. Felton Jr.
10 min readAug 19, 2024


The names and titles of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) are profound revelations of His character, authority, and divine mission. Each name unveils a different aspect of His nature, revealing the depth of His love, the breadth of His power, and His eternal role in the plan of Elohim (אֱלֹהִים). As the embodiment of El Elyon (אֵל עֶלְיוֹן), the Most High God, Yeshua holds a position of supreme authority, acting as a bridge between humanity and the divine. This article explores 50 of these names and titles, drawing connections to their significance in relation to Elohim and El Elyon, and provides scriptural support from the World Messianic Bible.

1. Almighty One — Revelation 1:8 (שַׁדַּי)
Yeshua is referred to as the “Almighty One” (שַׁדַּי), emphasizing His omnipotence and eternal nature. This title reflects His divine power and His role as the eternal being who is, who was, and who is to come. As the Almighty, Yeshua shares in the omnipotence of Elohim, demonstrating His integral role in the Godhead.

2. Alpha and Omega — Revelation 22:13 (אָלֶף וְתָו)
Yeshua declares Himself the “Alpha and Omega” (אָלֶף וְתָו), the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet, signifying that He is the beginning and the end of all things. This title underscores His eternal existence and His sovereignty over the timeline of creation, a role that aligns Him with Elohim, the creator of the universe.

3. Advocate — 1 John 2:1 (סוֹכֵן)
As our “Advocate” (סוֹכֵן), Yeshua intercedes on our behalf before Elohim, the Righteous Judge. This role highlights His ongoing priestly function, bridging the gap between humanity and El Elyon, ensuring that we receive grace and mercy.

4. Author and Perfecter of Our Faith — Hebrews 12:2 (מְחַבֵּר וּמַשְׁלִים אֱמוּנָתֵנוּ)
Yeshua is the “Author and Perfecter of Our Faith” (מְחַבֵּר וּמַשְׁלִים אֱמוּנָתֵנוּ), meaning He initiates and completes our faith journey. This title reflects His divine authority in guiding and sustaining believers, rooted in the eternal purpose of Elohim.

5. Authority — Matthew 28:18 (סַמְכוּת)
Yeshua proclaims, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me” (מָסַר סַמְכוּת). This statement reflects the totality of His dominion, given by El Elyon, demonstrating that He is the ultimate sovereign in both the physical and spiritual realms.

6. Bread of Life — John 6:35 (לֶחֶם הַחַיִּים)
As the “Bread of Life” (לֶחֶם הַחַיִּים), Yeshua is the sustenance for our spiritual lives. Just as Elohim provided manna in the wilderness, Yeshua provides eternal nourishment, connecting the physical sustenance with the spiritual provision from Elohim.

7. Beloved Son of God — Matthew 3:17 (בֵּן הַיָּחִיד)
Yeshua is the “Beloved Son of God” (בֵּן הַיָּחִיד), chosen and cherished by Elohim. This title reveals the deep relationship between Yeshua and El Elyon, emphasizing His divine sonship and the love that binds the Father and the Son.

8. Bridegroom — Matthew 9:15 (הֶחָתָן)
Yeshua, as the “Bridegroom” (הֶחָתָן), symbolizes the intimate relationship between Him and His people. This title is rooted in the covenant love of Elohim for Israel, now extended to all who are in Messiah, showcasing the fulfillment of divine promises.

9. Chief Cornerstone — Psalm 118:22 (אֶבֶן הַפִּנָּה)
The “Chief Cornerstone” (אֶבֶן הַפִּנָּה) signifies Yeshua as the foundation of the spiritual temple of Elohim. Though rejected by many, He is the essential element upon which the community of believers is built, linking the messianic promise to its realization in Yeshua.

10. Deliverer — 1 Thessalonians 1:10 (מַצִּיל)
Yeshua is the “Deliverer” (מַצִּיל) who saves us from the wrath to come. This role as the rescuer aligns with the mission of Elohim, who delivers His people from bondage and peril, showcasing Yeshua’s part in the divine plan of salvation.

11. Faithful and True — Revelation 19:11 (נֶאֱמָן וְאֱמֶת)
As “Faithful and True” (נֶאֱמָן וְאֱמֶת), Yeshua embodies the perfect integrity of Elohim. His righteousness and truthfulness are unchanging, reflecting the divine nature of El Elyon, who is eternally faithful to His promises.

12. Good Shepherd — John 10:11 (הָרוֹעֶה הַטּוֹב)
Yeshua, the “Good Shepherd” (הָרוֹעֶה הַטּוֹב), cares for and protects His flock. This title is deeply connected to the shepherd imagery in the Tanakh, where Elohim is portrayed as the Shepherd of Israel, indicating Yeshua’s divine role in guiding His people.

13. Great High Priest — Hebrews 4:14 (הַכֹּהֵן הַגָּדוֹל)
As the “Great High Priest” (הַכֹּהֵן הַגָּדוֹל), Yeshua intercedes for humanity before Elohim. His priestly function is a fulfillment of the Levitical priesthood, showing that He is the ultimate mediator between El Elyon and mankind.

14. Head of the Church — Ephesians 1:22 (רֹאשׁ הַכְּנֵסִיָּה)
Yeshua is the “Head of the Church” (רֹאשׁ הַכְּנֵסִיָּה), overseeing and guiding the body of believers. This title reflects His authority given by Elohim to lead and direct His people, ensuring their spiritual growth and unity.

15. Holy Servant — Acts 4:29–30 (עֶבֶד הַקָּדוֹשׁ)
As the “Holy Servant” (עֶבֶד הַקָּדוֹשׁ), Yeshua fulfills the role of the suffering servant prophesied in Isaiah. His life of humility and service is a direct manifestation of the will of Elohim, showing the divine plan of redemption through sacrifice.

16. I Am — John 8:58 (אֲנִי הוּא)
When Yeshua declares, “I Am” (אֲנִי הוּא), He identifies Himself with the sacred name of Elohim revealed to Moses. This profound statement affirms His divinity and eternal existence, linking Him directly to the God of Israel.

17. Immanuel — Isaiah 7:14 (עִמָּנוּ אֵל)
“Immanuel” (עִמָּנוּ אֵל), meaning “God with us,” signifies the incarnation of Elohim in the person of Yeshua. This name encapsulates the mystery of the divine presence among humanity, fulfilling the prophetic promise of El Elyon dwelling with His people.

18. Indescribable Gift — 2 Corinthians 9:15 (מַתָּנָה שֶׁאֵין לְהַעֲרִיךְ)
Yeshua is the “Indescribable Gift” (מַתָּנָה שֶׁאֵין לְהַעֲרִיךְ) given by Elohim for the salvation of the world. His sacrifice and love surpass human understanding, embodying the generosity and grace of El Elyon.

19. Judge — Acts 10:42 (הַשּׁוֹפֵט)
As the “Judge” (הַשּׁוֹפֵט) of the living and the dead, Yeshua has been entrusted by Elohim with the authority to execute divine judgment. This title emphasizes His role in the final assessment of humanity, reflecting the justice of El Elyon.

20. King of Kings — Revelation 17:14 (מֶלֶךְ הַמְּלָכִים)
Yeshua is the “King of Kings” (מֶלֶךְ הַמְּלָכִים), the supreme ruler over all earthly and heavenly authorities. This title affirms His ultimate sovereignty, given by El Elyon, establishing His reign over the entire cosmos.

21. Lamb of God — John 1:29 (שֵׂה הָאֱלֹהִים)
As the “Lamb of God” (שֵׂה הָאֱלֹהִים), Yeshua is the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. This title connects Him to the sacrificial system of the Torah, where the lamb was offered for atonement, symbolizing Yeshua’s role in reconciling humanity to Elohim.

22. Light of the World — John 8:12 (אוֹר הָעוֹלָם)
Yeshua is the “Light of the World” (אוֹר הָעוֹלָם), illuminating the darkness of sin and revealing the truth of Elohim. His presence brings spiritual enlightenment and guidance, reflecting the divine light of El Elyon that dispels all darkness.

23. Lion of the Tribe of Judah — Revelation 5:5 (אֲרִי מִשֵּׁבֶט יְהוּדָה)
The “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” (אֲרִי מִשֵּׁבֶט יְהוּדָה) signifies Yeshua’s messianic authority and His lineage from the tribe of Judah. This title emphasizes His royal power and fulfillment of the Davidic covenant, showing His rightful place as the ruler of Israel.

24. Lord of All — Philippians 2:9–11 (אֲדוֹן הַכֹּל)
Yeshua is the “Lord of All” (אֲדוֹן הַכֹּל), exalted by Elohim and given the name above every name. This title affirms His universal dominion and the submission of all creation to His lordship, a reflection of the absolute sovereignty of El Elyon.

25. Mediator — 1 Timothy 2:5 (מְתוַכֵּל)
As the “Mediator” (מְתוַכֵּל) between Elohim and humanity, Yeshua bridges the gap caused by sin. This role highlights His unique position as both divine and human, enabling reconciliation and peace with El Elyon.

26. Messiah — John 1:41 (הַמָּשִׁיחַ)
Yeshua is the “Messiah” (הַמָּשִׁיחַ), the anointed one promised in the Scriptures. This title signifies His role as the deliverer and king, chosen by Elohim to bring salvation and restore Israel, fulfilling the messianic prophecies.

27. Mighty One — Isaiah 60:16 (גִּבּוֹר)
Yeshua is the “Mighty One” (גִּבּוֹר) of Israel, demonstrating His power and strength in delivering His people. This title reflects the divine might of Elohim, who acts on behalf of His people through Yeshua.

28. Prince of Peace — Isaiah 9:6 (שַׂר־שָׁלוֹם)
The “Prince of Peace” (שַׂר־שָׁלוֹם) title reflects Yeshua’s role in establishing divine peace. This is not just the absence of conflict but the wholeness and harmony that come from Elohim, who sent Yeshua to reconcile the world to Himself.

29. Redeemer — Job 19:25 (גּוֹאֵל)
As the “Redeemer” (גּוֹאֵל), Yeshua is the one who buys back and frees humanity from the bondage of sin. This title emphasizes His sacrificial role, fulfilling the divine plan of redemption laid out by Elohim.

30. Resurrection and the Life — John 11:25 (הַתְּחִיָּה וְהַחַיִּים)
Yeshua declares Himself the “Resurrection and the Life” (הַתְּחִיָּה וְהַחַיִּים), affirming His power over death. This title reveals His divine nature and the life-giving power of Elohim, who raised Him from the dead as the firstfruits of resurrection.

31. Righteous Judge — 2 Timothy 4:8 (שׁוֹפֵט הַצַּדִּיק)
Yeshua is the “Righteous Judge” (שׁוֹפֵט הַצַּדִּיק), who judges the world in righteousness. His judgments are true and just, reflecting the perfect justice of El Elyon, who entrusted Him with this role.

32. Rock — 1 Corinthians 10:4 (צוּר)
Yeshua is the “Rock” (צוּר), the firm foundation and refuge for believers. This title connects Him to the imagery of Elohim as the Rock of Israel, providing stability and security to His people.

33. Savior — Luke 2:11 (מוֹשִׁיעַ)
As the “Savior” (מוֹשִׁיעַ), Yeshua is the one who rescues humanity from sin and death. This title highlights His role in the divine plan of salvation, fulfilling the mission given by Elohim to save His people.

34. Son of Man — Matthew 20:28 (בֶּן הָאָדָם)
Yeshua frequently referred to Himself as the “Son of Man” (בֶּן הָאָדָם), a title that emphasizes His humanity and His role as the representative of all mankind. This title also connects Him to the prophetic vision in Daniel, where the Son of Man is given dominion by El Elyon.

35. Son of the Most High — Luke 1:32 (בֶּן אֱלֹהִים עֶלְיוֹן)
As the “Son of the Most High” (בֶּן אֱלֹהִים עֶלְיוֹן), Yeshua is recognized as the divine Son of El Elyon. This title affirms His divine origin and His unique relationship with the Father, reflecting the unity of purpose between them.

36. Supreme Creator Over All — John 1:3 (הַבּוֹרֵא הָעֶלְיוֹן)
Yeshua is the “Supreme Creator Over All” (הַבּוֹרֵא הָעֶלְיוֹן), through whom all things were made. This title underscores His role in creation, aligning with the belief that Elohim created the world through His Word, which is Yeshua.

37. True Vine — John 15:1 (הַגֶּפֶן הָאֲמִתִּי)
Yeshua is the “True Vine” (הַגֶּפֶן הָאֲמִתִּי), the source of spiritual life and fruitfulness. This title emphasizes the importance of remaining connected to Him to bear fruit, reflecting the divine life that flows from Elohim through Yeshua to believers.

38. Truth — John 14:6 (אֱמֶת)
Yeshua declares Himself to be the “Truth” (אֱמֶת), embodying the absolute truth of Elohim. This title reflects His role as the revealer of divine truth, in contrast to the falsehoods of the world.

39. Victorious One — Revelation 3:21 (הַמְּנַצֵּחַ)
Yeshua is the “Victorious One” (הַמְּנַצֵּחַ), who has overcome sin, death, and the grave. This title highlights His triumph and the assurance that believers share in His victory, reflecting the ultimate victory of Elohim over all forces of evil.

40. Way — John 14:6 (הַדֶּרֶךְ)
Yeshua is “The Way” (הַדֶּרֶךְ), the path to the Father. This title underscores His unique role as the mediator of access to Elohim, showing that He is the only way to eternal life with El Elyon.

41. Wonderful Counselor — Isaiah 9:6 (יוֹעֵץ פֶּלֶא)
The title “Wonderful Counselor” (יוֹעֵץ פֶּלֶא) reflects Yeshua’s role as the wise guide and teacher, imparting divine wisdom and guidance. This title is connected to His messianic mission, offering the wisdom of Elohim to all who seek it.

42. Word — John 1:1 (הַדָּבָר)
Yeshua is “The Word” (הַדָּבָר) of Elohim, the divine Logos through whom all things were created. This title reveals His preexistence and His role in the communication of God’s will and purpose to humanity.

43. Good Shepherd — John 10:11 (רוֹעֶה טוֹב)
Yeshua, as the “Good Shepherd” (רוֹעֶה טוֹב), demonstrates His commitment to leading, protecting, and caring for His flock. This role aligns with Elohim’s pastoral care over Israel, fulfilled in Yeshua’s mission.

44. Holy and Righteous One — Acts 3:14 (קָדוֹשׁ וְצַדִּיק)
The title “Holy and Righteous One” (קָדוֹשׁ וְצַדִּיק) emphasizes Yeshua’s sinlessness and His alignment with Elohim’s holiness. It underscores the moral purity and divine righteousness that He embodies.

45. Immanuel — Isaiah 7:14 (עִמָּנוּאֵל)
“Immanuel” (עִמָּנוּאֵל), meaning “God with us,” signifies Yeshua’s divine presence among humanity. This title reflects the incarnation of Elohim in Yeshua, who came to dwell with His people and bring salvation.

46. King of Glory — Psalm 24:7–10 (מֶלֶךְ הַכָּבוֹד)
Yeshua is the “King of Glory” (מֶלֶךְ הַכָּבוֹד), who reigns in majesty and splendor. This title reveals His exalted status and the honor and worship that are due to Him as the glorious manifestation of Elohim.

47. King of Kings — Revelation 19:16 (מֶלֶךְ הַמְּלָכִים)
As the “King of Kings” (מֶלֶךְ הַמְּלָכִים), Yeshua is the supreme ruler over all earthly kings and kingdoms. This title emphasizes His ultimate authority and sovereignty, given by El Elyon, establishing His reign over the entire cosmos.

48. Lamb of God — John 1:29 (שֵׂה הָאֱלֹהִים)
As the “Lamb of God” (שֵׂה הָאֱלֹהִים), Yeshua is the perfect sacrifice for the sins of the world. This title connects Him to the sacrificial system of the Torah, where the lamb was offered for atonement, symbolizing Yeshua’s role in reconciling humanity to Elohim.

49. Light of the World — John 8:12 (אוֹר הָעוֹלָם)
Yeshua is the “Light of the World” (אוֹר הָעוֹלָם), illuminating the darkness of sin and revealing the truth of Elohim. His presence brings spiritual enlightenment and guidance, reflecting the divine light of El Elyon that dispels all darkness.

50. Lion of the Tribe of Judah — Revelation 5:5 (אֲרִי מִשֵּׁבֶט יְהוּדָה)
The “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” (אֲרִי מִשֵּׁבֶט יְהוּדָה) signifies Yeshua’s messianic authority and His lineage from the tribe of Judah. This title emphasizes His royal power and fulfillment of the Davidic covenant, showing His rightful place as the ruler of Israel.


Each title of Yeshua HaMashiach provides a unique perspective on His divine nature and mission, reflecting different aspects of His relationship with Elohim and humanity. These names and titles are not merely descriptors but carry profound theological significance, revealing the multifaceted role of Yeshua in the divine plan of salvation. Through these titles, believers can gain a deeper understanding of who Yeshua is and the eternal impact of His life, death, and resurrection. By embracing these truths, followers of Yeshua are invited to participate in the divine mystery and the unfolding of Elohim’s redemptive work through His Son.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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