A Kingdom Beyond Borders | The Role of the Kingdoms in the New Heaven and New Earth
In the name of El Elyon, the Most High God, let us take a sacred moment to reflect on the return of Yeshua, the coming Millennial Reign, and the promise of the new heaven and new earth. We invite the Spirit of God to guide us, bringing His transformative presence as we explore how the kingdoms of this world will align under His righteous rule, contributing to the building of New Jerusalem and the reign of Elohim and His Bride — the King of Kings.
The Spiritual Kingdom: Yeshua and His Bride in Unity
Yeshua’s return for His bride, the Church, represents divine restoration and unity — a cornerstone of Christian hope. His kingdom transcends boundaries of nationality, language, and culture, calling all peoples to a shared identity in Him. Sid Roth, in The Incomplete Church, explains how the convergence of diverse spiritual expressions leads to a more complete and holistic Church, which is capable of fulfilling its divine calling (Roth, 2007).
The Church’s embrace of its Jewish roots, as detailed in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (2019), enriches its understanding of redemption and covenant relationships. Yeshua’s return is the culmination of a divine love story — where the Church, like base metals transformed through alchemy, is purified to reflect divine holiness and glory (Roob, 1997).
The value of the spiritual kingdom lies in its transformative power — establishing a community centered on love, forgiveness, and restoration. As we work towards building the New Jerusalem, spiritual unity is foundational. God’s kingdom is not established by power but through transformed hearts that reflect His love and grace.
The Natural Kingdom: Renewal of Creation
The promise of a new heaven and a new earth is God’s ultimate renewal of creation — a world free from suffering and death (Revelation 21, King James Bible, 1611). This divine restoration reflects tikkun olam, the Jewish concept of repairing the world, uniting both the old and new covenants with a vision of a restored creation (One for Israel, n.d.).
Just as Nikola Tesla envisioned human potential through the power of innovation (Tesla, 1905), the renewal of the natural kingdom invites us to reimagine creation in alignment with divine purpose. Humanity is called to stewardship and responsibility, anticipating a future of restoration by caring for the earth even now.
The natural kingdom reveals the beauty and majesty of God, pointing to His creative power. As stewards of creation, our present actions serve as the groundwork for God’s ultimate renewal, inviting us to partner with Him in preparing for the new heaven and new earth.
The Social Kingdom: The New Jerusalem as a Symbol of Unity
The New Jerusalem, descending from heaven, symbolizes humanity in full communion with God — a city without a temple, where God’s presence serves as its light (Revelation 21:23). This social kingdom is a vision of a society that embodies unity, justice, and righteousness. Danielle Rama Hoffman describes the role of each person as a “living stone” in the building up of this holy city, contributing their unique light for the collective good (Hoffman, 2013).
The social kingdom emphasizes God’s justice, compassion, and truth. It transcends mere human institutions and power structures, creating a society rooted in love and equity. As we work toward the New Jerusalem, our efforts must reflect the transformative principles of God’s kingdom — uplifting the oppressed, promoting justice, and fostering communities that embody divine love.
The Governmental Kingdom: The Millennial Reign of Righteous Leadership
Yeshua’s Millennial Reign symbolizes a period of righteous governance, where the kingdoms of the world align under divine leadership. Instead of flawed human systems, the government of Yeshua establishes peace and justice for all people. Leaders like Prince William and Princess Catherine have displayed glimpses of how authority can be wielded with compassion and integrity, although their leadership is but a shadow of what is to come under Yeshua’s reign (Tour of Heaven, n.d.).
In the Millennial Reign, the governmental kingdom reveals how leadership is transformed by God’s justice. Our role today is to influence society by advocating for justice and peace, modeling our efforts on the values of God’s kingdom, and preparing the way for Yeshua’s righteous governance.
The Economic Kingdom: Sowing Righteousness for the Harvest
The principle of sowing and reaping applies to the economic kingdom, both individually and collectively. In The Book of Wisdom, Harry B. Joseph emphasizes the scales of justice that measure all economic interactions against divine standards (Joseph, 2005). The prophet Amos calls for justice to flow like a river, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream (Amos 5:24, World Messianic Bible), underscoring that economic systems should mirror God’s heart for fairness and provision for all.
The economic kingdom finds its fulfillment in the new heaven and new earth, where wealth and resources are distributed with divine equity. As we labor toward the establishment of New Jerusalem, we must ensure that our economic practices reflect righteousness — marked by generosity, integrity, and a heart for those in need.
The Cultural Kingdom: Shaping a Society of Worship and Creativity
The cultural kingdom encompasses human creativity, arts, and expressions that reflect God’s glory. Jean Houston’s concept of “the possible human” describes how each person has the potential to create expressions that align with divine intent (Houston, 1998). This cultural kingdom will reveal the fullness of human creativity in the new heaven and new earth, offering music, art, and literature as acts of worship to the Creator.
As we move toward the New Jerusalem, we are called to use our cultural expressions to glorify God. The arts are an integral part of worship — showcasing the beauty, truth, and goodness of God’s nature.
Establishing Heaven on Earth: Our Role as Co-Laborers
The establishment of God’s kingdom is not only a future hope but a present calling. As God’s children, we are invited to be co-laborers in bringing heaven to earth. Sarah Jakes Roberts emphasizes in *Power Moves* that each believer is empowered to use their unique gifts to create a world reflecting God’s values (Roberts, 2017). This involves not only spiritual transformation but also social and cultural engagement — partnering in God’s holistic restoration of creation.
Rick Warren, in A Purpose Driven Life, encourages believers to be agents of change, bringing light into dark places, and partnering with God in His redemptive work (Warren, 2002). This is our role as co-laborers — to ensure that our actions reflect the values of God’s kingdom and that we manifest His justice and love in our communities.
Conclusion: A Vision of Hope Fulfilled
The reign of Yeshua — the King of Kings — presents a vision beyond anything this world can offer. The fulfillment of God’s promise involves the complete transformation of this world into a reflection of His divine nature. As believers, we are called to be active participants in this work — agents of healing, reconciliation, and justice.
The new heaven and new earth are not simply future realities; they begin with us, as we embody the values of God’s kingdom today. Let us live in anticipation, allowing God to transform our hearts and align our actions with His kingdom. With Yeshua as our King, we are called to establish His kingdom until His glory covers the earth as the waters cover the sea.
Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.
Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
One for Israel. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.oneforisrael.org
Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.
Roob, A. (1997). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.
Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.
Warren, R. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan.