Angels and Aliens | A Comparative Exploration of Their Intelligence, Powers, and Role in Creation

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readOct 20, 2024


Throughout history, both angels (מַלְאָכִים, mal’akhim) and aliens have sparked the imaginations of humanity. Angels, deeply embedded in the fabric of biblical theology and narratives, are seen as emissaries of the Divine, while the modern idea of aliens comes primarily from science fiction and the rise of ufology. Despite their different origins, both entities share attributes that spark curiosity: their intelligence, the ability to fly, telepathic communication, interactions with humanity, and their impact on creation. By incorporating insights from multiple sources, including ancient biblical texts, modern works on mysticism, alchemy, and even the speculative discourse on alien involvement in human history, this article explores how angels and aliens differ and intersect in our understanding of the universe.

Intelligence of Angels and Aliens

Angels are described in Scripture as highly intelligent beings, created by God with a purpose that transcends human comprehension. Their intellect is rooted in divine wisdom, and they operate in perfect obedience to God’s will. Angels like Gabriel (גַּבְרִיאֵל) and Michael (מִיכָאֵל) have distinct roles as messengers and protectors (Daniel 10:13, Luke 1:19). They exist within the framework of divine order, responding only to the will of God, as seen in Psalm 103:20: “Bless the LORD, you his angels, who are mighty in strength, who do his word, obeying the voice of his word” (World Messianic Bible). Their intelligence is spiritual and directly tied to their purpose as divine agents.

Theologians and authors like Sid Roth in The Incomplete Church and Harry B. Joseph in Book of Wisdom have argued that angels’ wisdom represents a higher form of knowledge — divine insight, which surpasses the intellect of even the most advanced human civilizations. They act as intermediaries between God and humanity, bringing messages and guidance that align with God’s cosmic plan.

In contrast, aliens are often viewed as extraterrestrial beings from distant planets with advanced intelligence, primarily manifested through technological sophistication. In works such as Bloodline of the Gods, the argument is made that these beings may have influenced human evolution by imparting superior knowledge to early civilizations. Though speculative, proponents of this theory suggest that certain alien species possess far superior intellect in areas of space travel and energy manipulation. Nikola Tesla, in his work The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, posits that human advancement is tied to cosmic forces, a viewpoint that aligns with some ancient astronaut theories that claim aliens as catalysts for human progress.

Unlike angels, whose intelligence is divinely orchestrated, aliens are often portrayed with a purely scientific or technological intellect, devoid of spiritual understanding. Their knowledge is presented as empirical rather than transcendent, rooted in the material rather than the spiritual realm.

Ability to Fly: Angels vs. Aliens

Both angels and aliens are often depicted as beings capable of flight, but their methods are distinctly different.

Angels are described in Scripture as being able to move freely between the heavens and the earth. The prophet Isaiah beheld the seraphim (שְׂרָפִים) flying above the throne of God (Isaiah 6:2), and Ezekiel described angelic beings that could travel swiftly in chariots of fire (Ezekiel 1:15–21). Angels move fluidly between dimensions, unaffected by the physical laws of gravity or space-time.

In John Paul Jackson’s Needless Casualties of War, he emphasizes that angels transcend the physical realm, moving between heaven and earth with ease to enact God’s will. This supernatural ability reflects their divine nature, capable of interacting with the spiritual and physical worlds alike.

Aliens, by contrast, are often associated with technologically advanced spacecraft capable of interstellar travel. Reports of UFO sightings, often detailed in Bloodline of the Gods, describe crafts that defy known physics, able to accelerate and maneuver in ways that surpass human understanding. Aliens rely on their technological mastery, rather than supernatural ability, to traverse vast distances in space. While angelic flight is presented as inherently supernatural, alien flight is usually depicted as a product of superior engineering.

Telepathic Communication

Angels communicate with humanity in a manner that often bypasses the spoken word, similar to telepathy. This form of communication is direct, clear, and filled with divine intent. In Luke 1:26–38, the angel Gabriel announces the birth of Yeshua to Mary, and this message is transmitted with perfect clarity, carrying God’s will directly into human understanding. In The Council of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman, telepathic communication is explored as a divine tool, allowing higher beings to communicate directly with the soul, bypassing the limitations of language.

Aliens, in contrast, are often depicted in popular culture as communicating telepathically as well. Individuals who claim to have had encounters with extraterrestrial beings often report messages being transmitted directly into their minds, bypassing traditional speech. However, unlike angelic communication, which is rooted in divine purpose, these messages are often cryptic and ambiguous. Proponents of extraterrestrial life argue that these beings might communicate telepathically due to their advanced cognitive abilities, as seen in The Possible Human by Jean Houston, where human cognitive abilities are expanded through engagement with cosmic forces.

Role in Creation and Development of Humanity

Angels play a significant role in the biblical account of creation, acting as messengers, protectors, and warriors. They do not create but serve God in His creation. Psalm 91:11 states, “For he will give his angels charge over you, to guard you in all your ways” (WMB). Angels serve to guide humanity, protect them from harm, and influence human history according to God’s divine plan. They rejoice at key moments, such as the birth of Yeshua (Luke 2:13–14), and fight spiritual battles on behalf of God’s people (Revelation 12:7–9).

In contrast, some ancient astronaut theorists, such as those referenced in Bloodline of the Gods, propose that aliens may have had a hand in human development, possibly through genetic manipulation or technological influence. These beings are credited with imparting knowledge to early civilizations, leading to significant advancements in culture and technology. While this theory lacks direct biblical support, it echoes narratives in alchemical and mystical traditions, such as those explored in Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob, which suggest the possibility of external forces influencing human progress.

Powers and Abilities

Angels possess a wide range of supernatural powers granted by God. These include controlling natural forces, performing miracles, and waging spiritual warfare. In 2 Kings 19:35, the angel of the LORD destroys 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in a single night. Angels have the power to execute God’s judgments and deliver His messages, acting with divine authority.

Aliens, as imagined in science fiction and some speculative theories, are often depicted with advanced abilities such as telekinesis, time manipulation, or superior strength. These abilities are typically explained as products of advanced technology rather than inherent supernatural power. While angelic abilities are divinely endowed, alien abilities are often portrayed as the result of superior evolution or technological progress.

Visitation of Earth

Angels visit the earth with specific divine purposes. These visitations are intentional, such as the angels who visited Abraham to announce the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:1–33) or the angelic hosts who announced the birth of the Messiah to the shepherds (Luke 2:8–14). Their visits are always aligned with God’s will and are pivotal moments in biblical history.

Aliens, according to UFO lore, visit earth either for exploration, research, or interaction with humanity. These encounters, often described in works such as The Council of Light and Bloodline of the Gods, range from peaceful contact to abduction scenarios. Unlike angels, whose visits bring divine clarity, alien visitations are often shrouded in mystery, leaving those who experience them with more questions than answers.


In conclusion, angels are divine beings whose intelligence, powers, and role in creation are rooted in God’s purpose. They serve as messengers, protectors, and warriors, always working in alignment with God’s will. Aliens, on the other hand, are speculative beings from other worlds, theorized to possess superior intelligence and technology but lacking the spiritual depth and divine mandate that characterize angels. While angels are firmly grounded in biblical theology, aliens remain a subject of speculation, often reflecting humanity’s desire to understand the unknown and our place in the universe.

As we continue to explore these mysteries, it is important to discern between the divine emissaries of God and the speculative figures of modern imagination. Angels, as revealed in Scripture, remind us of a higher reality, where God’s will is supreme, and His messengers work to fulfill His divine plan for humanity.


Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.

Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.

Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.

Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.

Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.

Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.

World Messianic Bible. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Roob, A. (2006). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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