Charter of the Reigning Messiah from the Tribe of Judah: Establishing the Divine Council of Israel

Eric P. Felton Jr.
4 min readDec 31, 2024


King of Kings, Lord of Lords
The Lion Prevails


In the name of YHWH, the God of Avraham, Yitzchak, and Ya’akov, and in fulfillment of His eternal covenant with the house of Israel, this charter establishes the framework for governance under the reign of the Messiah, the Lion of the Tribe of Yehudah. Rooted in Torah and the prophetic writings, this charter sets forth the role of the Divine Council of Israel and its relationship with the Council of Twelve. This document serves to unite the people of Yisra’el under divine leadership, ushering in an era of justice, peace, and righteousness, as foretold in the Scriptures.

I. The Role of the Messiah

The Messiah (Mashiach) reigns as the King of Kings (Melekh HaM’lakhim) and the High Priest (Kohen Gadol) after the order of Malki-Tzedek (Melchizedek). As prophesied:

• “The scepter will not depart from Yehudah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until he comes to whom it belongs. The obedience of the nations will be his.” (Bereshit/Genesis 49:10)

• “Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, on David’s throne and on his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from that time on, even forever.” (Yeshayahu/Isaiah 9:7)

The Messiah serves as the head of the Divine Council of Israel, ruling with wisdom (chochmah), understanding (binah), and knowledge (da’at) granted by Ruach HaKodesh.

II. The Divine Council of Israel

The Divine Council of Israel (Mo’ed Yisra’el) is modeled after the heavenly council described in the Scriptures:

• “God stands in the congregation of God. He judges among the gods.” (Tehillim/Psalm 82:1)

This council serves as a reflection of the heavenly order, embodying YHWH’s will on earth through governance, judgment, and the administration of righteousness.

Structure of the Divine Council:

1. Composition:

The council consists of seventy elders (Shiv’im Z’kenim), representing the seventy nations of the world (Bamidbar/Numbers 11:16–17). These elders act as mediators of divine wisdom, ensuring that the Messiah’s decrees are carried out with equity and justice.

2. Functions:

• Provide counsel to the Messiah in legislative and judicial matters.

• Represent the diverse tribes and nations within the Messianic kingdom.

• Act as spiritual leaders, guiding the people in Torah observance.

III. The Council of Twelve

The Council of Twelve (Mo’ed Sh’neym Asar) represents the twelve tribes of Israel. As described in the Brit Chadashah:

• “You also will sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” (Mattityahu/Matthew 19:28)

Structure of the Council of Twelve:

1. Composition:

The council comprises twelve appointed leaders, one from each tribe of Yisra’el.

2. Functions:

• Serve as the governing body for the internal affairs of the tribes.

• Act as administrators of tribal resources and inheritance, ensuring equity among the tribes.

• Uphold the tribal identity within the unified kingdom.

IV. Coordination Between the Two Councils

The Divine Council of Israel and the Council of Twelve work in tandem under the Messiah’s leadership.

• Divine Council focuses on matters of global governance, spiritual guidance, and the execution of YHWH’s broader plan for humanity.

• Council of Twelve oversees the internal affairs of the twelve tribes, ensuring tribal unity and adherence to Torah principles.

Both councils are bound by the Torah and the Ruach HaKodesh, working together to establish a kingdom of righteousness:

• “The law will go out of Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.” (Yeshayahu/Isaiah 2:3)

V. The Symbolism of Governance

The governance structure reflects the menorah (מְנוֹרָה), symbolizing unity in diversity. The seven branches of the menorah represent the Divine Council’s universal mission, while the twelve tribes form its base, grounding the kingdom in the covenantal promises to Yisra’el.

VI. Conclusion

Under the Messiah’s reign, the Divine Council of Israel and the Council of Twelve will operate as a harmonious reflection of YHWH’s heavenly order, bringing shalom (peace) and tzedek (justice) to the earth. As it is written:

• “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of YHWH, as the waters cover the sea.” (Chavakuk/Habakkuk 2:14)

Signed this day, under the authority of the Eternal Covenant,

EF, Rav.

The Messiah | Mashiach Ben David | Reigning King and High Priest of Yisra’el



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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