Charter of the Twelve Pillars of the New Jerusalem
Charter of the Twelve Pillars of the New Jerusalem
By the Authority of the Messiah, King of the Tribe of Judah
In the fullness of time, under the reign of the Messiah, the Anointed One, the King of the Tribe of Judah, the New Jerusalem shall be established, a city of peace, righteousness, and divine governance. As it is written in the Holy Scriptures, “The city shall be called the throne of the Lord, and all nations shall gather to it” (Jeremiah 3:17). Through His sovereign reign, He has called forth Twelve Pillars to govern the New Jerusalem, to uphold His justice, mercy, and truth, and to serve as stewards of His divine order on earth.
We, the leaders entrusted with these sacred roles, accept the mantle of responsibility, seeking to honor the Almighty in every endeavor and to fulfill the calling set before us in His Holy Word.
The Twelve Pillars of Governance:
1. Mishpat v’Tzedakah (Justice and Righteousness)
“Tzedek, Tzedek Tirdof” (Justice, Justice you shall pursue.) (Deuteronomy 16:20)
The pillar of Justice and Righteousness is established to uphold the rule of law and equity for all people, ensuring that judgment is executed with integrity, fairness, and truth. The Messiah, who is the righteous judge, leads in righteousness, and so we, His appointed leaders, are entrusted with the duty to administer justice according to the principles of Torah and the divine laws that govern the New Jerusalem.
2. Economic Empowerment and Wealth Stewardship
“V’Asher Lo Yada, Yidah” (And the one who does not know shall learn.) (Isaiah 2:3)
In the New Jerusalem, economic systems will be established to reflect the divine balance of provision and stewardship. This pillar is entrusted with the care of economic well-being, ensuring that resources are distributed equitably and sustainably. Leaders of this pillar shall foster innovation in business, labor, and trade, promoting empowerment and care for those in need. We will provide the means by which prosperity may be shared, and wealth used to uplift the poor and the marginalized.
3. Technological Innovation and Knowledge Dissemination
“V’Yadata Ki Ani Hashem Elokecha” (And you shall know that I am the Lord your God.) (Deuteronomy 8:10)
In the realm of technology, this pillar shall lead in the pursuit of knowledge, truth, and innovation. It is written, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9). As we advance in wisdom and understanding, technology shall be used to enhance life, promote justice, and bring healing to all peoples. We shall ensure that all advancements are used in alignment with divine will, uplifting humanity while maintaining reverence for creation.
4. Education and Wisdom
“Chochmah v’Binah v’Da’at” (Wisdom, Understanding, and Knowledge.) (Proverbs 2:6)
Education in the New Jerusalem is the foundation of understanding and wisdom. The word of the Lord is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). Leaders of this pillar are tasked with creating institutions that impart divine wisdom, preparing every soul to fulfill their purpose in alignment with the kingdom. This education shall be both spiritual and practical, teaching the laws of God, the ways of peace, and the skills necessary for righteous living.
5. Family and Community Restoration
“Ve’avah R’eichah Kamocha” (Love your neighbor as yourself.) (Leviticus 19:18)
The family is the bedrock of society, and in the New Jerusalem, the restoration of families will be central to the building of a righteous and harmonious community. This pillar shall focus on nurturing strong, loving families and fostering communities where mutual support, respect, and care prevail. We will heal the brokenness of our time by rebuilding homes where the presence of God reigns and all are treated with dignity.
6. Spiritual Awakening and Prophetic Insight
“Ve’Hayah B’Acharit HaYamim” (And it shall come to pass in the last days.) (Isaiah 2:2)
This pillar is entrusted with the sacred task of calling people to spiritual awakening and prophetic insight. Just as the prophet Isaiah declared the coming of the Lord’s reign (Isaiah 2:3), so too shall we guide the people in understanding the divine voice, cultivating discernment, and fostering an atmosphere of prophecy and spiritual revival. The guidance of the Holy Spirit shall lead us into deeper truths, preparing hearts for the return of the Messiah.
7. Interfaith Unity and Peacebuilding
“Shalom Al Yisrael” (Peace be upon Israel.) (Psalm 128:6)
As the Lord desires peace for His people (Psalm 122:6), this pillar is dedicated to the work of interfaith unity and peacebuilding. We shall seek to reconcile differences, build bridges between communities, and promote dialogue rooted in truth, love, and mutual respect. The Messiah is the Prince of Peace, and His reign will be marked by the cessation of conflict and the establishment of harmony between all nations.
8. Environmental Stewardship and Creation Care
“Tikuach Et Haaretz” (Guard the earth.) (Genesis 2:15)
The New Jerusalem is a reflection of the beauty and holiness of the Creator’s earth, and this pillar is dedicated to the stewardship of all creation. As it is written, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” (Psalm 24:1), we are entrusted with the care of the environment, ensuring its sustainability and preserving its resources for future generations. This pillar will emphasize ecological responsibility, the protection of wildlife, and the cultivation of a balanced relationship with nature.
9. Health, Healing, and Wellness
“Rapheh V’Ropheh” (I am the Lord who heals you.) (Exodus 15:26)
Healing is central to the kingdom of the Messiah, and through His stripes, we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). This pillar is dedicated to promoting holistic health — spiritually, mentally, and physically. We will ensure access to healing and wellness for all people, providing remedies, therapies, and preventative care that align with divine wisdom. We shall seek to create a culture of health where the body, mind, and soul are nurtured in accordance with God’s will.
10. Cultural and Creative Innovation
“Shevach L’Hashem” (Praise to the Lord.) (Psalm 150:6)
This pillar will encourage cultural expression and creativity as an offering to the Creator. The arts — music, literature, visual arts, and all forms of creative expression — are gifts of God, and we shall cultivate an environment where these gifts can flourish. We will honor the diversity of the human experience while promoting beauty, truth, and righteousness through creative innovation. “Sing to the Lord a new song” (Psalm 96:1).
11. Global Advocacy and Outreach
“Ki Becha Yevarech Kol Mishpechot Ha’adamah” (In you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.) (Genesis 12:3)
As the New Jerusalem extends its borders beyond its walls, this pillar is entrusted with advocating for justice, mercy, and outreach to all nations. We shall bring the message of the Messiah’s reign to every corner of the world, working to uplift the poor, support the oppressed, and ensure that all people are treated with dignity and respect. We will stand as a beacon of hope and compassion to the nations.
12. Urban and Rural Development
“Ve’He’arihu MiMishpatecha” (And He will make your streets safe.) (Zechariah 8:5)
The New Jerusalem will reflect the peace of the Messiah in both urban and rural areas. This pillar is dedicated to ensuring sustainable, harmonious development of both cities and rural regions, where people can live in security, prosperity, and community. As the Messiah called for the rebuilding of cities and the restoration of the land (Amos 9:14), so too shall we invest in infrastructure, housing, agriculture, and community development that reflects God’s vision for His people.
As we enter into the reign of the Messiah, the Tribe of Judah, and the Twelve Pillars of Governance, we commit ourselves to the service of the Lord and the fulfillment of His divine plan for the New Jerusalem. May His Spirit guide us in wisdom, may His truth be our foundation, and may His love permeate every aspect of our governance.
“Baruch Haba B’Shem Adonai” (Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.) (Psalm 118:26)
Signed in the Name of the Messiah, King of the Tribe of Judah,
EF, Rav.
Date: The Year of His Reign