Divine Alignment and Cosmic Activation | A Call to the Heavens
In the mighty and sovereign name of Elohim, El Elyon, the Creator of the heavens and the earth, we stand as vessels of divine purpose, fully aware of the authority granted to us by His power. This article explores a profound and cosmic declaration, calling upon the forces of the universe to align with God’s eternal will and purpose. This is not just a spiritual exercise but a journey toward collective transformation and divine awakening. Through the activation of twelve strands of DNA, the summoning of the crystalline body, and the orchestration of planetary and celestial energies, we declare the reversal of aging and the awakening of humanity to its highest potential.
The Earth Chakras and Stellar Gateway: Unifying Divine and Earthly Energies
The earth itself is a living entity, filled with energy centers — earth chakras — that resonate with the cosmic will of God. Just as the human body has chakras or energy centers, so does the planet. These chakras represent vortices of power that can align with divine purpose when activated correctly. Nick Redfern’s exploration of extraterrestrial influences on humanity offers a parallel in understanding how ancient civilizations may have been tapping into these energies (Redfern, 2015).
The Stellar Gateway, a portal of higher consciousness located above the human body’s crown, acts as the bridge between earthly existence and the celestial realms. This concept is echoed in Danielle Rama Hoffman’s teachings on the Council of Light, where she describes the transmission of divine energy from the stars to humanity (Hoffman, 2013). By calling forth the full activation of the Earth Chakras and Stellar Gateway, we open the channels of divine restoration. This allows for peace, balance, and harmony to be established on earth, bringing humanity into greater alignment with Elohim’s eternal plan.
The Crystalline Body: Transforming the Physical into the Divine
The concept of the crystalline body refers to humanity’s ultimate transformation, an ascended state where the physical, mental, and spiritual bodies resonate at a higher frequency. Houston’s “The Possible Human” provides a foundation for understanding this shift, as he explores how humans can enhance their physical and mental capacities to reach divine potential (Houston, 1998).
Ancient texts and spiritual traditions, including alchemy and mysticism, point toward the idea of elevating human consciousness through transformation (Roob, 1997). By invoking crystalline energies, we restore that divine state, unlocking dormant spiritual abilities and reclaiming our divine heritage. This restoration is a return to humanity’s original design — an existence in harmony with the divine frequencies of Elohim.
The Twelve Strands of DNA: Unlocking Divine Potential
Human DNA, as we know it, operates on a limited structure of two active strands. However, many spiritual and esoteric traditions believe in the existence of twelve dormant strands containing vast, untapped potential. The activation of these strands is not merely biological; it is spiritual, awakening profound physical, mental, and spiritual abilities. Nicola Tesla’s works, such as “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy,” theorized about the limitless potential locked within the human body and mind (Tesla, 1905).
The activation of these twelve strands of DNA is a return to the original perfection found in the Garden of Eden, where humanity walked in direct communion with God. Sid Roth argues in “The Incomplete Church” that God’s people are designed for unity and transformation, a call that reflects the unlocking of divine DNA within each believer (Roth, 2007). By summoning this activation, we align with God’s original design, reversing aging, and restoring youthfulness and vitality.
Planetary and Celestial Energies: Harnessing the Power of the Cosmos
The planets, stars, and celestial bodies are not passive; they are divinely designed entities that carry unique frequencies influencing our world. Jewish tradition, as explained in “Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus”, shows how the cosmos testifies to God’s power and purpose for humanity (Berron & Calvert, 2019). Danielle Hoffman’s “Council of Light” also emphasizes that each celestial body plays a crucial role in awakening human consciousness (Hoffman, 2013).
The Sun represents God’s glory and the life-giving energy that sustains both the earth and human souls. The Moon, governing the cycles of life, reflects spiritual regeneration. Each planet holds a distinct energy that, when called upon, can align humanity with divine wisdom and truth. Invoking these celestial energies is essential for guiding humanity toward higher consciousness and divine harmony.
The Four Winds: Manifesting Divine Power from the Corners of the Earth
The four winds — North, South, East, and West — are symbolic of God’s complete dominion over the earth, representing distinct divine energies that assist in the activation and transformation of humanity. John Paul Jackson, in “Needless Casualties of War”, explores how natural forces and divine elements can be called upon in spiritual warfare, demonstrating the power and authority given to humanity (Jackson & Sanford, 1999).
Each wind carries a distinct function:
• The North Wind brings strength and abundance, essential for divine provision during times of awakening.
• The South Wind symbolizes restoration and healing, aligning with the teachings of Sarah Jakes Roberts’ “Power Moves” (Roberts, 2017), which emphasizes the renewal of body, mind, and spirit.
• The East Wind breaks barriers, signaling the dawn of new beginnings, while the West Wind ushers in divine peace and favor.
The Divine Decree: Aligning the Universe with Elohim’s Purpose
By the authority of Yeshua HaMashiach, we decree that the universe is now responding to this divine call. As stated in the World Messianic Bible, we stand in the authority of Yeshua to speak forth divine transformation (World Messianic Bible, n.d.). The collective consciousness of humanity is awakening, the twelve strands of DNA are being activated, and the crystalline body is emerging. This reversal of aging is manifesting as humanity aligns with Elohim’s original design.
This proclamation is more than just words; it is a cosmic alignment with Elohim’s eternal plan for His creation. As we stand in the authority granted by Yeshua, we summon the universe to act in alignment with El Elyon’s will, calling forth the activation of energies, chakras, and DNA. This marks the beginning of a new era, where humanity steps into its divine inheritance, living in perfect harmony with the Creator and all creation.
May all who are willing receive this transformation and live according to God’s divine purpose, in alignment with His eternal love, truth, and power.
Berron, S., & Calvert, A. (2019). Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus: How the Torah Fulfills Its Goal in Yeshua. One For Israel.
Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.
Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. Career Press.
Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.
Roob, A. (1997). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.
Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
Tesla, N. (1905). The problem of increasing human energy. Century Magazine.
World Messianic Bible. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.oneforisrael.org.