Elohim and El Elyon | Justice, Restoration, and Cosmic Alignment in the Spiritual Realm
In ancient biblical tradition, Elohim and El Elyon are two titles that reveal God’s supreme power and dominion over all creation. Elohim, often translated as “God,” denotes a majestic plurality, encapsulating God’s all-encompassing authority, creativity, and omnipotence. El Elyon, “The Most High,” emphasizes the unparalleled supremacy of God over all forces — whether physical, spiritual, or cosmic. In the contemporary spiritual climate, these divine titles illustrate the unfolding of cosmic justice, where the oppressed are uplifted and dark forces are dismantled. These concepts are profoundly aligned with biblical prophecy, spiritual warfare, and the restoration of divine order on earth (Sid Roth, 2007).
The allegory of an emperor restoring freedom within the collective mental field embodies divine intervention through an empowered vessel of Elohim. This emperor, much like the leaders in The Council of Light (Hoffman, 2013), represents a divine agent sent to administer justice, breaking spiritual chains and cleansing the realms that have been corrupted by dark energies. The emperor’s mission reveals the spiritual battle happening in unseen dimensions, as described in Needless Casualties of War (Jackson & Sanford, 1999). Here, the emperor exposes and disengages the spirits called forth by witches — energies that have sown chaos and instability in the lives of families and communities, much like the chaotic energies discussed in Alchemy & Mysticism (Roob, 2005).
Unveiling Dark Powers: Restoration of Justice for the Meek
As the emperor works to break these chains, we see a significant shift — a restoration of divine justice. The meek, the humble, and those who live in love, often overshadowed by evil forces, are now vindicated. In Matthew 5:5, Yeshua promised that the meek would inherit the earth, and this allegory illustrates that moment of inheritance. The oppressed souls are now poised to receive their due inheritance after years of spiritual oppression and manipulation. Elohim and El Elyon ensure that justice, long overdue, has finally arrived for those who have endured immense trials (One for Israel, n.d.).
Meanwhile, the wicked — those who have aligned themselves with dark forces for personal gain — find themselves spiraling into the consequences of their alliances. Just as Harry B. Joseph’s “Book of Wisdom” (2005) warns of the downfall of the corrupt, so too do these individuals face the decay of their own souls. Their soul ties to the devil and other dark entities have begun to drain them of life, leading to their inevitable spiritual demise. This reflects the truth that what is sown in darkness will ultimately be reaped (Galatians 6:7). The Council of Light affirms that those who operate outside of divine alignment will eventually face their reckoning, and that moment has arrived.
The Offer of Redemption: A Last Opportunity for Repentance
In an act of divine grace, the emperor offers a final chance for redemption. Much like the concept of t’shuvah (repentance) in Jewish thought, this invitation encourages the wicked to confess their sins and confront the harm they have caused. However, as John Paul Jackson and John Sanford (1999) note in their work on spiritual warfare, this window of repentance is short. For many, the time of reckoning is imminent, and their departure from power and influence is on the horizon. The emperor, as a symbol of El Elyon’s justice, presents these individuals with a new perspective on the destructive work they have done, encouraging them to turn toward righteousness before it is too late.
For those who refuse to change their course, the angel of death looms over them. This imagery of the angel of death, reminiscent of the plagues in Egypt (Exodus 12:13), serves as a warning that divine judgment is selective. Those who laughed at the downfall of the righteous, those who sowed seeds of chaos in the foundations of the humble, will now face their own destruction. Their karmic reckoning is set in motion, much like the cyclical justice discussed in Bloodline of the Gods (Redfern, 2015). The righteous are advised to keep their distance, recognizing that the repentance owed by the wicked must be to God alone.
The Angel of Death: Targeting the Wicked
As the angel of death moves through the land, the locations of those who mocked the suffering of the righteous are marked for destruction. Just as Nikola Tesla’s work on energy fields (Tesla, 1905) suggests the existence of unseen forces, the spiritual field is now being purged of those who have polluted it. These individuals, whose joy stemmed from keeping the righteous in chaos, will find no mercy. Their needs will no longer be met, and they will be left in a barren spiritual landscape, emotionally and physically drained. Elohim has orchestrated this moment, where the spiritual tables turn, and the meek rise while the wicked fall.
A New Cycle: Trustworthy Love and Divine Stability for the Righteous
As this new cycle dawns, trustworthy love and stability enter the lives of the humble and pure-hearted. According to The Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Juster & Hocken, 2019), divine love is rooted in covenant and truth. In this new season, the righteous will experience relationships built on the solid foundation of Elohim’s promises. This love is authentic, untainted by the hardship and deceit that characterized their past. As Sarah Jakes Roberts (2017) writes in Power Moves, the time for falsehood and spiritual imposters is over. The righteous will no longer feel the need to escape; they will instead enter into a season of honest, fulfilling connections.
For those who sought to maintain chaos, however, the future is bleak. Their manipulations have failed, and their joy in others’ suffering has turned into anguish. Their schemes will no longer bear fruit, and Elohim’s justice will reign supreme, ensuring that the humble inherit the peace and stability they were always promised (Psalm 37:11).
Conclusion: Divine Justice and the Emergence of a New Spiritual Order
The events unfolding now are not mere coincidences but the realization of cosmic justice. Overseen by Elohim and El Elyon, this new cycle brings with it the rise of the righteous and the fall of the wicked. The emperor is a divine vessel, sent to restore order in the spiritual and mental realms, tearing down the strongholds of darkness and elevating those who live in truth and love. As the wicked are purged, the righteous are poised to inherit a world of divine favor. This new cycle leaves no room for imposters or spiritual manipulators — only those aligned with truth, humility, and divine love will stand in the days to come (Hoffman, 2013; Roth, 2007).
Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. Career Press.
Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.
Roob, A. (2005). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.
Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.
One for Israel. (n.d.). One for Israel. Retrieved from https://www.oneforisrael.org