Elohim and El Elyon’s Role in Enochian Magick | A Comprehensive Discussion
In the realm of Enochian Magick, the intricate relationship between the Five Elements and the density of various aspects of reality is foundational. These Elements correspond to the different Cosmic Planes and Subtle Bodies, each vibrating at unique frequencies, from the densest physical matter to the more subtle spiritual realms. Central to this understanding is the divine interplay between אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) and אֵל עֶלְיוֹן (El Elyon), whose roles and influences are evident across these planes. This discussion aims to explore their roles, particularly within the context of the spiritual hierarchy, as outlined in Enochian Magick and supported by Hebraic and biblical concepts.
The Nature of the Five Elements and the Planes of Existence
The Five Elements — Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Spirit — serve as the building blocks of both the physical and metaphysical realities. In Enochian Magick, these Elements correspond to the various Planes of existence:
1. Earth (אֶרֶץ) represents physical matter, the densest form of reality.
2. Water (מַיִם) symbolizes emotions, tangible and experienced through the Astral Bodies.
3. Fire (אֵשׁ) relates to the will and energy, operating on a subtler plane.
4. Air (רוּחַ) corresponds to thoughts, experienced within the Mental Bodies.
5. Spirit (רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים) is the essence of the Spiritual Plane, through which archetypal and intuitive experiences are perceived.
These Elements are not isolated; rather, they are interconnected, as described by the Hermetic Principle of Correspondence: “As above, so below; as below, so above” (The Kybalion, 1908). This principle underscores the influence that occurrences on one plane exert upon the others.
Elohim and El Elyon in the Hierarchical Structure
אֱלֹהִים (Elohim), often translated as “God” or “Gods” in the plural, represents the divine plurality and the manifestation of divine power in creation. Elohim is associated with the aspect of God that interacts with the created world, imbuing the elements with the divine essence that animates all of reality. In the context of the Five Elements:
- Elohim is the force that governs the interplay between these Elements, ensuring that they operate in harmony according to divine will.
- Elohim is also responsible for maintaining the balance within and between the planes, ensuring that the Principle of Correspondence is upheld.
אֵל עֶלְיוֹן (El Elyon), meaning “God Most High,” is a title emphasizing God’s supreme authority over all creation. El Elyon presides over the spiritual hierarchy, representing the ultimate source from which all divine power flows. In relation to the Cosmic Planes:
- El Elyon is the origin of the Spirit Element (רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים), which permeates all planes and manifests as the divine spark within the Spiritual Body.
- El Elyon dictates the flow of divine energy from the highest planes down to the densest material reality, ensuring that the higher planes remain less influenced by the lower ones, in accordance with the Hermetic understanding that “the tendency of the creative impulse is for the Higher Planes to dominate the Lower Planes” (The Kybalion, 1908).
The Manifestation of Divine Will Across the Planes
The role of Elohim and El Elyon can be further understood through their interaction with the different Subtle Bodies and their corresponding planes:
- Physical Plane: Elohim is seen as the force animating matter, infusing it with life through the Spirit (רוּחַ). As Genesis 1:2 states, “And the Spirit of Elohim (רוּחַ אֱלֹהִים) was hovering over the face of the waters” (World Messianic Bible), indicating the divine presence within the densest form of reality.
- Astral Plane: Emotions, governed by the Water Element (מַיִם), are deeply influenced by the divine energies emanating from Elohim. The Psalms frequently acknowledge Elohim’s role in shaping human emotions, as in Psalm 42:7, “Deep calls to deep at the noise of Your waterfalls; All Your waves and Your billows have gone over me” (World Messianic Bible).
- Mental Plane: The Air Element (רוּחַ), representing thoughts, is influenced by Elohim’s wisdom, as indicated in Isaiah 55:9, “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts” (World Messianic Bible). Here, Elohim’s influence is seen in the elevation of thought from the mundane to the divine.
- Spiritual Plane: In the highest plane, the role of El Elyon is most prominent. It is within this plane that the divine archetypes and spiritual truths are revealed. Proverbs 8:27–30 describes the presence of Wisdom (חָכְמָה), personified as being with Elohim at the creation, reflecting the divine mind that shapes the spiritual realities: “When He prepared the heavens, I was there… I was beside Him as a master craftsman; And I was daily His delight, Rejoicing always before Him” (World Messianic Bible).
The roles of אֱלֹהִים (Elohim) and אֵל עֶלְיוֹן (El Elyon) in Enochian Magick are central to understanding the interplay between the Five Elements and the various planes of existence. Elohim, as the manifestation of divine power within creation, governs the harmony and balance between these elements and planes. El Elyon, as the supreme source of all divine energy, oversees the flow of spiritual power, ensuring that the higher planes dominate and influence the lower ones. Together, they orchestrate the divine will across all levels of reality, from the densest physical matter to the most subtle spiritual essence.
The Kybalion. (1908). The Three Initiates.
World Messianic Bible. (n.d.). [Online Version]. Retrieved from https://www.worldmessianicbible.com
Psalms 42:7. World Messianic Bible.
Proverbs 8:27–30. World Messianic Bible.
Genesis 1:2. World Messianic Bible.
Isaiah 55:9. World Messianic Bible.