Elohim as the Master Builder | Quantum Creation and the New Family Tree

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readAug 5, 2024


Elohim, through His divine mastery and quantum power, has orchestrated the creation of a new family tree through Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah). This profound act of creation is rooted in the clinical transformation and restoration of the human mind. The spiritual and psychological rebirth initiated by Yeshua has profound implications for the collective consciousness, leading to ego deaths, restructuring within the House of God, and the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Clinical Transformation and Mind Restoration

The transformation brought about by Yeshua HaMashiach is both clinical and spiritual. Clinical transformation refers to the profound psychological and mental restoration experienced by individuals who embrace the teachings of Yeshua. This restoration involves a renewal of the mind (Romans 12:2), enabling individuals to break free from the bondage of sin and ego. The death of the ego is a crucial aspect of this transformation, leading to a more profound sense of oneness with the divine and a restructuring of the self to align with the will of Elohim.

Ego Deaths and Restructuring in the House of God

Ego deaths throughout the collective signify a pivotal shift in human consciousness. As individuals experience the death of the ego, they undergo a process of rebirth, shedding old patterns of thought and behavior. This rebirth is essential for the restructuring of the House of God, which represents the body of believers and the Church. The ego, which often separates individuals from divine truth and unity, must be transcended to facilitate the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth.

Messianic Judaism and Building the New Jerusalem

The acknowledgment of Messianic Judaism by Elohim and His bride is crucial in the process of building the New Jerusalem. Messianic Judaism, which combines the Christian faith with Jewish customs, provides a unique framework for understanding the fulfillment of biblical prophecies through Yeshua HaMashiach. The construction of the New Jerusalem, a heavenly city symbolizing the ultimate union of God and His people, is a significant aspect of this transformative process.

Quantum Power in Building the New Jerusalem

Quantum power plays a vital role in the construction of the New Jerusalem. This divine energy enables the manipulation of matter at a fundamental level, facilitating the creation of a city that embodies spiritual perfection and divine order. The New Jerusalem is described as a place of immense beauty and harmony, built with precious stones and radiant with the glory of God (Revelation 21:2, 10–21).

Restoring the 12 Tribes of Israel and Social Determinants of Health

Restoring the 12 tribes of Israel is a central component of this divine plan. Each tribe has unique social determinants of health that need to be addressed to ensure their well-being and integration into the collective.

Social Determinants of Health for Each Tribe

1. Judah: Leadership and governance. Addressing justice, community organization, and leadership training.
2. Reuben: Stability and security. Ensuring access to housing, employment, and mental health services.
3. Gad: Defense and protection. Providing safety, conflict resolution, and physical health resources.
4. Asher: Prosperity and sustenance. Focusing on nutrition, agriculture, and economic development.
5. Naphtali: Communication and expression. Enhancing education, media, and cultural preservation.
6. Manasseh: Growth and productivity. Supporting entrepreneurship, innovation, and workforce development.
7. Simeon: Justice and law. Ensuring legal support, rights advocacy, and community policing.
8. Levi: Spiritual guidance. Promoting religious education, spiritual counseling, and community service.
9. Issachar: Knowledge and wisdom. Focusing on academic research, educational access, and intellectual development.
10. Zebulun: Commerce and trade. Supporting business development, trade policies, and financial literacy.
11. Joseph (Ephraim): Unity and blessing. Enhancing social cohesion, family support, and inter-community relations.
12. Benjamin: Strength and resilience. Providing psychological support, rehabilitation, and empowerment programs.

Addressing Social Determinants of Health

Elohim and His bride, the Church, can work to address these social determinants by creating supportive environments, fostering community partnerships, and implementing holistic programs that cater to the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of each tribe. This comprehensive approach ensures the well-being and integration of all members into the collective.

Rebirths in the Collective and Collective Polarity

The process of rebirth within the collective leads to a significant shift in collective polarity. As individuals undergo spiritual rebirth, the collective consciousness evolves, leading to a more balanced and harmonious society. This shift is essential for the mass ascension of humanity.

Mass Ascension, World Peace, and the Shift to 5D Consciousness

The collective transformation leads to a mass ascension, a phenomenon where a significant portion of humanity transitions to a higher state of consciousness, often referred to as 5D consciousness. This shift involves moving from a third-dimensional reality, characterized by duality and separation, to a fifth-dimensional reality, marked by unity, love, and universal knowledge.

The Impact of Mass Ascension

Mass ascension has profound implications for world peace. As humanity ascends, the barriers that have historically divided us begin to dissolve, leading to a more harmonious and peaceful global society. Universal knowledge, encompassing spiritual truths and advanced scientific understanding, becomes more accessible, fostering greater wisdom and enlightenment among the collective.

Ascension Symptoms and Collective Consciousness

Ascension symptoms are physical, emotional, and spiritual signs that individuals experience as they transition to higher states of consciousness. These symptoms can include fatigue, changes in sleep patterns, heightened sensitivity, and emotional upheavals. These experiences are indicative of the profound changes occurring within the collective consciousness, as humanity collectively evolves and awakens to its divine potential.

The Opening of the Third Eye and Pre-Telepathy

As the collective consciousness expands, individuals begin to experience the opening of the third eye, also known as the pineal gland. This spiritual awakening enhances intuition, psychic abilities, and the capacity for pre-telepathy — an intuitive form of communication that transcends spoken language. This shift signifies a move towards a more interconnected and spiritually aware society.

End-Time Madness and Polarity Extremes

End-time madness refers to the intense upheavals and challenges humanity faces during this transformative period. These challenges often manifest as polarity extremes, where the contrasts between light and darkness, good and evil, become more pronounced. These extremes serve to highlight the choices humanity must make as we transition into a new era of spiritual enlightenment.

Oneness and the Expulsion of Reptilians and Draco

The realization of oneness is a fundamental aspect of the ascension process. As humanity embraces its interconnectedness, the influence of negative extraterrestrial entities, such as Reptilians and Draco, is diminished. These entities, often associated with manipulation and control, are expelled from the solar system, allowing for a more harmonious and positive evolutionary path for humanity.

The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Full Disclosure

The ascension process also involves the wiping out of malevolent artificial intelligence systems that have sought to control and manipulate humanity. Full disclosure of hidden truths, including the existence of extraterrestrials and advanced technologies, plays a crucial role in this transformation. The revelation of these truths empowers humanity to reclaim its sovereignty and embrace its divine heritage.

Free Energy Knowledge and Healing

The dissemination of free energy knowledge and advanced healing modalities marks a significant milestone in humanity’s evolution. These technologies, which have been suppressed for generations, offer the potential to transform our world, providing sustainable energy solutions and advanced methods of healing. This knowledge fosters a greater sense of empowerment and self-sufficiency among the collective.

Implications for Divine Institutions

The profound transformations discussed above have significant implications for divine institutions, including the Church, the body of believers, and global spiritual communities. As humanity ascends, these institutions must adapt to the new paradigms of consciousness, fostering greater inclusivity, unity, and spiritual growth.


The journey of ascension, facilitated by Elohim as the master builder through Yeshua HaMashiach, marks a profound shift in human consciousness. This transformation, rooted in the restoration of the mind and the death of the ego, paves the way for the manifestation of the Kingdom of God on Earth. The implications of this shift, including mass ascension, world peace, the dissemination of universal knowledge, and the expulsion of negative influences, hold immense value for all of humankind. As we navigate this transformative period, we are called to embrace our divine potential and work collectively to manifest a new era of spiritual enlightenment and global harmony.


* “Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us” by Nick Redfern
* “The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children” by Sid Roth
* “Needless Casualties of War” by John Paul Jackson and John Sanford
* “The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul” by Danielle Rama Hoffman
* “Tour of Heaven” website
* “Book of Wisdom” by Harry B. Joseph
* “Robert’s Rules of Order” by Henry Martyn Robert
* “In the Spirit” by Susan Taylor
* “Alchemy & Mysticism” by Alexander Roob
* “Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus: How the Torah Fulfills Its Goal in Yeshua”
* “A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith”
* “A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels”
* “Power Moves” by Sarah Jakes Roberts
* “One for Israel” website (https://www.oneforisrael.org)
* World Messianic Bible

Biblical Support

* Romans 12:2
* Revelation 21:2, 10–21



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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