Elohim’s Bride and the Divine Institutions | A Collaborative Path to Fulfill Humanity’s Higher Purpose
The journey of the 12 tribes of Israel is a story of covenant, displacement, and divine restoration. Once united under the promise of Yahweh, these tribes have experienced enslavement, exile, and fragmentation. Today, amidst a great awakening, the descendants of these tribes are witnessing a powerful transformation of consciousness. This awakening is dismantling the “matrix” — worldly systems — and ushering in the Kingdom of Elohim, El Elyon, on Earth.
Elohim’s Bride — representing the collective faith community — has been entrusted with a divine mission: to bring heaven to earth and guide humanity toward understanding their soul’s purpose. This mission is about more than just spiritual alignment; it is about redefining what it means to work, live, and fulfill one’s soul contract in a way that brings flourishing to all of creation. It is a call away from soul-exhausting labor that diminishes the spirit and instead toward meaningful service that uplifts both the individual and the collective soul system.
The Divine Authority of Elohim’s Bride
The Bride of Elohim, empowered by the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), is the vessel of divine authority on earth. She is called to actively shape the world in alignment with kingdom values of peace, justice, and righteousness. The call is for a higher purpose — a move from mundane, purposeless work to activities that align with the divine will and help individuals fulfill their soul’s purpose.
The Hebrew year 5785 symbolizes this alignment of the natural and the supernatural. It is a bridge — a time for Elohim’s Bride to lead humanity away from work that exhausts the soul and drains spiritual vitality. Instead, it is a call to embrace work and purpose that elevate the planetary vibration, positively impacting every aspect of creation.
Understanding the Soul Contract: From Labor to Divine Purpose
Each person has a soul contract — a divine mission assigned to their spirit that is meant to bring transformation not only to themselves but also to the broader cosmos. Engaging in work that is misaligned with one’s soul contract leads to exhaustion, disillusionment, and a gradual decline in the spiritual, mental, and physical realms.
Elohim’s Bride is tasked with helping humanity identify and fulfill their true purpose. This is achieved by engaging with various divine institutions to guide individuals back to their core spiritual essence. The decline of planetary spheres and the lowering of planetary vibrations are consequences of misaligned actions, and it is through divine work that the Bride seeks to reverse these trends, bringing about harmony among all the kingdoms of the world.
Kingdom Collaboration for Global Harmony
Elohim’s Bride must collaborate with every divine institution and the governing systems of the world to bring forth a new model of work — one that aligns with humanity’s collective soul contract. This collaboration involves:
1. Monarchies and Governance: European monarchies and other leaders are called to foster unity through ethical leadership and righteous governance, rooted in principles like Mishpat (justice) and Shalom (peace). They can play a role in shifting societal focus from material pursuits to service, stewardship, and soul growth.
2. Religious and Spiritual Institutions: The Vatican, Messianic Judaism, Freemasonry, and other spiritual organizations must act as channels for divine wisdom. By reconnecting to the roots of faith and integrating biblical principles, they are positioned to help individuals rediscover their spiritual identity, thus aligning with their divine mission.
3. Social and Economic Systems: Economic systems must evolve from a focus on endless growth and material gain to a model that encourages creativity, well-being, and community support. This shift involves a redefinition of labor — not as an exhausting duty but as a joyful expression of one’s gifts in alignment with their soul’s purpose.
4. Education and Knowledge: Knowledge is a key aspect of understanding one’s soul contract. Educational systems must transform to help people discover their unique roles within the divine order. This involves imparting wisdom that connects individuals to their spiritual heritage, thus enabling them to live purposeful lives.
Institutions as Knights of Divine Service
Divine institutions — religious bodies, humanitarian organizations, and spiritual groups — are the modern knights of Elohim. Their purpose is to assist in fulfilling humanity’s collective soul contract by advancing justice, compassion, and spiritual growth. The alignment of these institutions with kingdom values will facilitate humanity’s understanding of their higher purpose, leading to a global upliftment that harmonizes all creation.
- Knight Templars and Freemasonry: These groups have a profound spiritual heritage that can be realigned for divine purposes, focusing on humanitarian missions that serve the common good. They are being called to channel their influence into actions that reflect divine justice and contribute to global harmony.
- Churches and Synagogues: Religious congregations must shift from focusing only on individual salvation to embracing the broader mission of guiding communities into alignment with divine purposes. This involves nurturing souls, helping them understand their spiritual obligations, and fostering unity among diverse traditions.
The Call of 5785: Aligning Humanity’s Work with Divine Will
The Hebrew year 5785 is a kairos moment — a sacred opportunity for humanity to transition from fragmented, exhausting endeavors into unified, purpose-driven action. It is a call to align individual soul contracts with Elohim’s divine will, ensuring that humanity’s work on earth is not a burden but a blessing. This divine alignment elevates the planetary vibration, transforms societal structures, and impacts every sphere of influence — from governance to economics, culture, and education.
The Bride of Elohim, as the custodian of divine wisdom, has the responsibility to guide, support, and empower humanity in this sacred journey. The goal is to shift from self-serving, soul-draining activities that harm the environment and lower planetary vibrations to fulfilling, life-giving work that enhances spiritual harmony and elevates the entire creation.
Conclusion: Fulfilling the Soul Contract to Elevate the Planet
The Hebrew year 5785 calls for divine alignment — a unification of earthly pursuits with the heavenly vision of Elohim’s Kingdom. It is a time for humanity to remember their true purpose and to rise above the systems that deplete their spiritual energy. Elohim’s Bride must lead this charge, collaborating with divine institutions, global leaders, and communities to facilitate this sacred transformation.
In this profound time, every person is called to understand their soul’s purpose, to align their actions with the divine will, and to work in a way that fulfills not just their individual calling, but the collective soul contract of humanity. Through unity, wisdom, and divine collaboration, the Bride of Elohim will usher in a new era — a harmonious world where the kingdoms of this earth align under the reign of Yeshua HaMashiach, manifesting the ultimate vision of Elohim’s Kingdom on Earth.
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