Elohim’s Divine Power and the Cleansing of DNA: Preparing for the Millennial Reign

Eric P. Felton Jr.
5 min readSep 28, 2024


As we approach the millennial reign, understanding Elohim’s divine authority becomes essential for both spiritual transformation and communal readiness. His power, transcending the four worlds — Atzilut (emanation), Beriah (creation), Yetzirah (formation), and Assiyah (action) — and encompassing the four Trees of Life (Knowledge, Healing, Immortality, and Righteousness), calls us to engage in a deep process of purification. This purification includes DNA cleansing, viewed not merely as metaphorical but as a critical step toward personal and collective renewal.

This article explores the significance of Elohim’s authority, highlighting DNA cleansing as a transformative process integral to our preparation for the Kingdom. This practice symbolizes our journey toward spiritual alignment, releasing inherited traumas, and fulfilling our highest spiritual callings in light of the promises bestowed upon us.

The Relevance of DNA Cleansing in Light of Elohim’s Divine Authority

Elohim, the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, exercises His will across all dimensions, orchestrating a cosmic process of cleansing and purification. As noted in “Bloodline of the Gods” by Nick Redfern, the inquiry into human blood types reveals an intricate connection between our physical and spiritual essence. Just as Elohim prepares the earth for new creation, we too must cleanse our DNA of inherited traumas and negative energies. This cleansing aligns with Biblical calls for renewal and restoration, for Elohim desires a people who are pure, set apart, and spiritually fortified for the reign to come (Roth, 2007).

In Genesis 1:26, Elohim declares, “Let us make humankind in our image, after our likeness.” This declaration underlines our divine heritage. However, the fall introduced sin and corruption, tainting this divine essence. Thus, DNA cleansing is vital for restoring this alignment and reclaiming our inheritance, as outlined in the “World Messianic Bible” (2023).

The Spiritual Framework: The Four Worlds and Trees of Life

Elohim’s creation unfolds within the four worlds: Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Assiyah. Each of these realms is intricately linked with the Trees of Life, representing various aspects of divine wisdom and moral order. According to “The Council of Light” by Danielle Rama Hoffman, integrating DNA cleansing within this spiritual framework allows us to resonate with higher frequencies and shed obstacles that hinder our ascent through these realms.

Just as the Tree of Knowledge presented Adam and Eve with pivotal choices, our DNA reflects the decisions and patterns of our ancestors, calling us towards healing and transformation. The teachings in “Needless Casualties of War” by John Paul Jackson and John Sanford emphasize the necessity of breaking generational curses, underscoring the importance of this cleansing process.

Understanding DNA as a Spiritual Inheritance

Our DNA acts as a conduit for physical, emotional, and spiritual attributes passed through generations, echoing ancestral memories and traumas. The Exodus narrative serves as a macrocosmic representation of this cleansing process — freeing the DNA from the traumas of slavery and aligning it with divine destiny (Joseph, 2005).

Psalm 51:10 expresses our longing for a pure heart, mirroring the desire for DNA cleansing and renewal. This spiritual quest aligns with our preparation for the Kingdom of God, seeking transformation at every level of our being, as highlighted in “A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith” (2021).

The Practice of DNA Cleansing: A Pathway to Spiritual Renewal

Physical Practices for DNA Cleansing

Maintaining physical health is integral to our cleansing journey:

- Nutrition: A diet rich in antioxidants helps repair DNA. Foods like garlic, spirulina, and cilantro detoxify and promote cellular renewal (Warren, 2002).

- Movement: Practices such as yoga enhance oxygenation, facilitating DNA repair while promoting spiritual growth (Houston, 1998).

- Rest: Deep, restorative sleep is essential for DNA repair, echoing the wisdom found in Psalm 4:8.

Spiritual and Energetic Practices for DNA Cleansing

- Prayer and Meditation: Engaging in these practices can influence our DNA on spiritual and energetic levels. Visualizing divine light cleansing our DNA, while invoking the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), facilitates profound transformation.

Sample Prayer:
Heavenly Father, Elohim, Supreme Ruler of the Universe, in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, cleanse my DNA of all negative energy and ancestral trauma. Renew me according to Your divine purpose and align my being with Your will for the Kingdom. Amen.”

- Sound Healing: Utilizing specific frequencies, particularly 528 Hz, believed to harmonize DNA, enhances our energetic alignment and purification (Tesla, 1905).

- Energy Work: Techniques like Reiki and crystal therapy can support DNA cleansing, promoting energetic flow and balance, as discussed in “Alchemy & Mysticism” by Alexander Roob.

Affirmations and Forgiveness: Releasing Trauma from DNA

Words carry the power to influence our DNA. By practicing positive affirmations and forgiveness, we can begin to reshape inherited patterns. Affirmations such as, “I release all negative patterns inherited through my ancestral line,” facilitate healing.

Forgiveness is essential, freeing us from resentment and opening pathways to spiritual renewal. Matthew 6:14 emphasizes this principle, urging us toward a life of grace and transformation.

Conclusion: DNA Cleansing as a Divine Mandate for the Millennial Reign

Cleansing our DNA aligns with Elohim’s divine mandate for spiritual and global transformation as we prepare for the millennial reign. Just as He commands the restoration of Israel and the rebuilding of New Jerusalem, we must engage in personal and collective purification.

Through prayer, meditation, and physical and energetic cleansing, we align ourselves with Elohim’s divine order, creating space for the Kingdom of God to manifest on earth. In doing so, we follow in the footsteps of Yeshua HaMashiach, who reconciles all things to the Father, including our very DNA.

As we embark on this transformative journey, we become vessels through which Elohim manifests His Kingdom, ensuring the fulfillment of His promises to the 12 tribes of Israel and all of creation.


1. Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
2. Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.
3. Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
4. Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
5. Redfern, N. (2005). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. Paperback.
6. Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.
7. Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
8. Shakespeare, W. (1623). As You Like It.
9. Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.
10. The Holy Bible, King James Version (1611).
11. A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (2021).
12. World Messianic Bible (2023).



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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