Elohim’s Government and the Prophetic Significance of 5785/2025 | The Year of the Voice of the Water

Eric P. Felton Jr.
5 min readSep 25, 2024


As we approach the Hebrew year 5785 (2025 in the Gregorian calendar), we stand at a monumental crossroads in the spiritual realm — a season of divine renewal and judgment. This year signals the establishment of Elohim’s divine government, bringing justice and righteousness that sweep across the earth, mirrored in the interplay of wind and water, the foundational elements of Yahweh’s creation. The Year of the Voice of the Water symbolizes a profound period where Yahweh’s governance will reshape both natural and supernatural realms, ensuring justice, healing, and transformation.

Yahweh’s Sovereign Rule in the New Creation

In the coming age of the new heaven and new earth as prophesied in Revelation 21, Elohim’s rule will supplant human governance with His perfect, divine government. As stated in Isaiah 9:6: “The government will be upon His shoulders,” a direct reference to the Messiah, Yeshua HaMashiach, who will reign in justice and peace. The coming era reflects the ultimate establishment of divine governance, where spiritual CIA and spiritual FBI represent Yahweh’s omniscience and enforcement of His laws.

Just as these earthly agencies exist to ensure oversight and maintain order, Yahweh’s divine agents will ensure that spiritual justice is administered flawlessly. Through His divine government, the millennial reign and the New Jerusalem will embody the purity, truth, and authority of Elohim, which will endure forever.

The End of the Me Too Movement: A Tilling of the Ground for Healing

The year 5785/2025 will also mark a prophetic end** to certain global movements, particularly the Me Too movement. While the movement has been a vital mechanism for accountability, justice, and awareness, this prophetic year will see the ground being spiritually tilled for new seasons of healing and restoration. In biblical terms, to “till the ground” (Genesis 2:5) symbolizes preparing the earth — both physically and spiritually — for new life and growth. The Me Too movement has unearthed profound injustices and wrongdoings, and as we enter 5785, the voice of the waters will wash away the wounds, enabling new beginnings, healing, and unity under Elohim’s reign.

Ecclesiastes 3:1–3 reminds us, “To everything, there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven… a time to tear down and a time to build.” While the movement symbolized a time of tearing down unjust systems, this new era will be a time of building up, allowing Yahweh’s justice and healing waters to nourish the soil for the planting of righteousness.

The Voice of the Water: Winds and Waters in Divine Harmony

The Voice of the Water in 5785/2025 is more than a mere metaphor — it is a divine call to both repentance and renewal. The symbolic forces of wind and water in scripture often represent the activity of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) and the cleansing, renewing power of Yahweh. Just as wind stirs the elements and water purifies the earth, this year will bring a season where ministries, communities, and individuals will be subjected to divine examination.

Matthew 7:24–27 highlights the importance of strong spiritual foundations. In this prophetic year, those whose lives and ministries are built on Yeshua HaMashiach will endure the spiritual “winds and waters,” while those with weak foundations will collapse under the pressure. The winds of the Spirit will bring a divine shaking, and the waters of Yahweh’s grace will either cleanse or expose, depending on the integrity of the foundation.

Prophetic Significance of Spiritual Warfare in the Air and Sea

As the air and sea often symbolize spiritual and natural powers, 5785 will bring heightened spiritual warfare in these realms. According to Ephesians 6:12, our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. The air represents spiritual authority, while the sea often symbolizes nations and peoples as described in Revelation 17:15.

This year will see a clash of spiritual forces, where nations resisting Yahweh’s authority will face judgment. The metaphor of Elohim’s spiritual CIA and FBI illustrates His agents of divine justice and intelligence, ensuring that His perfect order is enforced across the earth. In this time of spiritual conflict, the air will be a battleground for heavenly forces, while the seas — representing nations — will be swept by prophetic winds, bringing both judgment and renewal.

Rivers in the Desert: Miraculous Outpouring of the Spirit

In the midst of conflict and spiritual shaking, 5785/2025 will also be a time of extraordinary renewal, as prophesied in Isaiah 43:19, “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” This divine promise speaks of Yahweh’s miraculous outpouring of the Holy Spirit in regions that have experienced spiritual drought.

Areas — both physical and spiritual — that have long been barren will be revived by the flowing waters of Yahweh’s grace. The rivers of life, which are symbolic of the Ruach HaKodesh, will refresh the hearts of those who have been weighed down by burdens, injustice, or exhaustion. Yahweh’s waters will till the hardened soil, preparing it for new life, growth, and fruitfulness in this prophetic season.

Elohim’s Divine Government: A Unified Plan of Righteousness

The Year of the Voice of the Water also reveals the unity of the Godhead in Elohim’s government — Yahweh, Yeshua HaMashiach, and Ruach HaKodesh — each fulfilling their divine role in the establishment of righteousness and peace. Isaiah 9:7 declares that “Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end.” This points to a reign where Yeshua will serve as the righteous judge, Ruach HaKodesh empowers the people, and Yahweh’s will is sovereignly enforced throughout creation.

Conclusion: A Time of Divine Justice and Spiritual Renewal

As we enter the Hebrew year 5785 (2025), we step into a prophetic turning point — a time of divine government, healing, and renewal. Yahweh’s winds will blow, His waters will flow, and His voice will be heard as He establishes His perfect order. The end of the Me Too movement symbolizes a shift from exposure to healing, as the spiritual ground is tilled for a new season of righteousness. This year will usher in a time of spiritual testing, where strong foundations will stand, and Yahweh’s miraculous waters will bring life to dry places, revealing His glory and majesty in the earth.

Let us be attuned to the Voice of the Water, as Yahweh’s divine government reigns supreme in this new era.


- World Messianic Bible
- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light.
- One for Israel (n.d.). Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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