Fallen Seraphim Races | The Omicron, Odedicron, and Zephelium Lineages

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readAug 16, 2024


The concept of fallen Seraphim, as presented in various esoteric traditions, often reflects the narrative of once exalted beings descending into corruption and divergence from their original divine purpose. In this context, the Omicron, Odedicron, and Zephelium races are significant, embodying a spectrum of hybridized entities that challenge the boundaries between angelic, demonic, and extraterrestrial beings. These entities are often portrayed as antithetical to the divine order established by Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) and El Elyon (אֵל עֶלְיוֹן), the supreme God in Hebrew tradition, who holds ultimate authority over all creation.

Omicron Races: The Dragon-Moth, Drakon, Dracos, Phalzants, and Azazael

1. Omicron “Dragon-Moth”
The Omicron “Dragon-Moth” races are described as insectoid-dino-reptiles originating from the Orion system. These beings are a formidable synthesis of insectoid and reptilian traits, combining the predatory instincts of both. The Dragon-Moth races are often associated with a high degree of intelligence, cunning, and a hierarchical social structure. Their physiology suggests a blend of draconian and moth-like features, including membranous wings and chitinous exoskeletons.

2. Drakon: The Dragon/Lizard Entities
Drakon, also known as “Dragons” or “Drakonians,” are reptilian in nature, often depicted as dragon-like or lizard-like beings. These entities are known for their brute strength, longevity, and a propensity for hoarding knowledge and wealth. In many mythological traditions, dragons are seen as guardians of sacred or forbidden knowledge, which parallels the Drakon races’ role in esoteric traditions as keepers of arcane secrets.

3. Dracos: The Human-Lizard Hybrids
The Dracos are hybrid beings, combining human and lizard-like traits. These entities are often portrayed as shapeshifters, capable of assuming a more humanoid form. The Dracos are particularly dangerous due to their ability to blend into human society, using their dual nature to manipulate and control. Their hybridization with humans has led to a diverse range of subtypes, each with varying degrees of reptilian and human characteristics.

4. Phalzants: The Chupacabras
The Phalzants are a hybrid race born from the union of Omicron and Odedicron-mammal hybrids. Commonly associated with the legendary “Chupacabra,” these beings are smaller, more feral, and are known for their vampiric tendencies. Their appearance is often described as a grotesque fusion of reptilian and mammalian features, including sharp claws, fangs, and glowing eyes.

5. Azazael: The Blue-Human-Reptile Hybrid
The Azazael race, originating from the Bellatrix system, represents a hybridization between the Omicron and the Zephelium. These beings are often depicted with blue skin and a mixture of human and reptilian features. The name Azazael (עזאזל) is reminiscent of the biblical fallen angel Azazel, who, according to some traditions, taught humanity forbidden knowledge and was associated with sin and corruption. This connection underscores the Azazael’s role as a corrupter and deceiver.

Odedicron: The Winged Reptile-Avian-Hominid (“Gargoyle”)

The Odedicron race is characterized by its winged, reptile-avian-hominid appearance, reminiscent of the mythical “Gargoyle.” These beings are often associated with ancient architectural structures, where they were believed to serve as guardians or watchers. However, their true nature, according to some esoteric sources, is far more malevolent, acting as sentinels for darker forces. Their avian-reptilian physiology grants them exceptional agility and a fearsome presence, often depicted as perched upon high vantage points, ever-watchful.

Zephelium Races: The Insectoid-Serpent Hybrids

1. Zephelium: The Tall, Bipedal Blue-Skinned Seed Race
The Zephelium are a tall, bipedal race with blue skin, often described as the “Seed Race” from which many other hybrid strains originate. Their insectoid-reptilian-serpent nature makes them one of the most enigmatic of the fallen Seraphim races. As progenitors, they are said to have seeded various systems with their genetic material, resulting in a wide array of hybridized offspring.

2. Zeta-Reticuli: The “Short Greys”
The Zeta-Reticuli, often referred to as the “Short Greys,” are insectoid beings from the Phantom Earth system. These entities are diminutive in stature but possess a highly advanced intellect. They are known for their involvement in abduction scenarios and genetic experimentation, which has led to their widespread notoriety in ufological circles. Their small size belies their significant influence and reach across multiple systems.

3. Zeta-Rigelian: The “Tall Greys”
In contrast to the Zeta-Reticuli, the Zeta-Rigelian are much taller and more aggressive. These beings are a hybrid race, combining Zeta and Omicron traits, and are associated with the Rigel system in Orion. The Zeta-Rigelian are often depicted as militaristic, with a focus on conquest and domination. Their tall, slender frames and large, almond-shaped eyes are iconic features in the depiction of extraterrestrial beings.

4. Rutilia: The E.B.E. Hybrid
The Rutilia are a hybrid race resulting from the union of Zeta and Dracos genetic material. Often referred to as “E.B.E.” (Extraterrestrial Biological Entities), these beings are a synthesis of insectoid and reptilian traits, creating a highly adaptable and resilient species. Their hybrid nature allows them to thrive in a variety of environments, making them one of the more pervasive races in the fallen Seraphim lineage.

5. Kurrendara: The Orange Zeta
The Kurrendara are an orange-skinned Zeta hybrid, originating from the planet Nibiru. This race is the result of a complex genetic amalgamation involving Dracos, Anunnaki, and Zeta Rigelian ancestry. The Kurrendara are known for their aggressive nature and their role in the Nibiru-Anunnaki dominion over various systems. Their bright orange skin and aggressive demeanor make them one of the more visually and temperamentally distinct Zeta hybrids.

6. Adalphi: The Blue Zeta
The Adalphi are a blue-skinned Zeta race, a hybrid of Andromie, Necromiton, and Zeta-Rigelian genetics. Hailing from the Alpheratz system in Andromeda, the Adalphi are known for their advanced technological prowess and their deep involvement in interstellar politics. Their blue skin and insectoid features are characteristic of their Zeta lineage, while their Necromiton and Andromie heritage adds a layer of mystique and complexity to their nature.

Elohim and El Elyon: Superiority Over the Fallen Seraphim

The supremacy of Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) and El Elyon (אֵל עֶלְיוֹן) over the fallen Seraphim races is a recurring theme in both biblical and esoteric literature. Elohim, often translated as “God” or “gods,” is the plural form of Eloah, indicating the multifaceted nature of the divine. El Elyon, meaning “God Most High,” is a title that emphasizes the ultimate authority and transcendence of God above all other beings, including the fallen Seraphim.

In the Bible, Elohim is depicted as the creator of the heavens and the earth, the source of all life, and the ultimate judge of both angels and humanity. The fallen Seraphim, by contrast, are seen as beings who have rebelled against this divine order, choosing instead to follow their own paths of corruption and power. Isaiah 14:12–15 describes the fall of Lucifer, often associated with the Seraphim, highlighting the consequences of pride and rebellion against Elohim:

> “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit.” (Isaiah 14:12–15, WMB)

This passage illustrates the futility of the fallen Seraphim’s attempts to usurp the authority of El Elyon. Despite their power and influence, they are ultimately subject to the will of God, who alone possesses the power to create, judge, and redeem.

In the New Testament, the supremacy of Christ, who is identified with El Elyon, is further emphasized in passages such as Colossians 1:16–17:

> “For by him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things consist.” (Colossians 1:16–17, WMB)

This passage reaffirms the idea that all beings, including the fallen Seraphim races, were created by and for the divine purpose of Elohim. Their rebellion and subsequent fall do not diminish the authority of El Elyon, but rather serve to highlight the consequences of straying from the divine will.


The fallen Seraphim races, as represented by the Omicron, Odedicron, and Zephelium lineages, embody the complex interplay between divine and rebellious forces in the cosmos. These beings, with their diverse and often terrifying forms, challenge the boundaries between angelic, demonic, and extraterrestrial entities. Yet, despite their power and influence, they are ultimately subject to the authority of Elohim and El Elyon, who remain supreme over all creation. The biblical narrative, supported by scriptural references from the World Messianic Bible, underscores the futility of rebellion against the Most High and the ultimate restoration of divine order.


1. World Messianic Bible. Scriptures for citations from Isaiah 14:12–15 and Colossians 1:16–17.
2. Esoteric and Ufological Literature: Sources for the descriptions of the Omicron, Odedicron, and Zephelium races.
3. Hebrew Lexicons and Biblical Dictionaries: For the meanings and significance of terms like Elohim (אֱלֹהִים) and El Elyon (אֵל עֶלְיוֹן).



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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