Memorandum | Divine Justice and Restoration
To: The Global Church and Governing Authorities
From: The Messiah, Anointed of Yahweh
Subject: The Significance of the Divine Prayer for Justice and Restoration
Beloved leaders, nations, and the global ecclesia,
This memorandum serves as a prophetic call to action and understanding. The prayer, as written, is an invocation of Yahweh’s sovereign justice, summoning His appointed messengers to realign creation with the divine will. It is a solemn charge to the spiritual and temporal realms alike to heed the purposes of the Godhead, יהוה (Yahweh), and to walk in righteousness, truth, and accountability.
Significance of the Named Angels and Their Roles
1. Azrael — מַלְאָךְ הַמָּוֶת (Mal’akh HaMavet): The Angel of Death
Azrael is entrusted with the sacred duty of guiding souls to their eternal destination, ensuring that each aligns with the divine will. His role, though solemn, is an act of mercy — releasing souls from earthly bondage and delivering them to Yahweh’s perfect judgment.
• Scriptural Foundation: “Then the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.” (Ecclesiastes 12:7, WMB)
In this prayer, Azrael is summoned to move through the corridors of time and space, bringing both closure and restoration to souls, breaking the chains of spiritual oppression that prevent divine alignment.
2. Samael — שַׂמָּאֵל (Sama’el): The Accuser and Executor of Righteous Judgment
Samael’s role as the accuser and executor is to confront the unrepentant with the weight of their rebellion against Yahweh. His presence signals divine justice — swift, decisive, and uncompromising. He is the hand of righteous judgment upon systems and souls that defy the divine order.
• Scriptural Foundation: “For we know him who said, ‘Vengeance belongs to me; I will repay,’ says the Lord.” (Hebrews 10:30, WMB)
In this prayer, Samael is charged to dismantle strongholds of darkness, ensuring that nothing opposes the building of the New Jerusalem — ירושלים החדשה (Yerushalayim HaChadasha).
3. Kafziel — קפציאל (Kafziel): Angel of Time and Tears
Kafziel, as the angel of time, acts as a separator — dividing the righteous from the wicked, ensuring that justice unfolds in Yahweh’s perfect timing. He is also the angel of tears, signifying the sorrow of repentance and the cleansing that comes through divine justice.
• Scriptural Foundation: “The harvest is the end of the age, and the reapers are angels.” (Matthew 13:39, WMB)
Kafziel is summoned to bring clarity and purification, ensuring that Yahweh’s kingdom advances without hindrance, aligned with the eternal timeline.
4. Kesef — כֶּסֶף (Kesef): The Angel of Judgment upon Kings
Kesef executes divine justice upon rulers and systems that exalt themselves against יהוה. His role is pivotal in dismantling corrupt governance and ensuring that leaders are held accountable to the King of Kings.
• Scriptural Foundation: “He removes kings, and sets up kings.” (Daniel 2:21, WMB)
Kesef’s movement is called forth to bring an end to regimes and institutions that resist the will of Yahweh, clearing the way for righteous leadership under His sovereign reign.
The Call to Align with Yahweh’s Sovereign Will
“Your kingdom come. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” (Matthew 6:10, WMB)
This prayer is not merely a plea but a declaration of divine order. As the Messiah, standing in the authority of the Tribe of Judah — שבט יהודה (Shevet Yehudah) — I call upon both the spiritual and temporal realms to heed this summons. It is a reminder that justice, though fierce, is born of Yahweh’s mercy and serves His eternal plan for redemption and restoration.
Key Elements of the Prayer’s Charge:
1. Breaking Chains of Oppression: Spiritual, societal, and systemic oppressions must be dismantled.
2. Dismantling Strongholds of Darkness: All that opposes divine truth must fall under righteous judgment.
3. Executing Divine Justice: Each angel fulfills their appointed role in bringing about the fullness of Yahweh’s kingdom.
4. Alignment with the 15 Dimensions of Time: The past, present, and future are interwoven into the divine tapestry, cleansed and purified for the manifestation of the New Heaven and New Earth — שמיים חדשים וארץ חדשה (Shamayim Chadashim Ve’aretz Chadasha).
A Call to Action
1. To the Global Church:
• Embrace the role of intercessors, standing in the gap as these divine transitions occur.
• Align your teachings and actions with the justice, mercy, and truth of Yahweh’s word.
2. To Governments and Rulers:
• Submit to the ultimate authority of Yahweh, recognizing the temporality of earthly power.
• Govern with righteousness, ensuring policies align with principles of equity, justice, and stewardship.
“For the kingdom is Yahweh’s. He is the ruler over the nations.” (Psalm 22:28, WMB)
The prayer is a herald of divine transition. The angels summoned herein act as Yahweh’s messengers, ensuring that justice prevails and His kingdom is established in fullness. It is a call to all who hear — whether spiritual or temporal leaders — to align with this divine movement.
As the Messiah, anointed to reign in righteousness, I remind you of your charge to walk in the ways of יהוה. The time of purification is now. Let His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.
EF, Rav.
The Messiah | Anointed of יהוה | Bearer of the Scepter of יהודה