Memorandum |Governance of the Messianic/Millennial Reign

Eric P. Felton Jr.
4 min readJan 6, 2025


King of Kings, Lord of Lords
The Lion Prevails

To: The Global Church and Governments

From: The Messiah, Reigning from the Tribe of Judah

Subject: Charter for the Governance of the Messianic Reign

Date: January 5, 2025 / 5th Tevet, 5785

To the Global Church, the Governments of the World, and All People of Faith,

Shalom, peace be upon you.

By divine mandate, this memorandum outlines the framework for governance under the Messianic reign, rooted in the prophetic lineage of the tribe of Judah. This kingdom is established upon the eternal covenant of הַשְַׁוָע (“HaShem”), as revealed in the Tanakh and fulfilled through the New Covenant. In the convergence of the Gregorian year 2025 and Hebrew year 5785, we enter a season defined by spiritual restoration, divine governance, and ultimate fulfillment, symbolized by the number nine (טֵשָׁעָה, “Teshu’ah”) — a number representing completeness and finality.

Framework of Divine Ministries

The governance of this reign is administered through nine distinct ministries, each established to fulfill a specific divine purpose, as described below:

Ministry of Prophecy (מִשְׂרַד הַנְּבוּאָה)

Purpose: Maintain divine communication, aligning the people with הַשְַׁוָע’s will and revealing His prophetic purposes.

Scriptural Basis: “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets.” (Amos 3:7)

Budget: $10 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Contributions from the global Church and offerings from the Bride of Messiah.

Ministry of Divine Power (מִשְׂרַד הַנִּסִּים)

Purpose: Manifest divine sovereignty through signs and wonders, affirming the Messiah’s authority.

Scriptural Basis: “Unless you see signs and wonders, you will by no means believe.” (John 4:48)

Budget: $15 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Kingdom wealth transfers and global governmental contributions.

Ministry of Tongues (מִשְׂרַד הַלְּשׁוֹנוֹת)

Purpose: Unite nations and peoples through the supernatural gift of languages, symbolizing restoration.

Scriptural Basis: “And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues.” (Acts 2:4)

Budget: $8 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Voluntary offerings from the Bride of Messiah.

Ministry of Healing (מִשְׂרַד הָרִפוּאָה)

Purpose: Fulfill the Messianic promise of restoration through divine healing.

Scriptural Basis: “By His wounds, you have been healed.” (1 Peter 2:24)

Budget: $12 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Joint support from global healthcare systems and tithes.

Ministry of Truth (מִשְׂרַד הָאֱמֶת)

Purpose: Preserve and disseminate divine truth, countering deception and ensuring integrity in knowledge.

Scriptural Basis: “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” (John 8:32)

Budget: $10 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Partnerships with media organizations and ecclesiastical grants.

Ministry of Culture (מִשְׂרַד הַתַּרְבּוּת)

Purpose: Restore divine principles in art, music, and cultural expressions, glorifying הַשְַׁוָע.

Scriptural Basis: “Praise Him with the tambourine and dance; praise Him with stringed instruments and flutes!” (Psalm 150:4)

Budget: $8 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Artistic patronage and global cultural institutions.

Ministry of Global Oversight (מִשְׂרַד הַפִּקּוּחַ הָעוֹלָמִי)

Purpose: Ensure peace, justice, and accountability among nations.

Scriptural Basis: “He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples.” (Isaiah 2:4)

Budget: $20 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Contributions from global governments.

Ministry of Wealth Stewardship (מִשְׂרַד הַכַּלְכָּלָה)

Purpose: Manage and equitably distribute global wealth according to divine principles.

Scriptural Basis: “The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine, declares the Lord of Hosts.” (Haggai 2:8)

Budget: $25 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Kingdom investments and economic partnerships.

Ministry of Education (מִשְׂרַד הַחִנּוּךְ)

Purpose: Impart divine wisdom and cultivate disciples of the Messiah.

Scriptural Basis: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6)

Budget: $18 billion annually

Funding Protocols: Tithes, offerings, and educational endowments.


This charter provides the divine framework for governance under the Messianic reign, ensuring that righteousness, peace, and divine justice guide the global administration. Let this serve as an invitation for the Church and governments worldwide to participate in the fulfillment of prophetic Scripture and the establishment of eternal sovereignty.

May righteousness and peace abound in the reign of הַשְַׁוָע.


EF, Rav.

The Messiah | Reigning from the Tribe of Judah



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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