Memorandum | The Divine Call to Action: A New Era of Trust, Obedience, and Governance Under the Reign of the Messiah
To: The Global Church and Governments
From: The Messiah, Reigning from the Tribe of Judah
Date: December 23, 2024
Subject: The Divine Call to Action: A New Era of Trust, Obedience, and Governance Under the Reign of the Messiah
To the Global Church and All Nations,
Grace and peace be unto you in the name of Yeshua, the Anointed One, the Messiah, who reigns in righteousness and justice. I, the Messiah from the tribe of Judah, speak to you today, echoing the message delivered on Wednesday, December 18, 2024, at the Potter’s House, by Pastor Don Johnson. The sermon, “It Still Doesn’t Make Sense”, based on 1 Kings 17:7–16, calls all to trust God through the dry seasons of life, even when His methods appear illogical to the human mind.
The Message: Trusting God’s Unconventional Methods
The passage from 1 Kings illustrates the encounter between the prophet Elijah and a widow during a time of famine. God instructed Elijah to ask this widow for food, despite her own desperate poverty. By trusting God’s real-time instruction, the widow’s poverty was transformed into provision. This serves as a divine reminder that breakthrough often requires stepping out of our comfort zones and trusting God’s unusual and unexpected solutions. It is within such moments of faith that miracles are wrought, and provision flows even from the most dire circumstances.
As it was with the widow, so too shall it be for all who trust in the Most High. God’s promises are greater than our challenges, whether we fully comprehend them or not. The dry seasons we face today are but preparation for the glorious breakthrough that is to come. Therefore, let us learn to trust, even when it doesn’t make sense.
A Call to Rebuild the Third Temple in New Jerusalem
The significance of this moment extends beyond personal trust — it reaches to the heart of our divine mission on Earth. Just as the widow’s provision was part of a greater divine plan, so too must we respond to God’s call to establish the Third Temple in New Jerusalem. The reconstruction of this sacred place requires a budget of 4 billion USD — a necessary investment for the fulfillment of prophecy and the restoration of divine order.
The Appointment of the Messianic Cabinet and Governing Council
A vital part of the work of the Kingdom under my reign is the establishment of the Messianic Cabinet and Governing Council, with a budget of 100 million USD. This council will serve as the guiding body for all matters of governance, both spiritual and temporal, under the leadership of the Messiah. Each appointed leader has been chosen for their divine purpose and role in fulfilling God’s Kingdom on Earth.
The Council of Twelve is foundational to the governance structure, with each member appointed for their specific spiritual and administrative gifts. This council will operate under the authority of the Messiah, with a total salary allocation of 54,500,000 USD. These leaders will be entrusted with the power to shape the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, ensuring its prosperity, peace, and righteousness.
The Council of Twelve and Their Appointments
1. Prince William (Peh’leiah — פעליה): Sovereign Advisor and Protector of the Realm, advising on governance, leadership, and international relations. He shall lead in justice, as prophesied in Isaiah 9:7.
2. Apostle VW Jones (Chaver Yeshua — חבר ישוע): Chief Apostle, responsible for the global spread of the Gospel, ensuring the message of Yeshua is preserved and proclaimed as commanded in Matthew 28:19.
3. Oprah Winfrey (Tzedekah — צדקה): Minister of Compassion and Justice, overseeing humanitarian efforts, the marginalized, and social justice initiatives, as expressed in Matthew 5:7.
4. Bishop Noel Jones (Navi Yisrael — נביא ישראל): Prophetic Advisor, providing insight into the will of God for both spiritual and temporal matters, reminding the people of God’s purpose, as seen in Luke 4:18.
5. Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel (Malakh HaTzedek — מלאך הצדק): Guardian of Righteousness, ensuring divine law and justice are upheld in all governance, reflecting eternal principles as seen in the Torah.
6. H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum (Shalom HaGoyim — שלום הגוים): Ambassador of Unity and Diplomacy, ensuring peace and unity among nations, as prophesied in Isaiah 2:4.
7. Pope Francis (Pope Shalom — פפ שׁלוֹם): Interfaith Leader, fostering spiritual unity across religions while remaining grounded in the commandments of the Most High, as directed by the teachings of the Messiah.
8. Kenneth Copeland (HaZohar — הזוהר): Minister of Faith and Prosperity, teaching the principles of spiritual and material abundance as promised by the Messiah in John 10:10.
9. Benny Hinn (Ruach HaKodesh — רוח הקודש): Minister of Healing and Deliverance, overseeing both physical and spiritual healing ministries in line with Mark 16:17.
10. Bishop TD Jakes (Lev HaAm — לב העם): Minister of Unity and Empowerment, strengthening families, empowering the people, and leading the faithful in the commandment of John 13:34.
11. Dr. Cindy Trimm (Panim El Panim — פנים אל פנים): Chief Strategist for Kingdom Expansion, guiding the global outreach programs to fulfill the prophecy of Matthew 24:14.
12. Rod Parsley (Zohar HaTorah — זוהר התורה): Keeper of the Word and Doctrine, safeguarding the integrity of the Holy Scriptures and ensuring the purity of divine teachings for future generations.
The Repercussions of Inaction
As it is written, “The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from between his feet, until Shiloh comes; to him shall the obedience of the peoples be.” (Genesis 49:10, WMB). The divine call to action is clear. Nations and leaders who fail to heed this call risk severe spiritual consequences. Disobedience to the divine mandate will invite judgment, desolation, and the withdrawal of God’s favor. Conversely, obedience will ensure blessings, unity, and prosperity under the reign of the Messiah.
The time is upon us to step out in faith and fulfill the will of the Most High. The dry seasons we have endured are but a precursor to the harvest that is to come. Let us be bold in our trust and obedience to God’s methods, which may defy human understanding but will undoubtedly lead to divine breakthrough. The rebuilding of the Third Temple, the establishment of the Messianic Cabinet and Council, and the expansion of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth are not optional; they are divine imperatives.
May all nations and leaders heed this call, for it is not just a matter of governance but of spiritual life and blessing. The reign of the Messiah is upon us, and we must prepare for His Kingdom to be established in its fullness.
In the Name of Yeshua,
EF, Rav.
The Messiah | Tribe of Judah | King of Kings, Lord of Lords