Memorandum | The Messiah’s Displacement, Global Church, and Government Collaboration for the Kingdom of God

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readDec 14, 2024


King of Kings, Lord of Lords
The Lion Prevails

To: Global Church Leaders, Government Officials, Faith-Based Organizations, and All Believers

From: The Messiah, Reigning from the Tribe of Judah

Subject: Leveraging Mega-Churches, Pluralism, and Global Governance for the Advancement of the Kingdom of God : The Reign of the Messiah and the Call for Global Unity

Shalom Aleichem (Peace be upon you),

I, the Messiah, who reigns from the Tribe of Judah as King of Kings and Lord of Lords, bring forth this solemn memorandum to the global church and the governments of the world. It is of utmost importance that we work together in unity, understanding the responsibilities before us. As the rightful ruler of all creation, I find myself in a state of temporary displacement, currently residing in Bowie, Maryland, in fulfillment of the divine plan. Though I am displaced, my role as sovereign remains steadfast, as I continue to engage with and manage the affairs of creation. This includes directing and overseeing the establishment of the New Jerusalem, the Messianic Cabinet, the governing council, and all the infrastructure required for the Kingdom of God to manifest fully.

However, my present circumstances require your urgent assistance. I do not currently have access to sustainable revenue streams — particularly the financial resources that should be generated by both the church and government. This is where your partnership becomes crucial. The church, particularly mega-churches and the broader body of Christ, along with the international government community, must come together to provide the necessary resources, both financial and administrative, to bring about the fulfillment of the divine vision.

Leveraging Mega-Churches and Pluralism as Strengths

While the writ does not explicitly call for the establishment of mega-churches, it is clear that such organizations possess vast resources and reach. These mega-churches, often comprising thousands of believers, are positioned in a unique way to support the Bride of Christ in her ascension to authority. The sheer size of these churches offers unparalleled opportunities to exercise spiritual maturity, divine authority, and obedience, as they are able to mobilize global resources effectively and efficiently.

It is essential that we recognize the strength of pluralism within the church. The diversity of denominations, traditions, and expressions of faith, though varied, can be an asset rather than a hindrance. By uniting in a common purpose, the body of Christ — regardless of denomination — can serve as an instrument of God’s will in the earth, advancing the Kingdom through collective action. Pluralism provides the church with the flexibility and adaptability to engage different cultures, worldviews, and societal structures, ultimately working together toward the same goal: the establishment of New Jerusalem and the reign of Christ in the earth.

The Apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:12–14:

For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body — Jews or Greeks, slaves or free — and all were made to drink of one Spirit.

This scripture underscores the importance of unity within diversity. Mega-churches, despite their size and influence, are not meant to operate independently but in partnership with all believers — regardless of their ecclesiastical background. When each part of the body functions as it was designed, the Bride of Christ will rise to her full authority and power.

The Need for Financial and Administrative Support

The current budgetary needs for the Kingdom of God’s infrastructure are substantial:

New Jerusalem: $4 billion

Messianic Cabinet and Governing Council: $100 million

Divine Headquarters Relocation: $6 million

Council of Twelve: $13 million

These financial needs are not simply for the establishment of buildings or political structures but to support a divine vision for the governance of creation. The Kingdom of God is not merely a spiritual entity but an all-encompassing reality that will govern the heavens and the earth. It is through these funds that the necessary infrastructure can be built to provide the tools, resources, and leadership required for this transition.

The Call to Action: A Partnership Between Church and Government

The time has come for the global church, the governments of the world, and the private sector to work together in good faith, as per the writ, to support the Messiah in His mission. I specifically call upon the following individuals and organizations to act swiftly and decisively:

Princess Catherine and Prince William — Your influence and resources could mobilize support across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth, leading the charge for financial and administrative support.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris — The U.S. government, with its vast resources and global influence, must aid in facilitating the necessary funds and infrastructure, in alignment with the will of the Creator.

Michelle and Barack Obama — Your leadership and voice can guide the global conversation on peace, unity, and global governance, as well as help advocate for the necessary financial commitments.

Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel — As a leader within the Eastern Church, your role in uniting the global body of Christ is crucial in securing spiritual and administrative unity.

Pope Francis — Your leadership of the Roman Catholic Church, with its vast networks and wealth, places you in a unique position to assist in these matters.

Bishop T.D. Jakes and The Potter’s House — Your ministry has demonstrated leadership and resource mobilization; your role in supporting the Bride of Christ’s financial needs is paramount.

The church must work alongside the Bridegroom, acting with faithfulness and obedience, as the writ commands. The body of Christ must understand that this is not a mere call for financial support; it is a divine mandate to establish infrastructure that will enable the Messiah to reign in righteousness and justice, and for the Kingdom to manifest on earth as it is in heaven.

Incorporating the Wisdom of Jibrial Muhammad

As the Minister of Global Peace and Reconciliation, Jibrial Muhammad has said, We make too much room for ignorance and not enough for excellence. These words are a timely reminder for all of us — whether in government, the church, or the private sector — that we are called to operate in excellence. The resources required for the establishment of the Kingdom of God must not be sought with mediocrity but with excellence, wisdom, and faith. The administration of divine authority and the vision for New Jerusalem demands the highest standards of excellence, both spiritually and administratively.

We must avoid allowing ignorance, complacency, or division to hinder the fulfillment of God’s plan. Instead, let us embrace the wisdom and excellence that are inherent in the divine mandate, ensuring that our work is not only for the benefit of humanity but for the glory of the King of Kings.

Conclusion: A Unified Effort for the Kingdom’s Advancement

The time has come for the Bride to rise and for the Kingdom of God to be established. The financial and administrative support of the global church and governments is essential for this mission to succeed. Let us come together in unity, overcoming denominational and political divides, and fulfill the divine mandate entrusted to us. In doing so, we will see the Kingdom manifest on earth, and the Messiah will reign in glory forever.


EF, Rav.

The Messiah | Tribe of Judah | King of Kings and Lord of Lords



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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