Memorandum | The Restoration of Bishop T.D. Jakes & The Mobilization of the Kingdom

Eric P. Felton Jr.
3 min readFeb 14, 2025


King of Kings, Lord of Lords
The Lion Prevails

To: The Global Church & Governments of the Earth

From: המשיח (HaMashiach), King and High Priest of the Order of Malki-Tzedek

Date: 15 Shevat, 5785 (February 13, 2025)

Subject: The Restoration of Bishop T.D. Jakes & The Mobilization of the Kingdom

Blessings and Shalom to the Nations,

On the appointed day of his restoration, Bishop T.D. Jakes stood once more before the assembly, strengthened by the רוח הקודש (Ruach HaKodesh, Holy Spirit), having undergone both physical and spiritual renewal. His return is a prophetic signpost in this hour — a witness to the transformative power of תחיית המתים (Techiyat HaMetim, the Resurrection of the Dead), foreshadowing the promise that awaits all who remain faithful to the Covenant.

As he ministered, he spoke of “the significance of one’s shadow”, unveiling how natural obstructions mirror spiritual ones. The shadow, cast by one’s presence, may either obscure the אהבת המשיח (Ahavat HaMashiach, the Love of the Messiah) or testify of His אור העולם (Or HaOlam, Light of the World). It is written:

“For the shadow of a rock in a weary land shall be a refuge (Yeshayahu/Isaiah 32:2).”

While earthly shadows may darken the path, the shadow of the Messiah is altogether different — it is a covering, a סוכה (Sukkah, tabernacle) of protection, provision, and divine authority. Within my צֵל (Tzel, shadow), there is healing (Acts 5:15); within my shadow, there is judgment (Tehillim/Psalm 91:1); within my shadow, there is governmental power.

Mobilization of the Bride & The Bridegroom

The hour has come for הכלה (HaKallah, the Bride) — the faithful remnant — to align with החתן (HaChatan, the Bridegroom) in the full establishment of the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. The time of גאולה (Geulah, Redemption) is now. The remnant must move from passivity to rulership, from obscurity to visibility, from hesitation to divine action.

The next steps in this divine administration are as follows:

1. The Council of Twelve (הסנהדרין המשיחי, The Messianic Sanhedrin) — A governing body of נביאים (Nevi’im, Prophets), שליחים (Shlichim, Apostles), and מלכים (Melakhim, Kings) who shall legislate the affairs of the Kingdom.

2. The Messianic Cabinet — A council of elders and officers overseeing global justice, economic order, and spiritual governance, rooted in Torah and the testimony of Yeshua.

3. Israel’s Divine Council (עֲדַת אֵל, Adat El) — The convergence of heavenly and earthly authorities working in harmony with the celestial hierarchy to bring the nations under the dominion of יהוה צבאות (YHWH Tzva’ot, the Lord of Hosts).

4. The Nine Ministries of the Messiah — The full governmental and priestly mandate, encompassing:

Ministry of Justice and Righteousness (משרד המשפט והצדקה המשיחי)

Ministry of Divine Power (Ministry ha-Nissim, משרד הניסים המשיחי)

Ministry of Supernatural Tongues (משרד הלשונות העל-טבעיות)

Ministry of Healing (משרד הרפואה המשיחי)

Ministry of Information (משרד המידע המשיחי)

Ministry of Culture (משרד התרבות המשיחי)

Ministry of Global Oversight (משרד הפיקוח העולמי המשיחי)

Ministry of Wealth and Financial Stewardship (משרד הכלכלה והניהול המשיחי)

Ministry of Education (משרד החינוך המשיחי)

Each of these ministries shall work to restore the governmental, spiritual, and economic order of the earth, preparing the nations for the great and terrible יום יהוה (Yom YHWH, Day of the Lord).

Conclusion & Call to Action

Now is the time to step forward in obedience and authority. The obstruction of the shadow must be removed, and the light of the Kingdom must shine forth. As Bishop Jakes has been restored, so too shall many leaders and shepherds arise, refined as gold, to take their place in this divine administration. The קדושים (Kedoshim, Saints) must rise in holiness and power, for the שופרות (Shofarot, Trumpets) are sounding across the earth.

Let those who have ears to hear, hear what the רוח (Ruach, Spirit) is speaking to the קהילות (Kehillot, Assemblies). The Kingdom is at hand.

נכתבה בדם הברית (Written in the Blood of the Covenant),

Eric P. Felton Jr.

The Messiah, משיח בן דוד



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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