Memorandum| The Significance of the Messiah and the Yearlong Celebration of His Life, Reign, and the Need for Mobilizing Resources for His Kingdom
To: The Global Church and Governments of Earth
From: The Messiah, High Priest and King, Tribe of Judah
Subject: The Significance of the Messiah and the Yearlong Celebration of His Life, Reign, and the Need for Mobilizing Resources for His Kingdom
Date: Eternal Proclamation
Shalom Aleichem (Peace Be Upon You),
As the Messiah, I reign not only from the tribe of Judah but over all realms of existence. My kingdom is eternal, and my reign transcends time, culture, and the limitations of earthly authority. In this memorandum, I address the global church, the nations, and all peoples to emphasize the yearlong celebration of my life, and the necessity for mobilizing resources to support the divine vision of Elohim’s Kingdom on earth. My life and mission are the fulfillment of ancient promises, and the provisions made for my kingdom must reflect the weight and significance of this eternal truth.
I. The Significance of Christmas: The Conception of the Savior
In the Gregorian calendar, December 25th is observed as the celebration of the conception of Yeshua HaMashiach (ישוע המשיח), the Savior of the world. This moment marks the incarnation of the Logos (הַדָּבָר, HaDavar), through whom all things were created (John 1:1–3). Isaiah 7:14 foretold this miraculous event:
“Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: behold, the virgin will conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.”
The conception of the Messiah marks the divine entry into the temporal world. It signifies the bridging of heaven and earth, bringing divine light into the darkness of human existence (John 1:14). The cosmic event of my conception is a fulfillment of the eternal redemption plan orchestrated by Elohim. As the Light of the World (John 8:12), I illuminate the path to eternal life.
II. Birth of the Messiah: A Calendar Perspective
1. Hebrew Calendar — Sukkot and the Birth of the Messiah
My birth aligns with the Feast of Tabernacles, Sukkot (סֻכּוֹת), celebrated on the 15th day of Tishrei in the Hebrew calendar. This festival commemorates Elohim dwelling among His people in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:33–43). As John 1:14 proclaims, “He dwelt among us,” the word “dwelt” (σκηνόω) is derived from the Hebrew concept of the tabernacle. My birth during Sukkot reveals Elohim’s eternal desire to dwell with His people, restoring the relationship broken by sin.
2. Gregorian Calendar — December 25th and Conception
Under the Gregorian calendar, the celebration of my conception on December 25th falls near the winter solstice, a time when light begins to overcome darkness. This cosmic event serves as a mirror to my divine mission: to bring light to a darkened world (John 8:12). December 25th thus marks the incarnation of divine light, symbolizing hope and renewal for all creation.
III. Celebrations in the Kingdom of Elohim vs. Earthly Systems
In the eternal Kingdom of Elohim, time and seasons are not bound by the constraints of earthly calendars. The celebration of my conception and birth is an ongoing, timeless reality, focusing on my eternal kingship and priesthood (Hebrews 7:17). However, the diverse earthly observances reflect humanity’s desire to recognize divine light:
• Gregorian Calendar — December 25th emphasizes the moment when light entered the world, symbolizing my birth into human history.
• Hebrew Calendar — Tishrei 15 (Sukkot) celebrates the fulfillment of divine promises as I, the Messiah, tabernacle among my people.
Both calendar systems celebrate the same divine truth: the light of redemption that has come into the world.
IV. Hanukkah and Kwanzaa: Correlations to the Messiah
1. Hanukkah — The Festival of Lights
Hanukkah celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple and the miraculous provision of light (1 Maccabees 4:36–59). The menorah (מְנוֹרָה) symbolizes my divine light, as I am the Light of the World (John 8:12). The seven lamps of the menorah represent divine perfection and the presence of Elohim among His people (Zechariah 4:2–6). The light of the menorah echoes the eternal light of my kingdom, shining upon all nations.
2. Kwanzaa — Unity and Light
Kwanzaa celebrates unity, self-determination, and communal well-being. Its principles of love and justice (Matthew 22:37–39) parallel my teachings and the values of my kingdom. The focus on community and reconciliation reflects the divine harmony I bring to all creation.
V. The Winter Solstice: Cosmic Significance
The winter solstice marks a cosmic turning point when light begins to increase, symbolizing the triumph of hope and renewal. This event mirrors my role as Or HaOlam (אוֹר הָעוֹלָם), the Light of the World, who dispels the darkness of sin and death (Isaiah 9:2). Just as the solstice heralds the return of light, my arrival in the world brings eternal hope to all who walk in darkness.
VI. The Menorah: A Symbol of the Messiah and His Kingdom
The menorah serves as a powerful symbol of my identity and mission:
• Israel and the Jewish People: The menorah represents the covenant between Elohim and Israel, fulfilled in me, the Messiah (Matthew 5:17).
• The World: The light of the menorah signifies my universal reign and the call for all nations to walk in my light (Isaiah 60:1–3).
• The Kingdom of Elohim: The menorah embodies the eternal presence of Elohim and the unity of His people under my sovereign rule.
VII. The Need for Resources to Support the Vision of Elohim’s Kingdom
As the Messiah, I am the Logos (הַדָּבָר, HaDavar), the Word through whom all things were made. My reign is not of this world but rooted in the divine order of creation. While my spiritual nature transcends earthly material needs, the responsibilities of my earthly mission require tangible support. In this, I appeal for the provision of resources to fund the vision of the Kingdom of Elohim.
The Nature of the Messiah’s Compensation
While I transcend the need for earthly compensation, the mission entrusted to me as the Redeemer of Israel and the nations carries divine responsibilities. To reflect my infinite dignity and eternal mission, I propose a salary of $100,000,000 USD annually, symbolic of the global recognition of my sovereignty over all creation.
This figure is not only a reflection of the material realities of governance but also an acknowledgment of the infinite worth of my eternal reign and the gravity of my divine mission.
Determining the Messiah’s Salary
The salary shall reflect my divine wisdom, which guides the world with perfect justice and mercy, and my role in the restoration of Israel and all nations. This sum acknowledges the global and eternal nature of my mission and the significance of my leadership in bringing about the redemption of all creation.
Use of the Salary
The funds allocated to me will be used in the following ways:
1. Ministry and Kingdom Initiatives: $23,570,000 USD annually will fund the Messianic Cabinet, the Governing Council, and the establishment of divine order across the earth.
2. Humanitarian Efforts: A portion will support global humanitarian projects, addressing the needs of the poor, oppressed, and marginalized.
3. Support of the Twelve Apostles: $54,500,000 USD will ensure the Twelve Apostles are provided for as they carry out their divine mission to spread the Kingdom’s message.
4. Restoration of Creation: A portion will fund environmental rehabilitation and the healing of the earth.
VIII. Conclusion
The celebrations of my life — whether in the form of Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or the turning of the seasons — point to the eternal truth of my kingship and priesthood. I call upon all people to celebrate the divine light I bring yearlong, as we work together to establish the Kingdom of Elohim on earth.
As it is written in Revelation 11:15:
“The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. He will reign forever and ever!”
Let my reign be established in every heart, and may my mission of peace, justice, and restoration come to fruition.
In unity and peace,
EF, Rav.
The Messiah |High Priest and King, Tribe of Judah | Eternal Sovereign of Elohim’s Kingdom