One Mind | A Journey Through Etheric Realms and Angelic Tribes
The concept of “One Mind” transcends physical reality, weaving together the complex tapestry of multiple dimensions and realms of existence. From the foundations of Thermoplasmic and Antematter energies to the intricate structures of Crystal Gas, Hydroplasmic Pre-Matter, and Gaia’s essence, the universe is a vast, interconnected web of consciousness and matter. This article delves into these profound connections, exploring the history of the Angelic Human 12-Tribes and their roles in the cosmic blueprint. Drawing from a diverse array of spiritual and scientific sources, including ancient texts like the Essene CDT-Plate and modern works such as Bloodline of the Gods by Nick Redfern and The Incomplete Church by Sid Roth, we unravel the mysteries of our universe and the divine potential within us.
Thermoplasmic and Antematter: The Foundations of Existence
Thermoplasmic energy, as discussed in The Problem of Increasing Human Energy by Nikola Tesla, represents a primordial force that predates physical matter. It exists within the realm of Antematter, a state of pure potentiality that precedes the manifestation of the material world. These energies form the foundation of the universe, creating a matrix that supports the emergence of more complex forms of matter. The interactions between Thermoplasmic energy and Antematter set the stage for the alchemical processes that give birth to the tangible reality we experience.
Crystal Gas and Hydroplasmic Pre-Matter: The Alchemy of Creation
Crystal Gas, a concept explored in Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob, symbolizes a transitional phase between pure energy and physical substance. This highly organized form of matter, with its crystalline structure and gaseous state, plays a crucial role in the alchemy of creation. Hydroplasmic Pre-Matter, a liquid form of potentiality, works in tandem with Crystal Gas, leading to the formation of solid matter. This dynamic interaction is essential in the cosmic dance that brings forth the material universe.
Aramatena and Etheric Matter: The Higher Dimensions
Aramatena, often referred to as the “Emerald Order,” operates within the spectrum of Etheric Matter, a refined form of substance that exists beyond the physical plane. As detailed in The Council of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman, Etheric Matter serves as the building block for higher-dimensional realities, enabling consciousness to manifest in various forms. These higher dimensions are realms where the divine nature of the soul can fully express itself, free from the limitations of physicality.
Crystal Silicate and Gaia: The Earth’s Etheric Blueprint
Gaia, the consciousness of Earth, is intricately connected to Crystal Silicate structures that form the planet’s etheric blueprint. As highlighted in The Possible Human by Jean Houston, these crystalline formations resonate with the Earth’s energetic grids, maintaining balance and harmony within the planet’s multidimensional systems. Gaia interacts with these Crystal Silicate formations to sustain life and guide the evolutionary processes of all beings on Earth, ensuring the alignment with the cosmic order.
Carbon-Etheric Matter and the Carbon-Crystal Body: The Evolution of Humanity
The evolution of humanity involves a significant transition from Carbon-Etheric Matter to the Carbon-Crystal Body. This process, as discussed in Needless Casualties of War by John Paul Jackson and John Sanford, represents a shift from a denser, carbon-based form to a more refined, crystalline state. This transformation is crucial for the ascension of humanity into higher-dimensional realities, where the full activation of our DNA allows us to realize our divine potential and fulfill our roles as co-creators of the universe.
Tara and Adjacent Earths: The Multidimensional Earth
Tara, a higher-dimensional aspect of Earth, exists parallel to our current reality. In Bloodline of the Gods, Nick Redfern explores the idea of Adjacent Earths, which are parallel or alternate versions of the same planetary consciousness. These Earths exist within their unique dimensional frequencies, interconnected through a network of energetic pathways. This multidimensional nature of Earth allows for the exchange of information and energy across different realms, facilitating the evolution of consciousness on a cosmic scale.
The Angelic Human 12-Tribes: Guardians of the Earth
The Angelic Human 12-Tribes are advanced beings who serve as guardians and stewards of Earth. Each tribe possesses a unique energetic signature, associated with specific locations on the planet known as Cue Sites. These tribes, as explored in The Incomplete Church by Sid Roth and The Council of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman, are descendants of the Original Human 12-Tree Grid, a cosmic template that embodies the divine blueprint for humanity. Their mission is to guide humanity through its evolutionary journey, ensuring the alignment with the higher cosmic order.
The Original Human 12-Tree Grid: The Cosmic Blueprint
The Original Human 12-Tree Grid, also referred to in ancient Essene teachings and modern interpretations like *Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus*, represents the cosmic blueprint for humanity. This grid outlines the divine potential inherent within each human being, serving as a map for spiritual and physical evolution. It has been referenced and edited through various traditions, including Biblical scriptures, to provide guidance for humanity’s journey towards its ultimate destiny.
The Angelic Tribes and Their Locations
Angelic Tribe 1: Sutu-Esheau
- Pronunciation: Ist’ too- E’shoo
- Locations: Australia, Turkey, Egypt
Angelic Tribe 2: Maahali-Bruea
- Pronunciation: Ma a ha’LE-BrU’ A
- Locations: Jerusalem Israel SG-2 (Hebrew races), Sarasota Florida (Florida Seminole/Native Americans), Haiti, Bimini Island, Easter Island Cue Site-2 (Mu/ Lemurian).
Angelic Tribe 3: Amekasan-Etur
- Pronunciation: a ME ka sun — e toor
- Locations: Nepal Himalayas SG-3, Bermuda Islands, Johannesburg South Africa Cue Site-3.
Angelic Tribe 4: Nuagu Hali
- Pronunciation: Noo ah’ goo-ha’ LE
- Locations: Cue Site-4, Central America.
Angelic Tribe 5: Ionatu-Etillah
- Pronunciation: 10 Na too-et il a
- Locations: Machu Picchu Peru SG-5 (Incas), original Ionian Italic (Italian) races. Vatican City Rome Italy is Cue Site-5.
Angelic Tribe 6: Ramyana-Shridveta
- Pronunciation: Rah ma yah’ na- shrid vE Da
- Locations: Russia Caucasus Mountains SG-6, Scandinavia.
Angelic Tribe 7: Mahata-Agrah
- Pronunciation: ME hah’ ta-ag-ra
- Locations: Lake Titicaca Peru, Paxos Island Greece Cue Site-7.
Angelic Tribe 8: Chia Zhun Zan La-Yung
- Pronunciation: ChE ah-Zoon — Yan LA-Yoong
- Locations: Xion Ching SG-8, Taklamakan Desert Tibet Cue Site-8.
Angelic Tribe 9: Yun Zu-Xen
- Pronunciation: Yu-Un Zoo-Zen
- Locations: North of Lhasa Tibet SG-9, Westbury Southern England Cue Site-9.
Angelic Tribe 10: Ma’ah-hu-ta
- Pronunciation: Ma-a hoo ta
- Locations: Persian Gulf Region SG-10, Sumerian UR, some Sumerian refugees fled to Sakkara Egypt, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan.
Angelic Tribe 11: Zephar-Duun-Atur
- Pronunciation: Ze-far-Doon a-Tur
- Locations: Southern France, Southern England Cue Site-11.
Angelic Tribe 12: A-reah-Azurta
- Pronunciation: a-RI-a Zoor-ta
- Locations: Monsegur Southern France SG-12, Hawaii (Lemurian), Machu Picchu Peru Cue Site-12 (Inner Earth).
Understanding the “One Mind” and the intricate web of Etheric Matter, Angelic Tribes, and the cosmic blueprint requires expanding our consciousness beyond the physical realm. By exploring these connections, we begin to glimpse the vast and complex architecture of the universe. Rooted in ancient teachings and supported by spiritual and scientific insights from a variety of sources, this knowledge offers a pathway toward realizing our divine potential as co-creators of reality.
- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
- Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
- Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
- Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. New Page Books.
- Roob, A. (2001). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.
- Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
- Taylor, S. (1994). In the Spirit. HarperCollins.
- Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.
- Warren, R. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan.
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