The 1,000-Year Reign of Yeshua | Unpacking the Millennial Kingdom and Its Mystical Dimensions

Eric P. Felton Jr.
5 min readAug 8, 2024


The Millennial Kingdom

The 1,000-year reign of Yeshua (Jesus Christ), also known as the Millennium or Millennial Kingdom, marks the prophesied era of divine governance, peace, and justice on Earth following Yeshua’s Second Coming. This period is a fulfillment of God’s promises, not just to humanity but to all creation, as Yeshua reigns from New Jerusalem, establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Quantum Healing and Soul Retrieval: The Spiritual Dynamics of the Millennial Reign

In the Millennial Kingdom, the healing process will transcend the physical, reaching into the quantum and spiritual realms. Quantum healing, a concept explored by visionaries like Nikola Tesla and spiritual guides like John Paul Jackson, will become central to this era. It will involve realigning the human spirit, soul, and body with divine frequencies, effectively restoring the 12-strand DNA and chakra systems, which were compromised at the Fall.

Soul retrieval, a practice rooted in ancient wisdom and emphasized in texts like *The Council of Light* by Danielle Rama Hoffman, will become a common experience. Yeshua and His co-rulers will guide humanity through the process of reclaiming fragmented soul parts lost due to trauma or sin, allowing individuals to fully integrate their true selves and align with their divine purpose.

Collapsed Timelines and Perceiving All Realms of Reality

During the Millennial Reign, the perception of time will undergo a profound transformation, aligning with the notion that time is an illusion. As described in various spiritual and scientific works, including Tesla’s *The Problem of Increasing Human Energy* and Hoffman’s transmissions, the convergence of past, present, and future — referred to as collapsed timelines — will enable humanity to perceive multiple realms of reality simultaneously.

Yeshua, as an ancient time traveler, defies temporal limitations. His earthly ministry was marked by moments that transcended time, such as miracles that bent natural laws. The scripture “A body you have prepared for me” (Hebrews 10:5) underscores Yeshua’s incarnation, emphasizing His mission to bridge the temporal and eternal. This verse speaks to the divine purpose of Yeshua’s physical form, crafted to transcend time and offer a sacrifice for all humanity across all ages.

The Numerical Significance of JESUS = 888

The numerical value of the name Yeshua (JESUS) in gematria is 888, a number rich with symbolism. It represents regeneration, the dawn of a new era, and the creation of something entirely new. As Sarah Jakes Roberts discusses in *Power Moves*, the repetition of the number 8 signifies new beginnings, while its triple form, 888, emphasizes the ultimate fulfillment of this concept.

The number 8 in Hebrew tradition signifies new beginnings, and its tripling in 888 highlights the complete and perfect new beginning that Yeshua ushers in. This is not merely an individual renewal but a cosmic one, encapsulating the entirety of God’s redemptive plan during the Millennial Kingdom.

Expectations During and After the Millennial Reign: The Role of Quantum Warriors

The Millennial Reign will be a time of active engagement for quantum warriors — individuals endowed with extraordinary spiritual gifts who will serve as co-rulers with Yeshua. These warriors, with abilities such as clairvoyance, healing, and prophetic insight, will be instrumental in manifesting God’s Kingdom on Earth. As Jean Houston outlines in *The Possible Human*, their powers will be fully realized and harmonized with divine purpose, enabling them to operate beyond physical constraints.

The Bride of Christ, representing the global community of believers, will work alongside Yeshua to restore creation to its original state of perfection. Divine institutions, from family units to the worldwide Church, will embody principles of love, justice, and righteousness, playing pivotal roles in this restoration.

The Building of New Jerusalem and the Prophetic Reset of Humankind

The Millennial Kingdom will witness the construction of New Jerusalem, a divine city described in Revelation 21. This city, descending from heaven, will become the center of God’s Kingdom on Earth, where His presence will dwell among His people. As *Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus* highlights, New Jerusalem will be a place where divine light replaces the sun and moon, illuminating the city with the glory of God.

This era will also bring about a prophetic reset of humankind, a return to the original divine blueprint. As outlined in *The Incomplete Church* by Sid Roth, this reset will involve the renewal of humanity, now redeemed and sanctified, living in perfect communion with God. The 12 tribes of Israel will each play unique roles in this process, contributing to the fulfillment of God’s promises.

The Promises for Each Tribe and Their Contributions

Each of the 12 tribes of Israel has a specific promise and role in the Millennial Kingdom:

- Judah: As the tribe from which Yeshua descends, Judah will lead in governance, justice, and worship, fulfilling the prophecy that the scepter will not depart from Judah (Genesis 49:10).

- Levi: The Levitical priesthood will be restored, serving in the new Temple in New Jerusalem and ministering directly to God’s presence.

- Ephraim and Manasseh: Central in the restoration of the lost tribes, they will gather the scattered remnants of Israel, integrating them into God’s Kingdom.

- Benjamin: Known for their warrior spirit, the tribe of Benjamin will play a key role in spiritual warfare, defending the Kingdom against any remaining forces of darkness.

Each tribe’s unique characteristics will contribute to the holistic fulfillment of God’s promises, from the reign of Yeshua to the final establishment of God’s eternal Kingdom.

Conclusion: The Ultimate Fulfillment of God’s Plan

The 1,000-year reign of Yeshua will be a period of unprecedented spiritual and physical renewal, where God’s promises will be fully realized. Through quantum healing, soul retrieval, and the collapsing of timelines, humanity will experience the ultimate regeneration symbolized by the number 888. The Bride of Christ, quantum warriors, and the 12 tribes of Israel will collectively bring about a new heaven and a new earth, culminating in the prophetic reset of humankind.

As we look forward to this glorious future, we are reminded of Yeshua’s timelessness and His role as the ultimate time traveler, who transcends the limits of time to bring about the eternal Kingdom of God. The Millennial Reign is not merely a future hope but a present reality we must prepare for, aligning ourselves with God’s divine purpose and working towards the fulfillment of His eternal plan.


- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). *The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul*. Bear & Company.
- Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). *Needless Casualties of War*. Streams Publishing House.
- Joseph, H. B. (2005). *Book of Wisdom*. Sterling Publishing.
- Houston, J. (1998). *The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities*. TarcherPerigee.
- Roberts, S. J. (2017). *Power Moves*. Thomas Nelson.
- Roth, S. (2007). *The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children*. Destiny Image Publishers.
- Tesla, N. (1905). *The Problem of Increasing Human Energy*. Century Magazine.
- World Messianic Bible (WMB).
- Additional sources retrieved from [One for Israel]( and [Tour of Heaven](



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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