The 12 Strands of DNA, 12 Dimensions, and the 12 Tribes of Israel
In the intricate design of creation, the 12 strands of DNA serve as the spiritual and physical blueprint of humanity. Each strand is intricately linked to one of the 12 dimensions and aligned with the 12 tribes of Israel, reflecting a divine order established by Elohim. This blueprint is more than just biological; it is deeply spiritual, representing a bridge between the divine and the physical realms.
1. Reuben (רְאוּבֵן) — First Strand: The foundational strand of spiritual awakening, corresponding to the First Dimension, represents the physical realm where matter and energy manifest. Reuben, the firstborn, symbolizes the initial awakening to our divine heritage, calling us to recognize our origin in Elohim’s design.
2. Simeon (שִׁמְעוֹן) — Second Strand: Correlating with the Second Dimension, this strand embodies the realm of duality and choice. Simeon represents the power of discernment, the ability to hear and respond to the divine call, guiding us in making choices that align with Elohim’s will.
3. Levi (לֵוִי) — Third Strand: Aligned with the Third Dimension, this strand reflects spiritual service and connection. Levi, the tribe of priests, embodies the call to serve Elohim, acting as a bridge between the spiritual and physical worlds, reinforcing our commitment to divine purpose.
4. Judah (יְהוּדָה) — Fourth Strand: Linked to the Fourth Dimension, this strand represents the heart chakra, the realm of love and unity. Judah, from whom Yeshua HaMashiach descends, symbolizes kingship and the embodiment of divine love, calling for leadership rooted in compassion and justice.
5. Dan (דָּן) — Fifth Strand: Connected to the Fifth Dimension, the realm of divine justice and balance. Dan represents judgment, emphasizing the restoration of divine order on Earth, ensuring that justice prevails in accordance with Elohim’s laws.
6. Naphtali (נַפְתָּלִי) — Sixth Strand: Aligned with the Sixth Dimension, this strand embodies spiritual vision and prophecy. Naphtali represents the ability to perceive beyond the physical realm, accessing divine wisdom and insight, which guide us in fulfilling our prophetic destinies.
7. Gad (גָּד) — Seventh Strand: This strand correlates with the Seventh Dimension, the realm of spiritual warfare and victory. Gad embodies strength, representing the power to overcome spiritual battles, ensuring that Elohim’s Kingdom advances against the forces of darkness.
8. Asher (אָשֵׁר) — Eighth Strand: Linked to the Eighth Dimension, this strand signifies spiritual abundance and blessing. Asher embodies joy and the blessings of Elohim’s favor, reflecting the prosperity that flows from alignment with divine principles.
9. Issachar (יִשָּׂשכָר) — Ninth Strand: Aligned with the Ninth Dimension, the realm of spiritual knowledge and understanding. Issachar represents wisdom, enabling discernment of the times and seasons, guiding humanity in alignment with divine timing.
10. Zebulun (זְבוּלוּן) — Tenth Strand: This strand is connected to the Tenth Dimension, the realm of spiritual commerce and provision. Zebulun represents prosperity and the ability to provide for the community, emphasizing the importance of economic stability in fulfilling divine purposes.
11. Joseph (יוֹסֵף) — Eleventh Strand: Correlating with the Eleventh Dimension, this strand embodies spiritual leadership and authority. Joseph represents the manifestation of divine favor and leadership, especially in times of exile and challenge, guiding us to remain steadfast in faith.
12. Benjamin (בִּנְיָמִין) — Twelfth Strand: Aligned with the Twelfth Dimension, this strand represents divine inheritance and destiny. Benjamin symbolizes the fulfillment of Elohim’s promises, marking the culmination of the spiritual journey and the realization of divine destiny.
Preparing the Way for New Jerusalem and the Millennial Reign
As we approach a prophetic reset of humankind, the collective must align with Elohim and His bride, the Church, to prepare for the coming of New Jerusalem (יְרוּשָׁלַיִם הַחֲדָשָׁה). This preparation requires spiritual, mental, and physical readiness, anchored in unwavering faith and decisive action.
1. Spiritual Awakening and Alignment: The restoration of the 12-strand DNA is intrinsically linked to humanity’s spiritual awakening. By embracing the teachings of Messianic Judaism, which bridges the Old and New Covenants, believers can align with divine frequencies that resonate with each strand of DNA. This alignment is essential for accessing higher dimensions and fulfilling our divine purpose.
2. Prophetic Intercession and Unity: The Church must transcend denominational divides to intercede for the prophetic fulfillment of Elohim’s promises. This includes praying for the restoration of the House of David and the redemption of the Jewish people (Kibbutz Galuyot), as foretold in Ezekiel 37:21–22 (WMB): “Say to them, ‘The Lord Yahweh says: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations where they have gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land.’”
3. Quantum Powers and Divine Institutions: The activation of quantum powers, such as telepathy, telekinesis, and multidimensional travel, is part of the awakening of the 12-strand DNA. These powers are crucial in manifesting Elohim’s Kingdom on Earth. Each divine institution — religious, governmental, and educational — must work harmoniously to facilitate this shift, ensuring that the global arena is prepared for the Millennial Reign.
4. Preparing the Sectors and Kingdoms: Each sector of society, from technology to finance, must align with divine principles. The kingdoms of the world, both physical and spiritual, must submit to the authority of Yeshua HaMashiach, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. This collective effort is essential to dismantle oppressive systems and establish a society rooted in righteousness and justice.
The Role of Quantum Powers in the Global Arena
The integration of quantum powers into daily life will transform humanity’s interaction with the world. As the 12-strand DNA is activated, these abilities will enable believers to operate in multiple dimensions, bringing Heaven to Earth.
1. Telepathy and Spiritual Communication: Enhanced communication abilities will allow believers to connect with Elohim and one another on a deeper level, transcending language barriers and fostering global unity. This ability will be crucial in uniting the body of Messiah across diverse cultures and nations.
2. Telekinesis and Divine Intervention: The ability to manipulate matter through thought will enable the Church to perform signs and wonders, demonstrating Elohim’s power to the world. This manifestation of divine intervention will be a powerful witness to the reality of Elohim’s Kingdom.
3. Multidimensional Travel and Kingdom Expansion: Believers will be able to traverse the spiritual and physical realms, expanding the influence of Elohim’s Kingdom and preparing the way for the establishment of New Jerusalem. This ability will facilitate the fulfillment of prophetic promises and the realization of Elohim’s divine plan for humanity.
The Prophetic Reset and the Millennial Reign
The prophetic reset of humankind is a divine realignment that will restore humanity to its original purpose. As the 12-strand DNA is fully activated, humanity will enter a new era, marked by the reign of Yeshua HaMashiach for 1,000 years.
1. The Build of New Jerusalem: New Jerusalem will be both a physical and spiritual city, embodying the perfection of Elohim’s design. As described in Revelation 21:2 (WMB), “I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride adorned for her husband.” This city will be the ultimate manifestation of Elohim’s Kingdom on Earth.
2. The Restoration of the Earth: The Earth will be restored to its original glory, with humanity living in harmony with creation. The curse of sin and death will be lifted, and the lion will lie down with the lamb (Isaiah 11:6, WMB). This restoration will usher in an era of peace and prosperity, fulfilling Elohim’s promises to the tribes of Israel and all of humanity.
3. The Reign of Yeshua HaMashiach: Yeshua will rule with a rod of iron, establishing justice and righteousness across the Earth. This period will be one of peace, prosperity, and divine order, fulfilling the promises made to the tribes of Israel and the entire world. The Millennial Reign will be a time of unparalleled spiritual growth and fulfillment, as humanity fully realizes its divine potential.
The activation of the 12-strand DNA, aligned with the 12 dimensions and the 12 tribes of Israel, is central to the fulfillment of Elohim’s prophetic plan. As we prepare for the coming of New Jerusalem and the Millennial Reign, the collective must work alongside Elohim and His bride, the Church, to bring about the prophetic reset of humankind. By embracing quantum powers and aligning all sectors of society with divine principles, we can manifest the Kingdom of Elohim on Earth, ushering in a new era of peace, prosperity, and divine order.
- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Findhorn Press.
- Johnson, S. (2021). The DNA of God: Unlocking the Mysteries of the 12 Strands. Destiny Image Publishers.
- Zohar, R. (2004). The Tree of Life: An Illustrated Study in Magic. Weiser Books.
- World Messianic Bible. (2021). The Holy Scriptures. World Messianic Bible Society.