The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix | God’s Hologram-of-Matter
The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, also known as “God’s Hologram-of-Matter,” is a profound esoteric and spiritual framework that aims to elucidate the structure of the universe and the divine reality that permeates it. Rooted in ancient mystical traditions, including Kabbalistic teachings, and reinforced by modern spiritual writings, this concept aligns with the understanding of the Inner God and Inner Christ, as well as the principles of the Law of One. This article explores these dimensions, delves into the role of the Elohim and El Elyon, and integrates insights from various spiritual and religious sources to provide a comprehensive understanding of this intricate framework.
The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix: An Overview
The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix posits that the universe is structured into 15 distinct dimensions or levels of reality. These dimensions are not merely physical but also represent varying states of consciousness and existence. Each dimension is a part of a larger holographic reality — a “Hologram-of-Matter” — which is a projection of divine consciousness. This holographic universe is seen as a manifestation of the divine will, referred to as YHWH (יהוה) or the Elohim (אלהים), serving as a dynamic environment for the evolution and spiritual growth of souls.
Insights from Modern Spiritual Texts
Modern spiritual literature, such as Bloodline of the Gods by Nick Redfern, suggests that the complexity of human existence, including the diversity of blood types, may be influenced by extraterrestrial or divine interventions, hinting at a broader cosmic structure like the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. This aligns with the idea that the human soul traverses through these dimensions as part of its journey toward spiritual enlightenment and unity with the divine.
In The Council of Light, Danielle Rama Hoffman emphasizes that each soul has the capacity to manifest its deepest desires by aligning with divine will, which resonates with the concept of the Inner Christ — a state of spiritual awakening and alignment with divine consciousness within the Time Matrix.
The Inner God and Inner Christ
Central to the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is the concept of the Inner God (אלוהים פנימי) and Inner Christ (משיח פנימי). The Inner God represents the divine spark within each individual, a fragment of the divine that permeates all creation. This is reflected in the biblical idea that humanity is created in the image of God: “Elohim said, ‘Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.’” (Genesis 1:26, World Messianic Bible).
The Inner Christ symbolizes the Christ consciousness, an enlightened state of being in perfect harmony with the divine will. Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMashiach, ישוע המשיח) embodied this state, serving as a model for all individuals to attain divine unity and spiritual enlightenment. This concept is supported by Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus, which discusses how the Torah’s ultimate goal is fulfilled in Christ, emphasizing the connection between the Inner Christ and divine law.
The Law of One
The Law of One is a foundational principle within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, suggesting that all of creation is interconnected and emanates from a single source — God (אֵל). This principle is deeply resonant with the Shema, a central declaration in Judaism: “Hear, Israel: YHWH is our God. YHWH is one” (Deuteronomy 6:4, World Messianic Bible). The Law of One emphasizes unity, love, and the interconnectedness of all life, rejecting the illusion of separation and affirming that all beings are expressions of the one divine source.
The Incomplete Church by Sid Roth discusses the fragmentation within the body of Christ and calls for unity, reflecting the essence of the Law of One, where all divisions are transcended in the pursuit of spiritual oneness.
The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is closely tied to the concepts of ONESPIRIT, ONEGOD, ONESELF, ONELOVE, ONEHEART, and ONEMIND. These interrelated concepts underscore the unity and interconnectedness inherent in all aspects of existence, which are essential to the Law of One.
1. ONESPIRIT (רוח אחת): This concept represents the unified spirit that animates all creation. The Ruach Elohim (רוח אלהים), or Spirit of God, moves through all living beings, embodying the divine breath of life.
2. ONEGOD (אֵל אחד): The idea of a singular, all-encompassing God as the source of all that exists is central to monotheistic traditions and is encapsulated in the Shema.
3. ONESELF (עצמי אחד): This concept represents the understanding that the true self is not separate from God or creation but is a unique expression of the divine whole.
4. ONELOVE (אהבה אחת): Love is seen as the force that binds all of creation. It is through love that the divine expresses itself, and through love that all beings are interconnected.
5. ONEHEART (לב אחד): This symbolizes the emotional and spiritual unity within all of creation, representing the heart of God that beats within every living being.
6. ONEMIND (מוח אחד): The universal mind, or collective consciousness, is shared by all creation, representing the mind of God from which all thoughts, ideas, and creations originate.
Elohim and El Elyon
The Elohim (אלהים) are often understood as a plural term for God, representing the divine council or the multiple aspects of God that govern different dimensions of reality. In the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, the Elohim are the architects of the holographic universe, responsible for the creation and maintenance of various dimensions. The Book of Wisdom by Harry B. Joseph reflects on the wisdom and power of these divine beings in guiding and sustaining creation.
El Elyon (אל עליון), often translated as “God Most High,” represents the supreme aspect of God, the highest and most transcendent form of the divine. El Elyon is the source of all creation and the ultimate authority over the Elohim. The biblical text supports this concept: “Blessed be Abram by El Elyon, creator of heaven and earth” (Genesis 14:19, World Messianic Bible). In the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, El Elyon is the origin of the entire holographic structure, the ultimate source from which all dimensions emanate.
Biblical Support and Hebrew Symbols
The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, along with the concepts of Inner God, Inner Christ, and the Law of One, is supported by various biblical texts that reflect the unity and interconnectedness of all creation. Hebrew symbols and terms further emphasize the spiritual depth of these ideas.
- YHWH (יהוה): The Tetragrammaton, representing the name of God, is central to understanding the divine presence in all dimensions.
- Ruach Elohim (רוח אלהים): The Spirit of God that moves through all of creation symbolizes ONESPIRIT.
- Shema (שמע): The declaration of God’s oneness represents ONEGOD.
- Lev Echad (לב אחד): The concept of a unified heart reflects ONEHEART.
- Ahavah Echad (אהבה אחת): The idea of one love that connects all beings represents ONELOVE.
The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, or God’s Hologram-of-Matter, offers a profound spiritual framework for understanding the structure of the universe and the divine reality that underlies it. By embracing the concepts of Inner God, Inner Christ, and the Law of One, and recognizing the interconnectedness of all things through ONESPIRIT, ONEGOD, ONESELF, ONELOVE, ONEHEART, and ONEMIND, individuals can align themselves with divine will and achieve spiritual enlightenment.
The roles of the Elohim and El Elyon further illuminate the divine hierarchy and the process of creation within this multi-dimensional universe. Supported by biblical scripture and enriched with Hebrew symbols, this framework provides a deep and meaningful path toward understanding the divine nature of reality and the unity of all creation.
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