The Angelic Human 12-Tribes | A Journey Through the Essene CDT-Plate and Esoteric Wisdom
The Angelic Human 12-Tribes hold profound significance within esoteric traditions, drawing from ancient wisdom teachings and spiritual insights that stretch across time and culture. Rooted in the Essene consciousness and the Christos teachings, these tribes are central to understanding human origins, divine architecture, and the cosmological framework that underpins humanity. This article explores the original locations, races, and spiritual roles of the Angelic Human 12-Tribes, while integrating perspectives from various religious, mystical, and philosophical sources.
1. Angelic Tribe 1: Sutu-Esheau (Pronounced: Ist’ too- E’shoo)
- Original Location: Turkey, Greece, and certain regions in Eastern Europe.
- Significance: Sutu-Esheau carries the energetic signature of primordial wisdom, connecting ancient knowledge keepers with the mysteries of human bloodlines, as explored in “Bloodline of the Gods.” These bloodlines hint at extraterrestrial influences on humanity, suggesting that the origins of this tribe may be tied to otherworldly beings who played a role in human evolution.
- Spiritual Correlation: The biblical descendants of Japheth, mentioned in Genesis 10:2–3, echo the geographic spread of this tribe, while insights from “The Council of Light” suggest that this tribe’s role in humanity’s spiritual evolution is linked to the higher cosmic councils.
2. Angelic Tribe 2: Maahali-Bruea (Pronounced: Ma-a-ha’LE-BrU’ A)
- Original Locations: Jerusalem, Israel; Sarasota, Florida; Haiti; Bimini Island; Easter Island.
- Significance: Maahali-Bruea is a key holder of the Hebrew legacy, intertwined with Native American spiritual traditions. The tribe’s connection to Jerusalem aligns with the teachings of “Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus,” which explores how the Torah finds fulfillment in Yeshua, reinforcing the spiritual lineage carried by this tribe.
- Spiritual Correlation: 2 Samuel 5:6–7 marks Jerusalem as a spiritual center for the Hebrews, reflecting the tribe’s role as a bridge between the Old Testament and the New Covenant as described in “The Incomplete Church.”
3. Angelic Tribe 3: Amekasan-Etur (Pronounced: a ME ka sun — e toor)
- Original Locations: Nepal Himalayas; Bermuda Islands; Johannesburg, South Africa.
- Significance: Amekasan-Etur embodies the wisdom of the Himalayas and Africa, regions known for their deep spiritual traditions. The tribe’s connection to the sacred mountain in Exodus 19:16–20 aligns with the spiritual importance of the Himalayas, a theme explored in “The Possible Human” which emphasizes the enhancement of spiritual and creative abilities.
- Spiritual Correlation: The esoteric knowledge of this tribe is reflected in their connection to ancient African civilizations and their spiritual landscapes, as discussed in “Alchemy & Mysticism.”
4. Angelic Tribe 4: Nuagu Hali (Pronounced: Noo ah’ goo-ha’ LE)
- Original Location: Central America.
- Significance: Nuagu Hali is linked to the Mayan and Aztec civilizations, known for their cosmic knowledge and time cycles. This tribe’s guardianship over time echoes the teachings found in “The Council of Light,” where the manipulation and understanding of time are central to manifesting spiritual desires.
- Spiritual Correlation: Revelation 12:14’s imagery of the “woman given the wings of a great eagle” resonates with Mesoamerican symbols, reinforcing the tribe’s connection to cosmic and terrestrial cycles.
5. Angelic Tribe 5: Ionatu-Etillah (Pronounced: 10 Na too-et il a)
- Original Locations: Machu Picchu, Peru; Rome, Italy.
- Significance: Ionatu-Etillah represents Incan wisdom and the esoteric traditions of Rome. The connection to Rome and its spiritual seat, as highlighted in Acts 28:14–15, underscores the tribe’s role in preserving and transmitting ancient knowledge, possibly related to the alchemical principles explored in “Alchemy & Mysticism.”
- Spiritual Correlation: The sacred architecture and spiritual knowledge of this tribe find resonance in the symbolic meanings embedded in the city of Rome, tying together threads of spiritual authority and wisdom.
6. Angelic Tribe 6: Ramyana-Shridveta (Pronounced: Rah ma yah’ na- shrid vE Da)
- Original Locations: Russia; Caucasus Mountains; Scandinavia.
- Significance: Ramyana-Shridveta carries the essence of Slavic and Norse traditions, cultures deeply connected to nature and spiritual cycles. The tribe’s connection to the “north” as referenced in Jeremiah 1:14–15 aligns with its geographical and spiritual placement, emphasizing the tribe’s role in maintaining the balance between the natural world and human society.
- Spiritual Correlation: The teachings found in “The Book of Wisdom” emphasize the importance of wisdom in navigating life’s complexities, a quality that this tribe embodies in its relationship with nature and the divine.
7. Angelic Tribe 7: Mahata-Agrah (Pronounced: ME hah’ ta-ag-ra)
- Original Locations: Lake Titicaca, Peru; Paxos, Greece.
- Significance: Mahata-Agrah is associated with the wisdom of the ancient Greeks and the Andean civilizations. The symbolism of water and the divine, as discussed in Revelation 22:1, connects this tribe to the sacred lakes and waters that have been revered in these cultures.
- Spiritual Correlation: The exploration of spiritual and physical landscapes in “The Possible Human” reflects the tribe’s deep connection to sacred places and their role in human spiritual evolution.
8. Angelic Tribe 8: Chia Zhun Zan La-Yung (Pronounced: ChE ah-Zoon — Yan LA-Yoong)
- Original Locations: Xion Ching, China; Taklamakan Desert, Tibet.
- Significance: Chia Zhun Zan La-Yung is the guardian of ancient Asian wisdom, particularly from China and Tibet. The tribe’s spiritual significance is reflected in the teachings of “The Council of Light,” where the balance of cosmic energies is crucial for manifesting spiritual desires.
- Spiritual Correlation: The spiritual battle mentioned in Daniel 10:13 aligns with the tribe’s role in maintaining the balance of cosmic forces, a theme that resonates with Tibetan spiritual traditions.
9. Angelic Tribe 9: Yun Zu-Xen (Pronounced: Yu-Un Zoo-Zen)
- Original Locations: North of Lhasa, Tibet; Westbury, Southern England.
- Significance: Yun Zu-Xen holds the keys to Tibetan Buddhism and Druidic traditions, linking ancient Eastern and Western spiritual practices. The high spiritual vibration of these regions, as discussed in Isaiah 2:2, aligns with the tribe’s role in bridging different spiritual paths.
- Spiritual Correlation: The teachings of “In the Spirit” emphasize the interconnectedness of all spiritual paths, a principle that this tribe embodies through its guardianship of both Tibetan and Druidic wisdom.
10. Angelic Tribe 10: Ma’ah-hu-ta (Pronounced: Ma-a hoo ta)
- Original Locations: Persian Gulf; Sumerian Ur.
- Significance: Ma’ah-hu-ta represents the ancient Sumerian and Persian roots, known for their advanced civilizations and esoteric knowledge. The tribe’s profound connection to ancient human civilization is reflected in Genesis 11:2–4, which recounts the story of the Tower of Babel.
- Spiritual Correlation: The exploration of spiritual and technological advancement in Tesla’s “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy” resonates with this tribe’s legacy of ancient knowledge and its application in human progress.
11. Angelic Tribe 11: Zephar-Duun-Atur (Pronounced: Ze-far-Doon a-Tur)
- Original Locations: Southern Europe, possibly Greece or Rome.
- Significance: Zephar-Duun-Atur is connected to the ancient mysteries of Southern Europe, including the early philosophical schools of thought. The tribe’s pursuit of divine wisdom is mirrored in Acts 17:22–23, where Paul engages with Greek philosophers at the Areopagus.
- Spiritual Correlation: The teachings of “A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith” explore the integration of Jewish wisdom with Greek philosophy, a theme that this tribe embodies in its spiritual pursuits.
12. Angelic Tribe 12: A-reah-Azurta (Pronounced: a-RI-a Zoor-ta)
- Original Locations: Monsegur, Southern France; Kauai, Hawaii; Machu Picchu, Peru.
- Significance: A-reah-Azurta embodies the esoteric wisdom of the Cathars in Southern France and the Lemurian knowledge keepers of Hawaii. The tribe’s connection to Inner Earth, as reflected in the concept of Sheol in Job 11:8, suggests a hidden, sacred place within the Earth that holds spiritual significance.
- Spiritual Correlation: The exploration of spiritual realms and inner mysteries in “Alchemy & Mysticism” aligns with this tribe’s guardianship of hidden knowledge and sacred sites.
Elohim and El Elyon: Guardians of the Angelic Human Tribes
The Elohim and El Elyon play crucial roles in the spiritual governance and protection of the Angelic Human 12-Tribes. Elohim, often understood as the divine council or heavenly beings, are responsible for the creation and management of the universe, as reflected in Genesis 14:18–20. El Elyon, the “God Most High,” serves as the supreme sovereign, ensuring that the spiritual essence of these tribes remains aligned with the divine blueprint.
The teachings of “Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus” and “A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels” emphasize the continuity of divine oversight from the Old Testament to the New Covenant, reinforcing the importance of Elohim and El Elyon in maintaining the spiritual integrity of the Angelic Human Tribes.
The Angelic Human 12-Tribes represent a profound spiritual legacy that connects humanity to its divine origins. Integrating insights from a variety of esoteric, religious, and philosophical sources, this article sheds light on the sacred purpose and spiritual potential of these tribes. The roles of Elohim and El Elyon as divine overseers underscore the importance of preserving the purity and integrity of this spiritual heritage. By reconnecting with these ancient teachings, humanity can elevate its spiritual potential and align with the universal principles set forth by the Creator.
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