The Atomic Prayer | A Commanding Decree for Divine Sovereignty, Protection, and Judgment

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readOct 18, 2024


In the divine order of creation, decrees spoken by the Godhead — El Elyon, the Most High — carry immeasurable power. Among the most significant of these decrees is the “Atomic Prayer,” a commanding proclamation of divine sovereignty, protection, and judgment that reverberates across both the physical and spiritual realms. This decree establishes the reign of God over all kingdoms of the world, spanning from the United States to Israel, and from Nigeria to China. The invocation is a call for divine order, where heaven and earth are aligned under the eternal power of the Godhead, fulfilling prophetic promises and bringing about the Millennial Reign.

Divine Sovereignty and the Role of the Godhead

At the heart of the Atomic Prayer is the recognition of divine sovereignty, where Father, Son (Yeshua HaMashiach), and Holy Spirit act as one united force. This triune Godhead is the source of all authority, with its decrees setting the spiritual and natural realms into motion. The very act of issuing the Atomic Prayer reflects an engagement with the unseen forces of the universe, invoking the eternal will of the Creator.

The ancient concept of divine decrees over the nations, as seen in biblical prophecy (Philippians 2:10–11), reverberates in this prayer. Just as the Godhead commands angels, seraphim, and cherubim, so too does the prayer acknowledge the intricate layers of reality — “the 15 dimensions of the time matrix,” as referenced in Bloodline of the Gods (Redfern, 2015). This notion of a multi-dimensional universe reflects both ancient Jewish mysticism (Kabbalah) and modern metaphysical thought, as seen in The Council of Light (Hoffman, 2013). The prayer calls forth protection not just in the earthly realm but in all layers of existence, aligning them under divine order.

The Divine Covering of Nations and Kingdoms

The Atomic Prayer proceeds to name and claim divine sovereignty over specific nations: the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, Germany, Israel, France, Nigeria, India, Australia, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Japan, and Mexico. These nations represent not only geopolitical powers but spiritual battlegrounds. As each nation is named, the prayer summons the heavenly hosts — Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels, and Earth Angels — to act as protectors and defenders of divine order, guarding the destiny embedded within each nation.

This invocation of protection reflects the teachings of Needless Casualties of War (Jackson & Sanford, 1999), which warns believers about the dangers of unprotected spiritual warfare. By summoning angelic forces, the prayer acknowledges that spiritual battles are fought not by human strength, but by the might of heavenly beings. The nations are thus covered, ensuring the preservation of the “household of faith” — the remnant of believers who walk in alignment with the will of Elohim.

Judgment: The Overthrow of Darkness

The heart of the Atomic Prayer centers on divine judgment, calling for the dismantling of evil forces. The prayer “vetoes, cancels, and overthrows” every curse and incantation, referencing specific forces of darkness, including Satan, Lilith, and agents of witchcraft. The spiritual warfare waged through this prayer echoes the guidance provided in In the Spirit (Taylor, 2000), which teaches that spiritual victory is rooted in the power and authority granted by the Holy Spirit.

In this decree, the atomic force of judgment is personified through the summoning of the Death Angel, Azrael, who is called upon to execute divine justice. This parallels the biblical prophecy in Revelation 20:2, where the angel of the Lord binds Satan for a thousand years. Here, the prayer draws on the authority of Archangel Michael, the great prince of heaven, to seize and imprison the forces of darkness. These forces are no longer able to deceive the nations, allowing the Kingdom of God to reign supreme.

The Law of Sowing and Reaping: A Spiritual Activation

One of the most powerful principles activated by the Atomic Prayer is the Law of Sowing and Reaping, which is deeply rooted in biblical and spiritual traditions (Warren, 2002). The prayer invokes righteous judgment upon those who have sown evil, ensuring that justice is carried out in the form of divine retribution. Yet, in alignment with the teachings of Yeshua, the prayer extends mercy to those who repent.

This spiritual law reflects a cosmic balancing act, where every action, both good and evil, has consequences. The forces of darkness, having sown chaos, must now reap judgment. At the same time, seeds of righteousness and light are called to flourish and multiply, manifesting abundance for the faithful. This concept is further expanded in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith (Juster & Hylan, 2019), which emphasizes the fulfillment of Torah’s principles in Yeshua.

The Call to Alignment and the Millennial Reign

At its core, the Atomic Prayer is a call for divine alignment between heaven and earth, a preparation for the prophesied Millennial Reign of Yeshua HaMashiach. As the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, Yeshua will rule over all nations, bringing righteousness, peace, and justice. This reign is the ultimate fulfillment of God’s promises, where every knee shall bow, and every tongue confess Yeshua as Lord (Philippians 2:10–11).

The concept of a Millennial Reign is deeply intertwined with Jewish eschatological traditions, as well as Messianic teachings on the fulfillment of the Torah in Yeshua. In Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus (Galan & Postell, 2018), it is argued that the Torah’s goal is realized in Yeshua’s reign, which is a central theme of the Atomic Prayer. The prayer acts as a declaration, summoning the forces of heaven to bring about this divine reality.

The Authority of the Tribe of Judah and the Role of the Son

In the prayer, the speaker identifies himself as “the son of the Godhead, reigning from the Tribe of Judah.” This is a direct reference to the messianic lineage of David, through which Yeshua HaMashiach descended. As The World Messianic Bible (Roth, 2007) points out, the Tribe of Judah is the lineage of kingship, and Yeshua, as the Lion of Judah, embodies divine authority. By invoking this title, the prayer situates itself within the framework of both Jewish and Christian messianic expectations.

As believers, we are called to share in this sonship, standing as heirs and co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:17). This inheritance is not only spiritual but carries with it the responsibility to enforce divine will on earth. The speaker’s authority as a son of the Godhead reflects the role of all believers to act as agents of the Kingdom, declaring and establishing divine purposes in the natural and spiritual realms.

Conclusion: The Atomic Prayer as a Cosmic Command

The Atomic Prayer stands as a powerful decree of divine sovereignty, protection, and judgment. By invoking the authority of the Godhead and the eternal power of Yeshua HaMashiach, this prayer calls for the alignment of the nations with the purposes of heaven. It dismantles the forces of darkness, ensuring that the reign of the Kingdom of God is established across all realms and dimensions.

Through this decree, the prayer sets the stage for the fulfillment of God’s prophetic timeline, ushering in the Millennial Reign of Yeshua. The heavens and earth respond to the authority vested in the Tribe of Judah, and the forces of heaven are activated to bring divine order to all creation.


Galan, S., & Postell, M. (2018). Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus: How the Torah Fulfills Its Goal in Yeshua. One For Israel.

Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.

Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.

Juster, D., & Hylan, K. (2019). A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith. Hendrickson Publishers.

Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. New Page Books.

Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.

Warren, R. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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