The Coming of Yeshua, the New Jerusalem, and the Millennial Reign | A Vision of Hope

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readSep 28, 2024


In the name of El Elyon, the Most High God, this sacred moment is set aside to reflect upon the profound promise of Yeshua, the establishment of the Millennial Reign, and the new heaven and new earth. We summon the fullness of divine authority, calling forth the divine lineage of Elohim to bring about the vision of heaven on earth.

Yeshua and His Bride: The Church

The idea of Yeshua’s return for His bride, the Church, is a cornerstone of Christian eschatology, representing divine union and restoration. As expressed in Sid Roth’s The Incomplete Church, the Church must move towards unity, embracing all believers regardless of background, to truly fulfill its role as the bride of Christ (Roth, 2007). This unity, also emphasized in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, is integral to God’s redemptive plan, as it draws from the Jewish foundations upon which Christianity was built.

The bride of Christ is called to be spotless, prepared, and waiting for the heavenly bridegroom, embodying the pursuit of holiness described in the Torah and fulfilled in Yeshua (Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus). This union between Yeshua and His Church is the culmination of the divine love story between the Creator and His people, where the Church is brought into full unity with Christ. This transformation is part of our spiritual alchemy, where the base elements of our human nature are purified to reflect divine perfection, as illustrated in Alexander Roob’s Alchemy & Mysticism.

The New Heaven and New Earth

The vision of a new heaven and a new earth is a promise of ultimate renewal, where the limitations of this current reality are transcended. As Nikola Tesla contemplated in The Problem of Increasing Human Energy, the human potential is not static but capable of immense transformation — much like the earth itself, which is destined for a complete renewal under God’s plan (Tesla, 1905). The concept of a transformed, perfected creation reflects our own journey of transformation, as described by Jean Houston in The Possible Human, where the mind and spirit expand to embrace divine potential.

In Revelation 21, the new heaven and new earth symbolize the completion of God’s redemptive work, where the former things pass away, and the divine presence fills all of creation. This ultimate restoration is a fulfillment of tikkun olam — a Jewish concept meaning “repairing the world” — and is part of the Jewish roots of Christian theology that speaks to our shared hope in the Messiah and a future where God’s presence is fully manifest among His people (One for Israel, n.d.).

Building the New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem, described as descending from heaven, embodies the fulfillment of God’s promise to dwell among His people. It is a divine city, not crafted by human hands, but by the Master Architect. This city represents not just a physical location, but the collective spiritual state of humanity, united under God’s rule. Danielle Rama Hoffman’s The Council of Light speaks to the importance of spiritual alignment and co-creation in bringing forth such divine manifestations (Hoffman, 2013).

Our efforts towards building the New Jerusalem are not merely physical but deeply spiritual, requiring a purification of hearts and a commitment to God’s justice. This preparation is akin to the pursuit of spiritual alchemy, where each individual, as a “living stone,” is transformed to contribute to the whole, allowing the glory of God to dwell within the community (Roob).

Tikkun Olam: Healing the World

The concept of tikkun olam is a shared responsibility to participate in God’s restorative work. In A Purpose Driven Life, Rick Warren emphasizes that God’s purpose for each of us is to be agents of change, healing what is broken and shining light into darkness. Tikkun olam is not just about social justice — it is about realigning creation with divine intention, much like the transformational teachings of In the Spirit by Susan Taylor, which encourage believers to move beyond personal spirituality towards collective restoration (Taylor, 1994).

This call to action is reflected in Sarah Jakes Roberts’ Power Moves, which encourages believers to harness their spiritual authority to effect meaningful change in the world, thereby advancing God’s kingdom (Roberts, 2017). By taking up this mantle, we are co-laborers with God in establishing His kingdom on earth.

The Millennial Reign and the Ascension of Leadership

The Millennial Reign of Yeshua is a prophesied era in which righteousness and divine governance prevail for a thousand years. During this time, the forces of darkness are bound, and the world experiences unprecedented peace. In Needless Casualties of War, John Paul Jackson reminds us of the importance of understanding spiritual authority to effectively engage in warfare against the powers of darkness during this time (Jackson & Sanford, 1999).

The recent ascension of Prince William and Princess Catherine to leadership roles within the British monarchy symbolizes a potential shift towards leadership that embraces divine principles of justice, compassion, and unity. Their influence is seen as an opportunity to mirror the values of the coming kingdom of God, much like the ancient kings of Israel who sought to lead their people in righteousness and truth.

Establishing Heaven on Earth: The Call of the Godhead

In the name of El Elyon, I stand as a son of the Godhead, calling forth divine authority to bring heaven to earth. The establishment of the Millennial Reign is not merely a future hope but a present reality that we, as believers, are called to enact through faith and action. We summon the heavenly hosts — the Seraphim, Cherubim, Archangels, and ancestors — to surround and protect the divine lineage, ensuring the fulfillment of God’s purpose, much like the role described in The Council of Light (Hoffman, 2013).

By invoking the authority of Scripture and aligning with divine intention, we call for the binding of forces that oppose God’s plan. In the spirit of Robert’s Rules of Order, we declare the establishment of divine governance, ensuring order and justice in accordance with heavenly law (Robert, 2020).

The Scales of Righteousness and Divine Justice

The divine law of sowing and reaping is activated across the collective, bringing forth God’s justice and righteousness. This reflects Harry B. Joseph’s Book of Wisdom, which teaches that the scales of justice are tipped by our actions and choices, aligning us with either blessing or judgment (Joseph, 2005). Let the oppressed be set free and the captives delivered, as we summon the power of heaven to redeem, restore, and deliver all who are held captive.

Conclusion: The Reign of Righteousness

As we look towards the fulfillment of God’s promises, we are reminded that the reign of righteousness, peace, and divine sovereignty is established on earth for the glory of El Elyon. The return of Yeshua for His bride, the creation of the new heaven and new earth, and the establishment of the New Jerusalem are not distant dreams but unfolding realities that we are called to participate in. We are vessels of restoration, agents of tikkun olam, and witnesses to the coming glory of God’s eternal kingdom.

Let us, therefore, stand firm in our faith, knowing that the Godhead reigns from the Tribe of Judah and that heaven’s justice will prevail. The Millennial Reign is upon us, and the glory of El Elyon will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea.


- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
- Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
- Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
- Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.
- Roob, A. (2006). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.
- Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
- Taylor, S. (1994). In the Spirit. Harper Perennial.
- Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.
- Warren, R. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan.
- One for Israel. (n.d.). Retrieved from [](
- Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.
- Robert, H. M. (2020). Robert’s Rules of Order. Public Domain.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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