The Divine Nature of Elohim and His Bride | Operating Fearlessly in Celestial Power and Authority
The divine nature of Elohim and His Bride, the Church, is profoundly displayed through their celestial power and authority, which offers immense value to humankind. This divine power aligns with the Bible’s repeated exhortation to live without fear, reflecting the call to embrace the fullness of divine authority. This article delves into the significance of operating fearlessly, the prophetic implications of moving by faith, the role of Messianic Judaism, the contributions of earth angels and archangels, and the expectations from the 12 tribes of Israel during the prophetic reset of all times.
Operating Fearlessly in Divine Authority
The Bible’s command to “fear not” appears 365 times, symbolizing a daily reminder to live fearlessly. This divine instruction is crucial for manifesting the Kingdom of God on Earth. Fearlessness underpins the exercise of divine authority, enabling believers to act in alignment with God’s will. Isaiah 41:10 (World Messianic Bible) encourages us: “Don’t you be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you. Yes, I will help you. Yes, I will uphold you with the right hand of my righteousness.”
This principle is echoed in various sources, such as *The Incomplete Church* by Sid Roth, which underscores the need for unity and fearlessness in the Church’s mission (Roth, 2007). Additionally, *Needless Casualties of War* by John Paul Jackson and John Sanford discusses the importance of spiritual preparedness and overcoming fear to effectively combat spiritual adversaries (Jackson & Sanford, 1999).
The Prophetic Implications of Moving by Faith
Faith involves trusting in God’s promises and stepping into the unknown with confidence in His guidance. Hebrews 11:1 (World Messianic Bible) defines faith as “the assurance of things hoped for, proof of things not seen.” This prophetic movement by faith is crucial as humanity approaches a divine reset — a restoration of God’s original intent for creation.
According to *Bloodline of the Gods* by Nick Redfern, understanding our spiritual heritage can enhance our faith and ability to navigate divine plans (Redfern, 2005). The concept of a prophetic reset aligns with the restoration themes explored in *The Council of Light* by Danielle Rama Hoffman, which emphasizes aligning with divine transmissions to manifest profound changes (Hoffman, 2013).
The Value of the Prophetic Reset
The prophetic reset represents a return to divine order, aligning with Elohim’s will. It is a time for restoration and renewal, where divine institutions of family, community, and governance align with heavenly principles. Revelation 21:5 (World Messianic Bible) declares, “He who sits on the throne said, ‘Behold, I am making all things new.’”
This reset is vital for humanity, bringing hope, healing, and a fresh start. In *A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith* and *A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Gospels*, the integration of Jewish customs and Christian faith highlights the importance of returning to foundational spiritual practices during this reset (Cooper, 2003; Kaiser, 2006).
The Role of Messianic Judaism
Messianic Judaism bridges Christian faith with Jewish customs, playing a key role during the prophetic reset. It reconciles Jew and Gentile, restoring the Jewish roots of Christianity. Romans 11:26 (World Messianic Bible) promises, “And so all Israel will be saved. As it is written, ‘There will come out of Zion the Deliverer, and he will turn away ungodliness from Jacob.’”
The emphasis on Torah observance and Messiah in Messianic Judaism helps believers understand their role in God’s plan. *Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus* by Robert H. Mounce explores how understanding the Torah’s fulfillment in Yeshua enhances this reconciliation (Mounce, 1997).
The Contribution of Earth Angels and Archangels
Earth angels and archangels play critical roles during the prophetic reset:
1.Michael — The warrior angel, protector of God’s people and leader of the heavenly army (Daniel 12:1, World Messianic Bible). As discussed in *In the Spirit* by Susan Taylor, Michael’s role is central to spiritual warfare and protection (Taylor, 2005).
2. Gabriel — The messenger angel, delivering divine messages (Luke 1:26–38, World Messianic Bible). His role in conveying God’s messages is crucial during this time of transformation.
3. Raphael— The healing angel, ministering to those in need (Tobit 12:15, World Messianic Bible). Raphael’s healing contributions are vital for the restoration process, as detailed in *The Book of Wisdom* by Harry B. Joseph (Joseph, 2005).
4. Uriel — The angel of wisdom, illuminating divine mysteries (1 Enoch 19:1). Uriel’s wisdom supports the understanding of God’s plans during the reset.
Expectations from the 12 Tribes of Israel
During this prophetic reset, each of the 12 tribes of Israel will fulfill unique roles:
1. Judah— Leadership and governance, symbolizing kingship and authority.
2. Issachar — Understanding of times and seasons, providing wisdom and insight, as noted in *Power Moves* by Sarah Jakes Roberts (Roberts, 2017).
3. Zebulun— Commerce and trade, facilitating economic prosperity.
4. Reuben — Strength and stability, foundational to community structures.
5. Simeon — Faithfulness and obedience, upholding divine principles.
6. Levi — Priestly duties, leading in worship and spiritual matters.
7. Dan — Justice and judgment, ensuring fairness and equity.
8. Naphtali — Freedom and deliverance, championing liberation and victory.
9. Gad — Military prowess, defending against spiritual and physical adversaries.
10. Asher — Blessing and abundance, ensuring prosperity and well-being.
11. Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh) — Fruitfulness and multiplication, expanding influence and legacy.
12. Benjamin — Valor and bravery, exemplifying courage and resilience.
The divine nature of Elohim and His Bride, operating fearlessly in celestial power and authority, significantly impacts humanity. As we progress towards the prophetic reset, the integration of Messianic Judaism, the roles of earth angels and archangels, and the contributions of the 12 tribes of Israel become evident. This reset signals a new era of divine alignment, restoration, and the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on Earth.
- Cooper, J. R. (2003). *A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith*. Zondervan.
- Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). *Needless Casualties of War*. Streams Publishing House.
- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). *The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul*. Bear & Company.
- Joseph, H. B. (2005). *Book of Wisdom*. Sterling Publishing.
- Mounce, R. H. (1997). *Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus: How the Torah Fulfills Its Goal in Yeshua*. Zondervan.
- Redfern, N. (2005). *Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us*. Paperback.
- Roberts, S. J. (2017). *Power Moves*. Thomas Nelson.
- Taylor, S. (2005). *In the Spirit*. Destiny Image Publishers.
- *The World Messianic Bible* (WMB).