The Ether | A Primordial Force Shaping Existence

Eric P. Felton Jr.
3 min readJul 28, 2024


The Ether, often described as an ever-present field connecting all things, is a fundamental substance filling every millimeter of the universe with boundless free energy. It acts as the foundational substance giving rise to all physical matter, encapsulated by the four alchemical elements. The Ether is the ultimate source from which all “physical” creation originates and to which all things ultimately return — a primordial force shaping the fabric of existence.

The Nature of Ether

Transcending the conventional boundaries of physical and non-physical realms, the Ether serves as a connective medium between the physical plane and the astral plane. Its dual nature encompasses both tangible and intangible aspects, bridging the gap between the material world and ethereal dimensions. This dual existence allows the Ether to facilitate interactions and influences between the tangible and unseen aspects of existence.

The Secret of the Ether

Some assert that the acknowledgment of Ether’s existence represents a closely guarded secret among certain elites. The revelation of Ether’s reality, according to this perspective, could potentially dismantle the fundamental principles of mainstream atomism, particle science, and the established electrical grid power system.

Biblical and Symbolic Connections

Metaphorically, the Ether is sometimes likened to a vast ocean of infinite energy and referred to as “water.” This connection is drawn from the Bible, where Genesis 1:6–8 mentions Ether as “waters”: “And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.” This passage underscores the idea of Ether as a primordial substance, central to creation.

In various cultural and religious narratives, divine figures like Jesus and other recognized prophets have been symbolically associated with fish, a representation rooted in the concept of an ethereal ocean surrounding us. Jesus, often symbolized as the fish, emphasizes the link between Ether and its metaphorical connection to water. This symbolism underscores Jesus’ role as a guide, navigating the profound depths of spiritual knowledge and leading minds through the boundless energies of the Ether.

The Fisher of Men

The title “the fisher of men,” attributed to Jesus, carries a symbolic connotation, signifying his role in drawing minds from the confines of this reality into alternative realms through profound occult teachings. This metaphorical journey is linked to the life of a fish, effortlessly delving into the depths of the ocean and resurfacing. Jesus, as a master of the universe, possessed the extraordinary ability to navigate between different realities at will — descending into and ascending out of them.

Decoding the Ether

The term “ETHER” can be further unpacked to reveal deeper meanings:
- EITHER: The Ether is both physical and spiritual, existing on either side.
- OTHER: Ether is the gateway to the other side of reality (the astral plane).
- TOGETHER: The Ether is the bridge connecting the astral and physical worlds together.

The Dogon Fish God and Hebrew Symbolism

In various mythologies, divine figures such as the Dogon fish god, Nommo, are depicted as masters of the waters, symbolizing the divine connection to the Ether. This resonates with the Hebrew symbolism of water (מַיִם, mayim) and the concept of the divine spirit moving upon the face of the waters (Genesis 1:2). The use of Hebrew verbiage and symbols deepens the understanding of Ether’s metaphysical significance, aligning it with biblical narratives and spiritual teachings.


The Ether, as a primordial force, shapes the fabric of existence by connecting the physical and astral realms. Its acknowledgment challenges conventional scientific principles and reveals a deeper, esoteric understanding of reality. Through biblical symbolism, cultural narratives, and the profound teachings of figures like Jesus, the Ether emerges as a metaphysical conduit, bridging the tangible and unseen, and guiding humanity toward spiritual enlightenment.


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Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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