The Five-Density Universe | Unveiling the Mysteries of Thermoplastic Antimatter, Hydroplasmic Pre-Matter, Etheric Matter, and Carbon Etheric Matter in Relation to the Cosmos Field, Yunasai, and the New Heaven and New Earth
The concept of a Five-Density Universe presents a compelling framework for understanding the intricate interplay between spiritual and physical realms. Central to this discussion are the elements of thermoplastic antimatter, hydroplasmic pre-matter, etheric matter, and carbon etheric matter. These elements are pivotal in shaping the structure and dynamics of the cosmos, particularly in relation to the Cosmos Field and Yunasai. This article explores these elements within the broader context of the New Heaven and New Earth, the collective efforts to build the New Jerusalem, and the anticipated return of Yeshua HaMashiach, the Ancient Time Traveler, King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. Additionally, the article examines the significance of these efforts through the Four Worlds and the Four Trees of Life in establishing divine order for the Jewish people and the Twelve Tribes of Israel, emphasizing the need to extend spiritual inheritances and royalties to the overdue bloodline of the King of Kings.
The Five-Density Universe: A Multidimensional Reality
The Five-Density Universe, as described in esoteric and metaphysical teachings, comprises various layers of reality, each with unique characteristics and purposes. These densities are integral to the universe’s composition and can be understood as follows:
1. Thermoplastic Antimatter: As the highest density substance, thermoplastic antimatter serves as the primordial fabric of creation. This malleable form of antimatter forms the blueprint of all existence, echoing the divine creative force, much like the Ain Soph Aur (אין סוף אור), or the Endless Light in Kabbalistic thought. The idea of matter that can be shaped and reshaped parallels the notion of humanity’s potential to transcend its limitations, a theme explored in books like The Possible Human by Jean Houston (1998).
2. Hydroplasmic Pre-Matter: Hydroplasmic pre-matter exists as the intermediary state between pure energy and physical matter. This substance is reminiscent of the spiritual waters in Genesis 1:2, where “the Spirit of Elohim (רוח אלהים) hovered over the waters.” This pre-matter is the fluid essence of creation, a dynamic state of being before it takes tangible form. The concept of fluidity in creation aligns with Tesla’s idea of increasing human energy, where the potential of matter can be harnessed and directed toward higher purposes (Tesla, 1905).
3. Etheric Matter: Etheric matter is the bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, often referred to as the “life force” or Ruach (רוח) in Hebrew. This substance sustains the physical body and is responsible for the flow of energy within and between all living beings. The concept of the etheric body is explored in The Possible Human (Houston, 1998), which discusses enhancing human abilities by tapping into this subtle energy field.
4. Carbon Etheric Matter: A denser form of etheric matter, carbon etheric matter closely aligns with the physical body. It serves as a bridge between the etheric and carbon-based physical forms, playing a crucial role in spiritual ascension. This concept reflects the teachings in The Council of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman (2013), where the transmutation of physical matter into higher states of being is explored as a pathway to fulfilling the soul’s deepest desires.
The Cosmos Field and Yunasai
The Cosmos Field represents the totality of existence, encompassing all dimensions, densities, and realities. This energetic matrix holds the universe together, allowing for the interaction between different levels of reality. Within the Cosmos Field lies Yunasai, the central point of divine consciousness that emanates life and order throughout the cosmos. Yunasai is akin to the Ein Sof (אין סוף) in Jewish mysticism, representing the boundless and infinite nature of God. The existence of such a field is supported by various spiritual teachings, including those in The Council of Light (Hoffman, 2013), where the Cosmos Field is described as a space for manifesting divine intentions.
The New Heaven and the New Earth
The vision of a New Heaven and a New Earth is deeply rooted in biblical prophecy, particularly in Isaiah 65:17 and Revelation 21:1. This eschatological vision foresees a transformation of the current universe into a perfected state, where divine order and righteousness prevail. The purification and transmutation of thermoplastic antimatter, hydroplasmic pre-matter, etheric matter, and carbon etheric matter are essential in this transformation. This process echoes the alchemical traditions explored in Alchemy & Mysticism by Alexander Roob (2001), where the transformation of matter parallels spiritual purification.
The New Jerusalem and the Return of Yeshua HaMashiach
The New Jerusalem is both a physical city and a spiritual reality that embodies the fulfillment of divine promises to the Jewish people and all of humanity. Revelation 21:2 describes the New Jerusalem descending from heaven, symbolizing the union of heaven and earth. The return of Yeshua HaMashiach (ישוע המשיח), the Ancient Time Traveler and the King of Kings, Lord of Lords, heralds the establishment of divine order. His return is anticipated to catalyze the ascension process, enabling humanity to transcend the physical realm and align more closely with the higher densities of the universe. This concept is echoed in Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus (One For Israel, n.d.), which discusses how Yeshua fulfills the Torah’s ultimate goals.
The Four Worlds and the Four Trees of Life
Kabbalistic tradition speaks of the Four Worlds (עולמות): Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת), Beri’ah (בְּרִיאָה), Yetzirah (יְצִירָה), and Assiah (עֲשִׂיָּה). These worlds represent different levels of creation, from the most spiritual to the most material. Each world corresponds to one of the Four Trees of Life: the Tree of Life in Atzilut, the Tree of Knowledge in Beri’ah, the Tree of Good and Evil in Yetzirah, and the Tree of the World in Assiah. These trees symbolize divine wisdom and the pathways to spiritual enlightenment.
The collective efforts to establish divine order through these Four Worlds and Four Trees of Life involve the reestablishment of divine governance for the Jewish people and the Twelve Tribes of Israel. This process includes extending overdue spiritual inheritances and royalties to the rightful bloodline of the King of Kings, a theme explored in *The Incomplete Church* by Sid Roth (2007), where the unity of God’s children and the fulfillment of spiritual inheritances are central themes.
The Five-Density Universe offers a profound framework for understanding the interconnectedness of spiritual and physical realities. The elements of thermoplastic antimatter, hydroplasmic pre-matter, etheric matter, and carbon etheric matter are integral to the structure of the cosmos and the unfolding of divine prophecy. As humanity collectively works toward building the New Jerusalem and preparing for the return of Yeshua HaMashiach, the importance of aligning with divine order and fulfilling spiritual inheritances cannot be overstated. This cosmic journey, grounded in the ancient wisdom of the Hebrew Scriptures and the teachings of Yeshua, offers a path to redemption and the realization of the New Heaven and New Earth.
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