The Importance of Reciting the Prayer to Elohim, El Elyon, and Summoning Divine Order

Eric P. Felton Jr.
5 min readSep 16, 2024


The transformation of the world and the restoration of divine order are critical missions in our spiritual journey. Central to these missions is the act of prayer — specifically, prayers that align our will with that of Elohim, the Most High God (El Elyon). Such prayers serve as declarations, summoning the Hosts of Heaven, affirming the authority of the four archangels, earth angels, the four worlds, and the Four Trees of Life. Additionally, these prayers invoke the restoration of the 12 tribes of Israel and reaffirm the divine mandate to build New Jerusalem, while prophetically signaling the rise of Prince William to his ordained role.

Summoning the Hosts of Heaven

When we call upon the Hosts of Heaven, we acknowledge Elohim’s supreme authority over the entire created order. The angelic beings, under Elohim’s command, carry out His will across the universe. By summoning the archangels — Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel — we invoke divine authority that extends across both the spiritual and physical realms.

- Michael, the protector and warrior, is central to the safety and restoration of Israel. Summoning Michael draws upon his protective powers, particularly for the Jewish people, whose preservation and restoration are essential in these prophetic times (Daniel 12:1).

- Gabriel, known as the messenger of God, plays a crucial role in delivering divine decrees. Invoking Gabriel brings clarity and alignment with Elohim’s plans, especially concerning the establishment of New Jerusalem and the ultimate manifestation of the Kingdom of God (Daniel 9:21).

- Raphael, the archangel of healing, holds the key to the physical, spiritual, and emotional healing necessary for both humanity and the earth. His power is integral to the restoration of nations and the healing of the earth’s chakras, balancing the natural and spiritual worlds (Tobit 12:15).

- Uriel, the angel of wisdom, illuminates the path of righteousness and divine justice. By invoking Uriel, we seek heavenly wisdom to guide the repair of the world, aligning ourselves with the mission of Tikkun Olam, the Jewish concept of world restoration (1 Enoch 19:1).

The prayer also extends to earth angels, those who operate within the natural realm but carry the divine mandate of Elohim. Summoning these hidden agents of God sets in motion the alignment of nations and peoples with Elohim’s purpose, catalyzing a global awakening that leads to redemption.

Cementing the Four Worlds and Four Trees of Life

This prayer solidifies the connection between the four worlds of Atzilut (Emanation), Beriah (Creation), Yetzirah (Formation), and Assiyah (Action). These worlds represent the flow of divine energy from the heavenly realms into the material world. Ensuring their alignment is essential for fulfilling Elohim’s plan on earth.

The Four Trees of Life further strengthen this connection:

1. Tree of Knowledge: Represents divine wisdom and understanding, guiding humanity to righteousness and truth (Genesis 2:9).

2. Tree of Healing: Symbolizes the restoration of health for individuals and nations, aligning with the healing work of Raphael and restoring the earth’s core to harmony (Revelation 22:2).

3. Tree of Immortality: Signifies eternal life and the promise of resurrection, linking humanity to the covenant of life eternal with Elohim (Genesis 3:22).

4. Tree of Righteousness: Reflects justice and moral integrity, ensuring the application of divine law in every aspect of life, heralding the arrival of New Jerusalem (Proverbs 11:30).

Recompense for the 12 Tribes of Israel and the Jewish People

The restoration of the Jewish people and the 12 tribes of Israel is at the heart of the divine plan for the world. The prayer calls for their recompense, as prophesied in Isaiah 40:1–2: “Comfort, comfort My people, says your God.” The Jewish nation’s return to its rightful place as a light to the world (Isaiah 49:6) is pivotal to the manifestation of Elohim’s Kingdom on earth.

The fulfillment of promises made to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob ensures the restoration of divine order, with the Jewish people at the forefront of Elohim’s redemptive mission. Their role in building New Jerusalem signifies the culmination of a prophetic timeline, where Israel’s destiny aligns with the global restoration of divine law.

The Mandate to Build New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem represents the ultimate fulfillment of divine order and harmony. As described in Revelation 21:2, it is the dwelling place of God with His people. The prayer affirms the necessity of building this city now, calling forth the spiritual and physical resources to make this vision a reality.

This city will not only be the seat of Elohim’s governance but also a symbol of peace, justice, and eternal communion. The construction of New Jerusalem marks the unification of heaven and earth, creating a beacon of hope and righteousness for all creation.

Shifting Prince William into His Ordained Position

Prince William plays a prophetic role in the unfolding of divine plans. His position within the British monarchy carries not only political but also spiritual significance. His reign, marked by justice and wisdom, is seen as a crucial step in aligning Britain’s role with the global expansion of God’s Kingdom.

The prayer calls for Prince William to be shifted into his ordained role at the appointed time, a leader who embodies divine alignment and moral authority. His leadership will serve as a key component in the broader transformation required to bring about the promises of the Kingdom.


This prayer to Elohim, El Elyon, serves as both a declaration and a call to action. It summons the Hosts of Heaven, cements the alignment of the four worlds and the Four Trees of Life, calls for the restoration of Israel, and affirms the divine mandate to build New Jerusalem. By recognizing the ordained role of Prince William, the prayer ties together the spiritual and temporal authority necessary for the manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth.

In the words of Yeshua HaMashiach, “Your Kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10, WMB). Let this prayer be our guiding proclamation as we participate in the unfolding of Elohim’s divine plan, preparing for the manifestation of a new heaven and new earth.


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Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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