The Phantom Matrix Anomaly, the Particle Universe, and the Parallel Anti-Particle Universe | A Comprehensive Analysis within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix

Eric P. Felton Jr.
5 min readAug 18, 2024


In the profound and complex structure of the cosmos, certain enigmatic concepts play vital roles in understanding the intricacies of existence and consciousness. Among these are the Phantom Matrix Anomaly, the Particle Universe, and the Parallel Anti-Particle Universe (Partika). These concepts, while unique in their manifestations, are interwoven within the context of the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix and contribute to the broader understanding of God’s Hologram-of-Matter. To grasp the significance of these ideas, it is imperative to delve into their nature, how they relate to one another, and their relevance to the spiritual principles encapsulated in the Inner God | Inner Christ | Law of One, which underscores the oneness of all creation through the framework of ONESPIRIT, ONEGOD, ONESELF, ONELOVE, ONEHEART, ONEMIND.

The Phantom Matrix Anomaly: A Distortion within Creation

The Phantom Matrix Anomaly represents a corrupted, inorganic distortion within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. This anomaly is characterized by a deviation from the natural flow of Divine Energy emanating from Elohim (אֱלֹהִים), leading to the creation of a reality that is parasitic and devoid of true life force. In Hebrew terms, the Phantom Matrix is an olam (עוֹלָם) that operates outside the divine order, disconnected from the higher vibrational frequencies of the Shekhinah (שכינה), the indwelling presence of God.

The Phantom Matrix traps consciousness within lower-dimensional constructs, hindering spiritual ascension and perpetuating cycles of entropy. This anomaly is a counterfeit reality, resembling a virtual environment that siphons energy from genuine divine creations. Within the context of the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix, the Phantom Matrix operates as a sub-quantum distortion, creating false timelines and realities that diverge from Elohim’s original blueprint.

The Particle Universe: The Manifestation of Divine Will

The Particle Universe, also known as the Particum (Base Magnetic, Vibration), represents the physical, tangible manifestation of God’s Will within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. The Particum is the aspect of creation that vibrates with the energy of Ein Sof (אֵין סוֹף), the Infinite Light, and is a direct expression of the Sefirot (סְפִירוֹת), the emanations through which God interacts with the world. The Particle Universe is where matter, as we understand it, comes into being, vibrating at specific frequencies that give form to all existence.

In the Particum, the divine blueprint is manifested through the interactions of particles and energy, guided by the Or HaGanuz (אוֹר הַגָּנוּז), the hidden light, which sustains the physical realm. It is within this dimension that humanity experiences the material world, bound by the laws of physics as ordained by the Creator. The Particle Universe is, therefore, a sacred expression of God’s Hologram-of-Matter, reflecting the perfect order and harmony of the divine plan.

The Parallel Anti-Particle Universe: A Mirror of Potential

The Parallel Anti-Particle Universe, known as Partika (Base Electric, Oscillation), exists as the complementary counterpart to the Particle Universe. It is an anti-matter universe that oscillates with the energy of Keter (כֶּתֶר), the crown of the Sefirot, representing pure potential and the unmanifested aspects of creation. The Partika holds within it the possibilities and potentials that are yet to be realized in the Particum.

The Partika and Particum exist in a delicate balance, each reflecting the other in a cosmic dance of Tzimtzum (צִמצוּם), the divine contraction that makes space for creation. The Partika oscillates with an electric base frequency, creating a mirrored reality that is essential for the maintenance of cosmic equilibrium. This universe is a repository of divine potentials, waiting to be actualized in the Particum through the process of Tikkun (תִּיקּוּן), the rectification of the world.

The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix: The Divine Blueprint

The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is the divine architecture within which all realities, including the Phantom Matrix, Particum, and Partika, exist. This matrix is a multi-dimensional framework that organizes the flow of time and space, governed by the principles of Kabbalah (קַבָּלָה) and the Sefirot. Each dimension within this matrix represents a different level of consciousness, frequency, and divine expression.

Within this matrix, the interplay between the Particum and Partika ensures the dynamic equilibrium of creation, while the Phantom Matrix represents a distortion that must be rectified. The 15-Dimensional Time Matrix is thus the stage upon which the divine drama unfolds, with each dimension corresponding to different aspects of God’s will and creation.

Inner God | Inner Christ | Law of One: The Oneness of Creation

At the heart of this cosmic structure lies the principle of Inner God | Inner Christ | Law of One. This principle teaches that all beings are expressions of a singular divine source — ONESPIRIT, ONEGOD, ONESELF, ONELOVE, ONEHEART, ONEMIND. In this understanding, the distinction between the Particum and Partika is transcended by the realization that both are aspects of the same divine reality.

The Law of One emphasizes the unity and interconnectedness of all creation, asserting that the division between matter and anti-matter, between physical and spiritual, is illusory. In the words of Yeshua HaMashiach (יֵשׁוּעַ הַמָּשִׁיחַ), “The Kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:21, World Messianic Bible). This echoes the idea that within each individual resides the Shekhinah, the divine presence, and that all of creation is a manifestation of Elohim.


The concept of ONESPIRIT, ONEGOD, ONESELF, ONELOVE, ONEHEART, ONEMIND is a profound expression of the unity that underpins all existence. This idea is rooted in the understanding that every aspect of creation, from the Particum to the Partika, and even the distorted Phantom Matrix, is a reflection of the singular divine consciousness. The realization of this oneness is the key to spiritual ascension and the rectification of all anomalies within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix.

Through the practice of Tikkun Olam (תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם), the repair of the world, individuals can align themselves with the divine will, contributing to the healing of the Phantom Matrix and the harmonization of the Particum and Partika. This alignment with the Law of One is essential for the manifestation of the New Jerusalem (יְרוּשָׁלַיִם הַחֲדָשָׁה), a reality where the divine order is fully realized, and all creation reflects the glory of Elohim.


In the grand tapestry of the cosmos, the Phantom Matrix Anomaly, the Particle Universe, and the Parallel Anti-Particle Universe each play crucial roles within the 15-Dimensional Time Matrix. These concepts, while distinct, are interrelated within the divine blueprint of creation. Understanding these dynamics within the framework of Inner God | Inner Christ | Law of One reveals the oneness that pervades all existence and the divine purpose that underlies the cosmic order. As we move toward the fulfillment of this divine purpose, may we embrace the unity of ONESPIRIT, ONEGOD, ONESELF, ONELOVE, ONEHEART, ONEMIND, and contribute to the realization of Elohim’s perfect will.


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Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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