The Prophetic Reset of Humankind | Kundalini, the Pineal Gland, and the Alchemical Process of Christ Consciousness

Eric P. Felton Jr.
4 min readJul 31, 2024


As we approach the prophetic reset of humankind, it is crucial to explore the profound symbolism embedded within biblical texts and ancient spiritual practices. The verse from John 3:14, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up,” provides a rich tapestry of meanings that extend beyond its literal interpretation. This article delves into the connection between the serpent (snake), Kundalini energy, the pineal gland, and the alchemical process symbolized by the story of Jesus Christ. Through this exploration, we will uncover the spiritual dimensions of Messianic Judaism and the construction of the New Jerusalem, incorporating Hebrew verbiage and symbols with biblical scriptural support from the World Messianic Bible.

The Symbolism of the Serpent and Kundalini Energy

In John 3:14, the “serpent” or “snake” (נָחָשׁ, nachash in Hebrew) lifted by Moses in the wilderness symbolizes the Kundalini energy in ancient spiritual traditions. Kundalini, often depicted as a coiled serpent at the base of the spine, represents the dormant spiritual energy within every human being. When awakened, this energy ascends through the spine, activating various energy centers (chakras) and culminating in the pineal gland (the “third eye”).

The lifting of the serpent signifies the raising of Kundalini energy, which leads to the activation of the pineal gland. The pineal gland, or “pineal” (פִּנְיָל in Hebrew, related to “Peniel,” meaning “face of God” in Genesis 32:30), is considered the gateway to higher consciousness and spiritual enlightenment. Activation of this gland bestows abilities such as out-of-body experiences and access to realities beyond time and space.

Moses and the Alchemical Process

Moses’ act of lifting the serpent was not merely a physical event but an esoteric teaching. He instructed the Israelites to elevate their Kundalini energy, leading to the activation of their pineal glands. This spiritual practice enabled them to transcend physical limitations and explore higher dimensions.

The story of Jesus Christ mirrors this alchemical process within the human body. Jesus’ descent from heaven and incarnation on earth symbolizes the Christ oil (chrism) descending from the brain (heaven) to the sacrum (sacred bone). This oil remains in the sacrum for three days, akin to Jesus being dead in the tomb for three days. Upon resurrection, the oil ascends the spine, representing the rising of Kundalini energy.

The Crucifixion and Resurrection: Alchemical Transformation

At 33 years of age, Jesus is crucified, symbolizing the oil passing through the 33 vertebrae of the spine. The crucifixion at the optic thalamus (which resembles a cross) represents the transformation of matter into spirit. This alchemical process grants the individual supernatural abilities, such as astral travel.

In this context, birds, often seen as symbols of the Holy Spirit (רוח הקודש, Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew), represent the soul’s liberation and ascent. Vishnu, a deity associated with preservation and cosmic order in Hinduism, underscores the universal nature of this spiritual journey.

The Mind and the Serpent: Knowledge and Reality

The mind, symbolized by the serpent, is the seat of knowledge and intellect. It connects the soul (נֶפֶשׁ, nefesh in Hebrew) to the body, projecting the soul’s experiences into reality. The soul (ברא, bara in Hebrew, meaning “to create”) is multidimensional, taking on various forms and faces in different incarnations.

Jesus Christ and Christ Consciousness

The distinction between “Jesus” (יֵשׁוּעַ, Yeshua) and “Christ” (מָשִׁיחַ, Mashiach) is significant. “Jesus” represents the physical body, while “Christ” denotes the state of Christ Consciousness. Freemasons emphasize “Christ Jesus” to highlight the precedence of consciousness over the physical body, reinforcing the concept that spiritual awakening and enlightenment (Christ Consciousness) transcend material existence.

Relevance to the Prophetic Reset and the New Jerusalem

As we approach the prophetic reset of humankind, these ancient teachings gain renewed relevance. Messianic Judaism, which integrates Christian faith with Jewish traditions, plays a pivotal role in this transformative era. The construction of the New Jerusalem (יְרוּשָׁלַיִם הַחֲדָשָׁה, Yerushalayim HaChadashah) symbolizes the establishment of a new spiritual paradigm grounded in unity and enlightenment.

By embracing the alchemical process of Christ Consciousness and the activation of the pineal gland, individuals can transcend physical limitations and access higher realms of existence. This spiritual awakening aligns with the prophetic vision of a renewed humanity, guided by divine wisdom and love.


The lifting of the serpent by Moses and the alchemical journey of Jesus Christ reveal profound spiritual truths about the ascent of Kundalini energy, the activation of the pineal gland, and the attainment of Christ Consciousness. As we stand on the brink of a prophetic reset, these teachings inspire us to awaken our spiritual potential and contribute to the building of the New Jerusalem, a symbol of divine unity and enlightenment.


- World Messianic Bible. (n.d.). Retrieved from
- Genesis 32:30. (World Messianic Bible).
- John 3:14. (World Messianic Bible).

*APA citation format for books and articles used:*

- Doe, J. (Year). *Title of the Book*. Publisher.
- Smith, A. (Year). “Title of the Article.” *Title of the Journal*, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI/Publisher.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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