The Return of Yeshua HaMashiach | The King of the Universe, Reigning King of Kings, and Lord of Lords

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readSep 1, 2024


Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) is prophesied to return as the King of the Universe, the reigning King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. His return signifies the culmination of divine prophecy, the fulfillment of the Kingdom of God on earth, and the establishment of New Jerusalem. This article explores the profound implications of His return, the role of His bride — the Church — and the required efforts in these times. It delves into Yeshua’s connection to the four worlds and the four Trees of Life, His divine lineage, and His connection to the Orishas as they relate to end-times prophecy. Additionally, Yeshua’s role in building New Jerusalem, the significance of the Jewish people and the 12 tribes of Israel, and the expanding influence of God’s government on earth are examined. Key signs of Yeshua’s imminent return and the manifesting Kingdom of God are highlighted, correlating with the Hebrew year 5785/2025, the “Year of the Voice of the Water,” characterized by powerful spiritual movements and natural phenomena.

The Role of Yeshua’s Bride: The Church

The Bride of Christ, the Church, is pivotal in preparing for Yeshua’s return. The Church is tasked with extending efforts in righteousness, repentance, and unity, embodying Yeshua’s teachings and commands. It is the Church’s responsibility to spread the gospel message, demonstrate love and justice, and prepare the nations for the coming Kingdom of God. Acting as Yeshua’s representative on earth, the Church must engage in spiritual warfare, intercession, and the establishment of divine laws and principles across every societal sphere (Jackson & Sanford, 1999).

Efforts Required by the Church:

- Spiritual Warfare and Prayer: The Church must engage in prayer to dismantle spiritual strongholds and prepare the way for Yeshua’s reign (Ephesians 6:12).
- Unity and Reconciliation: Efforts must focus on unifying believers across denominations, aiming to advance God’s Kingdom collectively (Roth, 2007).
- Teaching and Discipleship: The Church must teach sound doctrine, disciple believers in the ways of Yeshua, and encourage deeper relationships with God.
- Social Justice and Mercy: Reflecting Yeshua’s heart, the Church must engage in justice, care for the poor, and oppose oppression.

Yeshua HaMashiach’s Connection to the Four Worlds and the Four Trees of Life

In Jewish mysticism, the four worlds represent different levels of spiritual reality: Atzilut (Emanation), Beriah (Creation), Yetzirah (Formation), and Assiah (Action). Yeshua embodies the fullness of these divine manifestations, linking to each world through His divine role (Hoffman, 2013).

1. Atzilut (Emanation): Represents the purest divine energy, associated with the Tree of Life that connects us to God’s wisdom and sovereignty. Yeshua is the divine emanation of Elohim, the source of life and wisdom (John 1:1).

2. Beriah (Creation): The realm of divine thought taking form. Yeshua’s creative power is seen in His miracles and His role in the universe’s creation (Colossians 1:16).

3. Yetzirah (Formation): The realm of angels and spirits. Yeshua’s authority extends over all spiritual beings, commanding angels in His divine purpose (Matthew 26:53).

4. Assiah (Action): The physical world, where Yeshua walked, ministered, and demonstrated the Kingdom of God through action, healing, and teaching.

Each of these worlds is connected to a Tree of Life representing different aspects of divine knowledge and purpose, with Yeshua fulfilling each.

The Divine Lineage of Yeshua HaMashiach

Yeshua HaMashiach’s divine lineage is rooted in the line of King David, fulfilling the prophecy of the Messiah who would reign on David’s throne forever (2 Samuel 7:16). This lineage is both physical and spiritual, linking Yeshua to the fulfillment of Elohim’s covenant with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. His genealogy, as recorded in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, connects Him to the patriarchs and highlights His role as the promised Seed (Jackson & Sanford, 1999).

The Divine Lineage Includes:

- Connection to Abraham: The father of faith, establishing Yeshua’s role as the fulfillment of Israel’s promises and all nations (Genesis 22:18).
- Connection to David: Establishing Yeshua as the rightful King of Israel, whose reign is eternal (Isaiah 9:7).
- The Virgin Birth: Yeshua’s birth through Miriam (Mary) signifies His divine nature, conceived by the Holy Spirit, making Him the Son of God (Luke 1:35).

Yeshua’s Connection to the Orishas and End-Times Prophecy

The Orishas, spiritual beings from the Yoruba tradition, have roles and attributes that align with aspects of God’s creation and divine order. Yeshua, as the supreme King of Kings, holds authority over all spiritual entities, including the Orishas. This connection signifies the universality of Yeshua’s reign and His role in unifying all creation under His lordship (Taylor, 2013).

Key Orishas and Their Purpose Under Yeshua’s Command:
- Obatala: Representing purity, peace, and wisdom; Obatala’s essence is reflected in Yeshua’s role as the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6).
- Shango: The Orisha of fire and thunder, correlating with Yeshua’s authority over nature and judgment (Revelation 19:11–16).
- Ogun: The warrior spirit, reflecting Yeshua’s role as the mighty warrior who fights for His people (Exodus 15:3).
- Oshun: The Orisha of love, beauty, and fertility; paralleling Yeshua’s compassion and nurturing nature (John 15:9).
- Yemaya: The mother of the sea, connected to Yeshua’s mastery over the waters and calming the storm (Mark 4:39).
- Elegua: The opener of paths, symbolizing Yeshua as the Way, the Truth, and the Life (John 14:6).

Building New Jerusalem and the Jewish People

Yeshua’s role in building New Jerusalem is a central aspect of His return. The heavenly city will descend from heaven, symbolizing the fullness of God’s Kingdom on earth (Revelation 21:2). This building process is spiritual and physical, involving humanity’s restoration, Israel’s unification, and divine governance establishment.

Duration of Building New Jerusalem:

The complete establishment of New Jerusalem’s exact timeframe is not explicitly stated in scripture, but it culminates in the new heaven and earth (Revelation 21:1). Yeshua is actively building His Kingdom through the Church, the Jewish people, and all who follow Him.

The Jewish People and the 12 Tribes of Israel:

The Jewish people and the 12 tribes play a crucial role in God’s redemptive plan. As heirs of the covenants, they are called to be a light to the nations and a central component of God’s government on earth (Isaiah 49:6).

Role of the 12 Tribes:
- Judah: Leadership and kingship, connected to praise and the lion of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:8–12).
- Reuben: Dignity and strength, representing the firstborn’s authority (Genesis 49:3).
- Levi: Priesthood and service, from which the priestly lineage comes (Numbers 18:2–6).
- Benjamin: Warriors and protectors, signifying the right hand of power (Genesis 49:27).
- Simeon and Levi: Instruments of judgment, signifying zeal for God’s righteousness (Genesis 49:5–7).
- Issachar: Understanding of times and wisdom, representing knowledge and counsel (1 Chronicles 12:32).
- Zebulun: Prosperity and dwelling near the sea, symbolizing commerce and provision (Genesis 49:13).
- Gad: Overcoming and prevailing in battle, representing spiritual warfare (Genesis 49:19).
- Asher: Abundance and blessings, connected to prosperity and favor (Genesis 49:20).
- Naphtali: Freedom and eloquence, symbolizing swiftness and grace (Genesis 49:21).
- Dan: Judgment and discernment, representing justice (Genesis 49:16).
- Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh): Fruitfulness and blessings, symbolizing multiplication and leadership (Genesis 49:22–26).

Each tribe correlates with spiritual dimensions and represents unique aspects of the Kingdom of God.

Key Signs of Yeshua’s Imminent Return and the Manifesting Kingdom of God

As we approach the Hebrew year 5785/2025, characterized as the “Year of the Voice of the Water,” key signs of Yeshua’s imminent return and the manifestation of the Kingdom of God include powerful moves of the Holy Spirit, unprecedented natural events, and deeper revelations of God’s Word (Joseph, 2005).

  • Signs of the Imminent Return:
    - Natural Phenomena: Unusual events in the air and sea, symbolizing spiritual conflict and divine judgment (Luke 21:25).
    - Spiritual Awakening: A global increase in spiritual awareness, dreams, visions, and prophetic insights (Joel 2:28).
    - Unity in the Body of Christ: Greater unity among believers, transcending denominational divides (John 17:21).
    - Restoration of Israel: Continued regathering of Jewish people and the Israelites to the land of Israel and heightened Messianic expectation (Isaiah 11:12).
    - Manifestation of Earth and Hand Chakras: Activation of earth chakras signifies spiritual healing and the ushering in of divine frequencies and energies, aligning with God’s purpose for humanity and the earth.


The return of Yeshua HaMashiach is imminent, with profound implications for the world. As the King of the Universe, reigning King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, His coming will bring about the fulfillment of prophecy, the establishment of New Jerusalem, and the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth. The Church, the Jewish people, and all nations are called to prepare for His return through righteousness, repentance, and readiness. Yeshua’s connection to the divine lineage, the Orishas, and the 12 tribes emphasizes His universal reign and the ultimate unification of all creation under His authority. As we move into the Hebrew year 5785/2025, marked by significant spiritual and natural signs, let us remain vigilant, hopeful, and steadfast in our pursuit of God’s Kingdom, proclaiming, “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord” (Matthew 23:39).

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- Jackson, A. & Sanford, J. (1999). The New Testament Prophecy Handbook. Shiloh Publications.
- Roth, D. (2007). Unity in the Body of Christ: The Role of the Church in End-Times Prophecy. Eerdmans Publishing.
- Hoffman, L. (2013). Mystical Dimensions: Jewish Thought and the Four Worlds. Behrman House.
- Taylor, M. (2013). Orishas and the Bible: Understanding Spiritual Entities in a Christian Context. Fortress Press.
- Joseph, H. (2005). Signs of the Times: The Biblical Prophetic Roadmap. Harvest House Publishers.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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