The Return of Yeshua HaMashiach | Unveiling the Redemption of All Creation

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readAug 22, 2024


The return of Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus the Messiah) is a profound event that resonates deeply within Messianic Judaism and Christian eschatology. It represents the culmination of God’s divine plan for the redemption of all creation, marking the ultimate triumph of divine light over the forces of darkness. As Yeshua’s return ushers in an era of righteousness, justice, and peace, the establishment of the New Jerusalem becomes a reality. This article delves into the multifaceted aspects of Yeshua’s return, highlighting His supremacy over Luciferian forces, the role of His bride (the Church), and the necessary preparations for this glorious event. We will also explore Yeshua’s connection to the four worlds, the four Trees of Life, His divine lineage, and the prophetic timeline of 5784/2024 and 5785/2025. In doing so, we integrate insights from various sources, including mystical traditions, esoteric knowledge, and biblical prophecy.

The Superiority of Yeshua HaMashiach Over Luciferian Forces

Yeshua HaMashiach embodies the pure light and truth of God, standing in stark contrast to the Luciferian forces that propagate deception and darkness. The Luciferian agenda, rooted in rebellion against God, symbolizes the antithesis of Yeshua’s obedience and humility. As John 1:5 declares, “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it” (World Messianic Bible). This scripture underscores Yeshua’s intrinsic superiority, a divine light that darkness cannot overcome.

In eschatological terms, Yeshua’s return signifies the definitive defeat of Luciferian forces. Revelation 19:11–16 presents Yeshua as a conquering King, riding on a white horse, with a sharp sword proceeding from His mouth to strike the nations. This imagery conveys the finality of His victory and the establishment of His reign on earth, where righteousness and justice will prevail. This cosmic battle is not merely a spiritual metaphor but a realignment of universal forces, as described in esoteric texts such as The Council of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman, which reveals the deeper metaphysical implications of this divine intervention.

The Role of the Bride: The Church in Preparation for Yeshua’s Return

The Church, as the bride of Yeshua, plays a pivotal role in preparing for His return. This preparation is not merely a call to moral purity but a prophetic necessity for aligning with the divine will. As Paul writes in Ephesians 5:27, Yeshua seeks to present the Church “gloriously, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish” (WMB). The Church is tasked with engaging in fervent prayer, intercession, and the proclamation of the Gospel, as outlined in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20). These actions are crucial in resisting the encroaching influence of Luciferian doctrines, which seek to undermine God’s truth.

Sid Roth’s The Incomplete Church emphasizes the importance of unity among God’s children in this preparatory phase. The Church must transcend denominational divisions to become a unified body, fully equipped to fulfill its divine mandate. This unity is not just an organizational goal but a spiritual alignment necessary for the Church to stand as a holy and pure vessel ready to receive Yeshua, her Bridegroom.

Yeshua HaMashiach and the Four Worlds: A Kabbalistic and Esoteric Perspective

In Jewish mysticism, the concept of the four worlds — Atzilut (Emanation), Beriah (Creation), Yetzirah (Formation), and Assiah (Action) — provides a framework for understanding the process of creation and the unfolding of divine reality. Yeshua HaMashiach, as the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14), is intrinsically connected to these four worlds. His incarnation represents the divine emanation (Atzilut) entering the world of action (Assiah) to redeem and restore creation.

These four worlds correspond to the four levels of the soul — Nefesh, Ruach, Neshamah, and Chayah — and the four Trees of Life in Kabbalistic tradition. Yeshua’s life and ministry encapsulate these dimensions, offering humanity a path of spiritual ascent. His death and resurrection bridge the gap between the earthly and the divine, facilitating the reconciliation of all things in heaven and on earth (Colossians 1:20). This concept is further explored in Alexander Roob’s Alchemy & Mysticism, which discusses the symbolic significance of these worlds and their connection to the alchemical transformation of the soul.

The Divine Lineage of Yeshua HaMashiach

Yeshua HaMashiach’s divine lineage is rooted in His dual identity as both the Son of God and the Son of David. The genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 trace His lineage through both natural and spiritual lines, affirming His rightful place as the promised Messiah. Yeshua’s lineage is not merely a matter of physical descent but reflects His eternal preexistence and divine nature. As highlighted in Bloodline of the Gods by Nick Redfern, understanding the implications of Yeshua’s bloodline opens up deeper insights into His role in humanity’s redemption.

The concept of divine lineage is central to the prophetic understanding of the Messiah. In Genesis 3:15, the “seed” of the woman is foretold to crush the serpent’s head, a prophecy fulfilled in Yeshua. His divine seed brings life and restoration to a fallen world, offering a path to eternal life for all who believe.

Yeshua HaMashiach and the Orisha: A Comparative Perspective

In the Yoruba religion, the Orisha are powerful spiritual beings that govern various aspects of creation. While there are significant theological differences between the worship of the Orisha and Yeshua HaMashiach, some scholars have noted parallels in their roles as intermediaries between the divine and human realms. Yeshua, however, stands unique as the mediator of the New Covenant (Hebrews 9:15), offering Himself as the ultimate sacrifice for humanity’s sins.

The return of Yeshua will bring about the ultimate reconciliation of all things, transcending cultural and religious boundaries. His reign will culminate in the fullness of God’s Kingdom, where “every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Yeshua HaMashiach is Lord” (Philippians 2:10–11). This universal recognition of Yeshua’s lordship aligns with the esoteric teachings found in Susan Taylor’s In the Spirit, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of all spiritual paths leading to the divine.

Building the New Jerusalem: Yeshua’s Role and the 12 Tribes of Israel

The New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation 21, is the culmination of God’s redemptive plan — a city where God will dwell with His people forever. Yeshua HaMashiach, as the cornerstone of this city, plays a central role in its construction. The twelve gates of the New Jerusalem bear the names of the twelve tribes of Israel, symbolizing the unity of Israel and the Church in God’s eternal Kingdom.

The Jewish people and the twelve tribes of Israel hold a prophetic role in the unfolding of end-time events. The return of Yeshua will not only bring about the restoration of Israel but will also expand the influence of God’s government on earth. As described in A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, the re-gathering of the tribes and their recognition of Yeshua as the Messiah are key signs of His imminent return.

Signs of Yeshua’s Imminent Return and the Kingdom of God Manifesting on Earth

The prophetic timeline for the years 5784/2024 and 5785/2025 offers significant insights into the signs of Yeshua’s imminent return. These years are marked by spiritual events that align with biblical prophecy and esoteric teachings. The year 5784, known as the “Year of the Voice of the Doorkeeper,” will be characterized by heavenly encounters and signs that will guide the faithful. This period will witness the opening of new doors and the formation of alliances, indicative of the expanding influence of God’s Kingdom on earth.

The year 5785, the “Year of the Voice of the Water,” will be marked by powerful movements of the Holy Spirit, mirrored in natural phenomena such as wind and water. This period will test the foundations of new spiritual houses, revealing weaknesses and leading to necessary corrections. These events are a precursor to the full manifestation of God’s Kingdom on earth, as described in Rick Warren’s A Purpose Driven Life.


The return of Yeshua HaMashiach represents the pinnacle of God’s redemptive plan, bringing restoration and renewal to all creation. His superiority over Luciferian forces, the role of the Church in preparation, and the deep connections to the four worlds, the Trees of Life, and His divine lineage all point to the unfolding of a divine narrative that transcends time and space. As we approach the prophetic years of 5784/2024 and 5785/2025, the signs of Yeshua’s imminent return become increasingly evident. It is a time for the faithful to prepare, to stand firm, and to await the glorious appearing of our Messiah, who will establish His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.


- Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
- Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
- Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
- Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. New Page Books.
- Roob, A. (2001). Alchemy & Mysticism. Taschen.
- Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
- Taylor, S. (1993). In the Spirit. Amistad Press.
- Warren, R. (2002). The Purpose Driven Life. Zondervan.
- World Messianic Bible. (n.d.). John 1:5, 14; Revelation 19:11–16; Ephesians 5:27; Matthew 28:19–20; Colossians 1:20; Genesis 3:15; Hebrews 9:15; Philippians 2:10–11; Revelation 21.
- One for Israel. (n.d.). Retrieved from



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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