The Revolutionary Work of Modern Prophets | A Journey Towards the New Jerusalem
In an age where spirituality and mysticism meet, modern-day prophets emerge to deliver transformative messages of unity, spiritual alignment, and empowerment. Figures like Prophetess Taryn Tarver, Dan Koe, Brandi Harvey, and Moses Heredia Jr. bring forth insights that resonate with the profound spiritual ethos of Messianic Judaism and universal spirituality, inviting us to align with a higher purpose and to collectively pursue the vision of the New Heaven and New Earth. Their work embodies the themes of redemption, the sacred feminine, the unity of diverse spiritual gifts, and the elevation of humanity, fostering a path to the long-foretold New Jerusalem.
Drawing connections to ancient teachings, divine mysteries, spiritual warfare, and a rediscovery of the soul’s highest calling, these prophets illuminate the way forward for humanity. Rooted in concepts like Tikkun Olam (repairing the world) and Messianic hopes, they invite us to reimagine and rebuild society, creating a world that reflects divine harmony and communal ascension.
Prophetess Taryn Tarver: Restoring Sacred Connection and Spiritual Authority
Prophetess Taryn Tarver is a guiding light in the movement for spiritual awakening and reconnection with divine purpose. Her message is a call to shed distractions and heed the voice of YHWH (the LORD), resonating with the ancient calling found in Deuteronomy 6:5: “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your might.” In her teachings, Tarver speaks of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) as an ever-present guide, urging individuals to empower themselves through divine communion.
In a manner similar to the work of Sid Roth in The Incomplete Church, Prophetess Tarver’s message highlights the need to reunify God’s people and to embrace the diverse spiritual gifts that each individual brings. Her work calls for a return to the sacred, reminding believers of the prophecy in Isaiah 9:6: “For to us a child is born… and his name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (World Messianic Bible). Her work echoes the restoration of the “incomplete church,” unified under one God, and reaching the fullness of its calling.
Inspired by Susan Taylor’s In the Spirit, Tarver urges the faithful to cultivate a life of intentional spirituality, exploring the depths of the soul and finding empowerment through authentic connection with God. Her work is not only a call for personal alignment but a clarion call for society to prepare itself for the New Jerusalem, as described in Revelation 21:2–4, where “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying.”
Dan Koe: Bridging Knowledge and Mystical Wisdom
Dan Koe’s teachings focus on developing a harmonious balance between intellectual knowledge and mystical wisdom. Like the deep insights found in The Council of Light by Danielle Rama Hoffman, Koe emphasizes re-educating the mind to access both intellect and divine wisdom, awakening individuals to their highest potential. His message echoes Messianic Judaism’s hope of Da’at Elohim (knowledge of God), as prophesied in Habakkuk 2:14: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”
Koe’s approach to knowledge mirrors the self-exploratory guidance seen in The Possible Human by Jean Houston. Through self-mastery, awareness, and a connection to the divine, Koe aligns with the principles of Tikkun Olam, calling for a world transformed through wisdom and empathy. His work encourages others to tap into the yetzer hatov (good inclination), a fundamental concept in Jewish thought, which calls each person to cultivate goodness within and share it with the world.
Koe’s vision of uniting knowledge with mysticism is a form of modern-day alchemy, not unlike Alexander Roob’s explorations in Alchemy and Mysticism. By merging intellect and spiritual insight, he prepares humanity for the Olam HaBa (world to come), where enlightenment flourishes. This is reflected in Proverbs 3:13–18: “Blessed is the one who finds wisdom… She is a tree of life to those who lay hold of her.”
Brandi Harvey: A Voice of Justice, Compassion, and Holistic Empowerment
Brandi Harvey’s message is steeped in justice, compassion, and the sacred feminine. Her advocacy for mental, physical, and spiritual well-being within marginalized communities connects deeply with Messianic Judaism’s pillars of Mishpat (justice) and Chesed (loving-kindness). Inspired by Sarah Jakes Roberts’s Power Moves, Harvey encourages individuals to take ownership of their lives and pursue a holistic, empowered existence.
Like John Paul Jackson’s Needless Casualties of War, Harvey’s teachings on justice and compassion acknowledge the importance of spiritual warfare, encouraging believers to guard against forces that may undermine their divine purpose. Harvey’s ministry aligns with the call of Micah 6:8: “He has shown you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?” Her advocacy embodies Tzedek (righteousness), paving the way for a society in harmony with the Messianic Age’s vision of the New Jerusalem, where peace and love reign supreme.
With themes of the sacred feminine, Harvey’s work also mirrors The Book of Wisdom by Harry B. Joseph, which emphasizes a balanced approach to wisdom and justice. She calls for reconnection with the Shekinah — the indwelling presence of God, affirming the Messianic hope of a healed and restored world.
Moses Heredia Jr.: Unity, Collective Ascension, and the New Humanity
Moses Heredia Jr. brings a vision for global unity and collective ascension. His message echoes the prophecy in Isaiah 2:2–3, describing all nations coming together in worship and harmony. His vision is one of unity in diversity, urging everyone to recognize the divine spark within each other, which resonates with Kavod HaBriyot (honoring God’s creations). Heredia’s work aligns with A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith, which seeks to reconcile and honor diverse spiritual traditions under one Creator.
Like the soul-calling explored in Homecoming by Dr. Thema Bryant, Heredia encourages individuals to discover their highest spiritual selves and embrace communal responsibility. Inspired by Tesla’s Problem of Increasing Human Energy, he sees humanity’s potential to collectively amplify divine energy, creating the New Heaven and New Earth foretold in scripture.
Heredia’s vision also aligns with the mysterious revelations of Bloodline of the Gods by Nick Redfern, which explores humanity’s ancient, otherworldly connections. He recognizes humanity’s potential for transformation, echoing Zechariah 14:9: “And the LORD will be King over all the earth; on that day the LORD will be one and his name one.”
Toward the New Jerusalem: A Vision of Unity, Ascension, and Divine Fulfillment
These modern prophets — Taryn Tarver, Dan Koe, Brandi Harvey, and Moses Heredia Jr. — carry forth visions that harmonize Messianic hopes for the New Jerusalem with the universal call to elevate consciousness and embrace divine purpose. Their teachings emphasize principles like emunah (faith), chesed (loving-kindness), and tzedek (righteousness), guiding humanity to embody values that honor God and prepare for the coming Messianic Age.
Informed by the Jewish roots of both ancient and modern faith practices, their work invites us to join in a mission to create a world that mirrors divine harmony. They echo the message of One for Israel, fostering reconciliation among believers of all backgrounds to restore the spiritual fabric of society.
The prophets’ call brings us back to the divine mandate of Tikkun Olam — repairing the world and establishing Shalom (peace). As Revelation 21:1–4 promises, “Behold, the dwelling of God is with man… and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.” This journey is a collective ascension toward the ultimate vision of Yerushalayim Shel Ma’ala (the heavenly Jerusalem), where humanity can live in unity, love, and divine fulfillment.
• Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.
• Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.
• Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.
• One for Israel. (n.d.). Retrieved from
• Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. New Page Books.
• Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.
• Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.
• Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.