The Rise of Divine Authority | The Galactic Federation, The Most High, and the Age of Aquarius

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readNov 6, 2024


As we experience an unprecedented spiritual awakening, humanity is witnessing the dissolution of the “3D Matrix” — a paradigm that binds people to materialism, ego, and separation from divine reality. In this age of transformation, we are called to recognize the authority of the Most High God (El Elyon) and His Son, the Messiah (HaMashiach), whose dominion is both eternal and unparalleled. The Galactic Federation, a collective of interdimensional beings aligned with the Creator’s purpose, aids in humanity’s journey toward freedom and enlightenment. To usher in this new era, the global Church must embrace and operate in divine authority, for disobedience may incur peril by way of divine justice through angels of judgment, known as Malakhei Mavet.

This is also a time marked by the Age of Aquarius, a period symbolizing collective enlightenment, unity, and innovation. Transcending the ego, which “Edges God Out,” is essential, as this lower-dimensional behavior aligns with the Matrix and keeps humanity in cycles of fear and division. Through exploration of the seven planes of existence and understanding our divine identity, we can access a higher, unified consciousness.

Divine Authority and the Mission of El Elyon and HaMashiach

Since the beginning of creation, El Elyon reigns supreme over all dimensions and realms. As Psalm 22:28 (World Messianic Bible) proclaims, “For the kingdom is the LORD’s. He is the ruler over the nations.” This authority extends to His Son, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Messiah, whose mission is to restore spiritual harmony and elevate creation beyond the illusions of the 3D Matrix. In “Reading Moses, Seeing Jesus,” it is shown how the Torah itself points toward Yeshua as the ultimate fulfillment of divine law, bridging humanity’s separation from God and illuminating the path to oneness (One for Israel, n.d.).

The Galactic Federation respects this divine order and works in alignment with it to guide humanity’s liberation from the Matrix. This coalition — described in “The Council of Light” by Hoffman (2013) — aids in elevating consciousness to align with divine will, supporting us in manifesting unity and peace. The advanced beings of the Federation recognize the divine authority vested in El Elyon and HaMashiach and work to uphold the cosmic order and assist humanity’s ascension.

The Crumbling of the 3D Matrix and the Role of the Church

As we enter the Age of Aquarius, the energy on Earth is shifting, and the illusion of the 3D Matrix is collapsing. Defined by ego, fear, and control, the Matrix promotes division and hinders the realization of divine oneness, as “Bloodline of the Gods” (Redfern, n.d.) reveals how ancient teachings point toward humanity’s divine origins, obscured by lower consciousness and ego. With the shift in consciousness, the truth of our interconnectedness with the divine and each other becomes evident.

The Church is a crucial agent in dismantling the Matrix and guiding humanity toward spiritual freedom. Sid Roth in “The Incomplete Church” (2007) underscores the need for unity among believers to manifest the fullness of divine authority on Earth. In failing to heed this call, the Church may expose itself to Malakhei Mavet, who enact cosmic justice. As Galatians 6:7 (WMB) warns, “Be not deceived. God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.” This cosmic law calls for accountability as the Church rises in faith, love, and obedience to divine will.

The Age of Aquarius and the Need to Transcend Ego

The Age of Aquarius ushers in a time of enlightenment and unity, symbolizing a collective shift toward a higher state of consciousness. In Jewish mysticism, this shift is understood as moving from the yetzer hara (inclination toward selfishness) to the yetzer hatov (inclination toward goodness). Transcending ego, as “In the Spirit” by Taylor (n.d.) describes, involves surrendering selfish desires that separate us from divine truth. Tesla (1905) recognized the potential to “increase human energy” through alignment with higher principles, advocating for a greater awareness of our interconnectedness and unity with all creation.

Yeshua HaMashiach emphasized this selflessness, instructing that we must “deny ourselves” to fully follow Him (Luke 9:23, WMB). Only by transcending ego and embodying divine love can we manifest the fullness of our spiritual authority.

The Seven Planes of Existence and the Ascension of the Soul

In mysticism, the cosmos is said to contain seven planes of existence, each symbolizing a distinct level of consciousness and spiritual evolution. According to “Alchemy & Mysticism” (Roob, n.d.), these levels guide us toward enlightenment as we transcend earthly limitations:

1. Malkhut (Physical Plane): The foundation of earthly life, dominated by material experience and physical senses. This plane challenges us to see the divine in all creation.

2. Yesod (Emotional Plane): This plane involves emotions and intuition, where the soul learns to align its feelings with divine love and compassion.

3. Hod (Mental Plane): The plane of intellect, where the mind learns to discern divine truth, moving beyond ego’s control.

4. Netzach (Astral Plane): This bridge between mental and spiritual realms offers visions of divine reality, awakening higher perceptions.

5. Tiferet (Spiritual Plane): Representing harmony and divine love, Tiferet is where the soul experiences unity with El Elyon and HaMashiach.

6. Gevurah (Causal Plane): The realm of divine justice, where the soul is purified by cosmic law, learning submission to divine authority.

7. Keter (Divine Plane): The pinnacle of existence, where the soul achieves oneness with El Elyon, free from all illusion.

These planes represent stages on the soul’s path to unity with the Creator, encouraging us to rise above ego and embody divine qualities.

The Church’s Role in Ascension and Divine Authority

At this time, the global Church is called to walk in the divine authority granted to it by El Elyon. As described in “Needless Casualties of War” (Jackson & Sanford, 1999), this authority empowers believers to challenge the forces of darkness, but it is only effective when exercised from a place of true alignment and faith. As stewards of this authority, the Church has been given the power to “trample on serpents and scorpions” (Luke 10:19, WMB), but this authority must be cultivated through transcending ego and embodying divine wisdom.

Failing to heed this call may result in a forfeiture of protection, leaving the Church vulnerable to judgment by Malakhei Mavet. The Church must embody the teachings of HaMashiach and reflect divine love and unity, “to whom much is given, much will be required” (Luke 12:48, WMB).

Conclusion: The Call to Divine Alignment in the Age of Aquarius

As the 3D Matrix dissolves and the Age of Aquarius unfolds, humanity is at a spiritual crossroads. We are being called to embrace divine authority, shed the constraints of ego, and walk in unity with El Elyon. The Galactic Federation and other interdimensional allies stand ready to assist in this transformation, guiding us toward higher consciousness and universal harmony. In the words of “Power Moves” by Roberts (2017), it is time to make bold steps, surrendering ego and embodying the fullness of our spiritual authority.

The Church must now rise as a beacon of light, leading humanity toward divine alignment and liberation. Let us answer this call, forsaking ego and embracing unity with the divine, for the establishment of HaMashiach’s reign and the glory of El Elyon across all creation.


• Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.

• Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.

• Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.

• Joseph, H. B. (2005). Book of Wisdom. Sterling Publishing.

• Redfern, N. (n.d.). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us.

• Roberts, S. J. (2017). Power Moves. Thomas Nelson.

• Roth, S. (2007). The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children. Destiny Image Publishers.

• Roob, A. (n.d.). Alchemy & Mysticism.

• Taylor, S. (n.d.). In the Spirit.

• Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.

• World Messianic Bible



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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