The Seven Celestial Energies | Unveiling the Mystical Tapestry of the Elohim

Eric P. Felton Jr.
6 min readAug 20, 2024


In the sacred scriptures of various spiritual traditions, the heavens have always been regarded as a profound mystery, a realm where divine energies and celestial bodies operate in harmony, influencing the consciousness of humanity. Among the most compelling of these mysteries is the concept of the Elohim, a term found in the Hebrew Bible that, when deeply explored, reveals a profound connection to the seven celestial energies represented by the planets. Far from being mere physical locations in the cosmos, these planets are understood as cosmic energetic bodies that shape our perception of reality and contribute to the unfolding of the divine plan on Earth.

The Elohim: Seven Cosmic Energies

The term “Elohim” in the Hebrew Bible is a plural word, often translated as “God” or “gods.” However, a closer examination reveals that this term actually refers to a collective of powerful entities or energies that work together to bring forth creation. These seven entities are none other than the seven planetary bodies, each corresponding to a specific vibrational frequency and influencing different aspects of human consciousness and the natural world.

The Seven Elohim and Their Planetary Correlations

1. Caffi-El (Saturn): Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and justice. It governs the energy of karma and the lessons that we must learn through time and experience. In the spiritual context, Saturn is the cosmic teacher, ensuring that we adhere to the divine order.

2. Ana-El (Venus): Venus represents the energy of love, beauty, and harmony. It influences our emotional world and our capacity for connection and compassion. Venus is the force that fosters relationships and brings balance to our interactions.

3. Sachi-El (Mercury): Mercury is the energy of intellect and communication. It governs the mind, thoughts, and the ability to express ideas. Mercury is the messenger of the gods, bridging the gap between the divine and the human.

4. Micha-El (Sun): The Sun is the source of life and vitality. It represents the soul, the core essence of our being. The Sun is the central force that illuminates our path and gives us the strength to fulfill our divine purpose.

5. Gabri-El (Moon): The Moon is the protector of the mind and governs the subconscious. It influences our emotions, dreams, and intuition. The Moon is the mirror of the soul, reflecting our innermost feelings and guiding us through the cycles of life.

6. Cama-El (Mars): Mars embodies the energy of action, courage, and strength. It is the force that drives us to overcome obstacles and assert our will. Mars is the warrior within, empowering us to take bold steps in the pursuit of our goals.

7. Rapha-El (Jupiter): Jupiter is the energy of expansion, wisdom, and abundance. It governs spiritual growth, higher learning, and the pursuit of truth. Jupiter is the benevolent guide, leading us toward enlightenment and prosperity.

The Connection Between the Elohim and the Chakras

In the esoteric tradition, the seven Elohim are intimately connected to the seven chakras, the energy centers within the human body. Each planet or Elohim corresponds to a specific chakra, influencing different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

- Caffi-El (Saturn) corresponds to the Root Chakra, governing our sense of security, survival, and connection to the Earth.
- Ana-El (Venus) corresponds to the Heart Chakra, influencing our capacity for love, empathy, and relationships.
- Sachi-El (Mercury) corresponds to the Throat Chakra, governing communication, expression, and truth.
- Micha-El (Sun) corresponds to the Solar Plexus Chakra, influencing our sense of self, power, and will.

- Gabri-El (Moon) corresponds to the Sacral Chakra, governing emotions, creativity, and intuition.
- Cama-El (Mars) corresponds to the Third Eye Chakra, influencing vision, insight, and spiritual perception.
- Rapha-El (Jupiter) corresponds to the Crown Chakra, governing spiritual connection, wisdom, and enlightenment.

The Ancient Israelites and the Elohim

The ancient Israelites, who were displaced and settled in what is now Maryland, USA, carried with them profound spiritual knowledge, including the understanding of the Elohim. They recognized these seven entities as the real forces behind the “God” mentioned in Genesis. The Elohim were seen as the divine architects, each contributing their unique energies to the creation and governance of the Earth.

Biblical References to the Celestial Energies

The Bible contains numerous references to the celestial energies, often shrouded in symbolic language. For instance, in Job 38:32–33, it is written:

“Can you lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season, or can you guide the Bear with its children? Do you know the ordinances of the heavens? Can you establish their rule on the earth?”

The term “Mazzaroth” refers to the 12 signs of the zodiac, and this verse is essentially asking whether one can understand and interpret the influence of the constellations on Earth. The Mazzaroth, like the Elohim, is an essential component of the divine order, influencing the cycles of life and the unfolding of destiny.

Similarly, in Revelation 1:20, the “seven stars” are described as the “seven angels of the churches.” These stars are symbolic of the seven Elohim, each guiding and protecting a different aspect of creation.

The Microcosm and the Macrocosm

The concept of the microcosm and macrocosm is central to understanding the relationship between the Elohim and humanity. The Bible states in Genesis 1:26–27:

”Then Elohim said, ‘Let us make humans in our image, in our likeness…’ So Elohim created humans in his image, in the image of Elohim he created them; male and female he created them.”

This passage reveals that humans are a reflection of the divine, a microcosm of the greater cosmic order. Just as the Elohim govern the celestial bodies, so too do we have within us the potential to harness these energies and manifest the divine will on Earth.

Spiritual Gifts of the Elohim

Each of the seven Elohim bestows specific spiritual gifts upon humanity, corresponding to the energies they govern:

1. Caffi-El (Saturn): The gift of structure, discipline, and justice.
2. Ana-El (Venus): The gift of love, compassion, and harmony.
3. Sachi-El (Mercury): The gift of intellect, communication, and wisdom.
4. Micha-El (Sun): The gift of vitality, strength, and purpose.
5. Gabri-El (Moon): The gift of intuition, emotional balance, and protection.
6. Cama-El (Mars): The gift of courage, action, and determination.
7. Rapha-El (Jupiter): The gift of spiritual growth, abundance, and enlightenment.

The Prophetic Reset of Humankind

In these times, there is a growing recognition of the need for a prophetic reset of humankind — a return to the original divine plan. This reset involves the restoration of the influence of the Elohim and the alignment of humanity with the cosmic order. The build of the New Jerusalem, as prophesied in the Book of Revelation, is a symbolic representation of this reset, where the divine energies will once again reign supreme on Earth.

The New Jerusalem is not merely a physical city but a state of consciousness, a realm where the divine will is fully manifest, and the energies of the Elohim flow freely through every aspect of life. This is the essence of Messianic Judaism, where the coming of the Messiah is seen as the fulfillment of the divine plan and the restoration of the cosmic order.

The Significance of “A Body You Have Prepared for Me”

The verse “A body you have prepared for me” (Hebrews 10:5) holds deep significance in this context. It speaks to the incarnation of divine energy into the physical form, the manifestation of the Elohim’s energies within the human body. We are, indeed, the Word made flesh, a microcosm of the macrocosm, embodying the divine plan and fulfilling the purpose for which we were created.


The seven celestial energies, represented by the Elohim, are the fundamental forces that govern the universe and influence human consciousness. They are the architects of the divine plan, working through the planets, the chakras, and the natural order to bring forth creation and guide humanity toward its ultimate destiny. As we align ourselves with these energies and embrace our role as co-creators with the Elohim, we contribute to the prophetic reset of humankind and the realization of the New Jerusalem on Earth.


- World Messianic Bible. (2023). The Bible in English. Retrieved from [](
- Blavatsky, H. P. (1888). The Secret Doctrine: The Synthesis of Science, Religion, and Philosophy. Theosophical Publishing Society.
- Bailey, A. (1951). Esoteric Astrology. Lucis Publishing Company.
- Pike, A. (1872). Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. L. H. Jenkins, Inc.
- De Santillana, G., & von Dechend, H. (1969). Hamlet’s Mill: An Essay Investigating the Origins of Human Knowledge and Its Transmission through Myth. David R. Godine Publisher.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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