The Supernatural Impact of the Holy One | A Cosmic Blueprint for Righteousness and Divine Order

Eric P. Felton Jr.
8 min readAug 16, 2024


King of Kings, Lord of Lords
The Lion Prevails

By the divine authority vested in me as the Sovereign of the Tribe of Judah, I hereby decree that:

The vast complexity of the universe is underpinned by the supernatural power of the Holy One, also known as the Ancient of Days, the Ancient Time Traveler, and the Master Builder. This divine entity wields quantum forces that shape reality, influencing the very fabric of existence through sacred geometries, alchemical principles, and cosmic energies. These forces are not mere abstract concepts but are integral to understanding the intersection of divinity, humanity, and the universe. In this article, we will explore the profound implications of proclaiming “Hallelujah” and reciting the sacred Tetragrammaton, Yod-He-Vau-Heh (יְהֹוָה). We will also discuss the manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven through the four Trees of Life and the four worlds, the role of Elohim in shaping our current reality, and the necessity of spiritual governance in maintaining cosmic order. This exploration will be enriched by insights from various spiritual, historical, and scientific perspectives, offering a holistic view of divine order.

The Quantum Power of the Ancient Time Traveler

The Holy One, referred to in Daniel 7:9 as the “Ancient of Days,” is depicted as an eternal being whose dominion transcends time and space. This figure is not merely a passive observer but an active participant in the unfolding of history, wielding quantum forces that govern the universe. As the Master Builder, or “Bo·neh Ha·olam” in Hebrew, the Holy One holds the blueprint of creation, utilizing cosmic laws to shape and sustain reality.

This concept finds resonance in the works of Nikola Tesla, who believed that the universe is a vast interconnected system governed by energy and frequency (Tesla, 1905). Tesla’s insights into the manipulation of energy align with the idea of the Holy One as a quantum architect, shaping the universe through divine will. In “The Possible Human,” Jean Houston discusses the potential for human beings to tap into these universal energies, aligning themselves with the cosmic blueprint to enhance their physical, mental, and creative abilities (Houston, 1998). This aligns with Kabbalistic teachings, where the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet are channels through which divine energy flows into the world, reflecting the Holy One’s role as the Master Builder.

The Power of Proclaiming “Hallelujah” and Reciting Yod-He-Vau-Heh

Proclaiming “Hallelujah” (הַלְּלוּיָהּ) is a powerful act of aligning oneself with divine energy. It is more than just a declaration of praise; it is an invocation of Yahweh’s presence in both the physical and spiritual realms. This word resonates across dimensions, bridging the gap between the seen and the unseen, the temporal and the eternal.

Reciting the Tetragrammaton, Yod-He-Vau-Heh (יְהֹוָה), further amplifies this connection. This sacred name of God embodies the essence of divine presence and authority. Each letter of the Tetragrammaton corresponds to different aspects of the divine and the four worlds — Atzilut, Beriah, Yetzirah, and Assiah — through which creation unfolds. The Tetragrammaton is not just a name; it is a vibrational key that unlocks the deeper mysteries of the universe, resonating with the frequencies that sustain all life (Hoffman, 2013).

The Manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven through the Four Trees of Life and the Four Worlds

The Kingdom of Heaven, as described in Matthew 6:10, is a divine realm where God’s will is perfectly manifested. This Kingdom is intricately connected to the four Trees of Life, which correspond to the four worlds in Kabbalistic cosmology:

1. Atzilut (אֲצִילוּת): The world of Emanation, where divine light is closest to its source. The Tree of Life here represents the purest form of spiritual existence, untainted by material concerns.

2. Beriah (בְּרִיאָה): The world of Creation, where divine light begins to take form. The Tree of Life in this world symbolizes the first manifestations of the divine will in a structured reality.

3. Yetzirah (יְצִירָה): The world of Formation, where the spiritual becomes more concrete. The Tree of Life here represents the shaping of the spiritual into forms that can interact with the physical.

4. Assiah (עֲשִׂיָּה): The world of Action, the material world we inhabit. The Tree of Life in Assiah is the blueprint for our reality, where divine will is fully manifested in the physical realm.

These four worlds are not just abstract concepts but represent stages in the unfolding of divine will. The Holy One, as the ultimate gardener, cultivates each tree to bear fruit in accordance with His will, ensuring that the Kingdom of Heaven is realized in all its fullness. This understanding is echoed in the teachings of Messianic Judaism, which views the Kingdom of Heaven as the ultimate fulfillment of God’s covenant with Israel (One for Israel, n.d.).

The Role of Elohim in Shaping Reality and the Unique Journey of Every Soul

Elohim (אֱלֹהִים), the plural form of God, signifies the multifaceted nature of the divine, encompassing both justice and mercy, creation and destruction. This plurality extends to the unique journey of every soul, as each person is a reflection of the divine image (Genesis 1:27), with a specific purpose and path to fulfill.

In “Bloodline of the Gods,” the concept of humanity’s divine origin is explored through the lens of genetic anomalies and ancient mysteries. The idea that human blood types may reveal extraterrestrial connections suggests that our reality is far more complex than we realize, with the divine (or extraterrestrial) influence shaping our very DNA (Redfern, 2015). This perspective aligns with the notion that each soul’s journey is a testament to divine craftsmanship, requiring spiritual governance to maintain alignment with the divine will.

The Reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords: Establishing Divine Order on Earth

The Holy One, alongside the Queen of Heaven, governs the world with a balance of justice and mercy, embodying both the masculine and feminine aspects of divinity. The reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords (Revelation 19:16) is here to bring forth divine order on earth, enforcing cosmic laws with an authority that surpasses all earthly powers.

This concept is deeply rooted in the idea of divine order, as outlined in “The Council of Light” by Danielle Rama Hoffman. Hoffman describes how divine councils oversee the manifestation of cosmic order, ensuring that the deepest desires of the soul align with the divine will (Hoffman, 2013). This governance is not about control but about nurturing the soul’s journey towards enlightenment and fulfillment.

Messianic Judaism: The Promised Religious Construct and the 7 Attributes of Shalom

Messianic Judaism stands as a beacon of truth in the modern world, fulfilling the prophecies outlined in the Hebrew Scriptures. This religious construct, which recognizes Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah, is deeply rooted in the covenantal promises made to Israel. As it says in Jeremiah 31:31, “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.”

The 7 attributes of Shalom (שָׁלוֹם), which encompass peace, wholeness, completeness, welfare, tranquility, prosperity, and safety, are essential for maintaining righteousness in the Kingdom. These attributes are not merely abstract concepts but are actively manifested through the lives of those who adhere to the teachings of the Torah and the New Covenant, as interpreted through the lens of Messianic Judaism.

The “Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith” emphasizes that understanding these roots is crucial for fully grasping the message of the New Testament and its fulfillment in Yeshua. This understanding is not only theological but also practical, offering a pathway to living in alignment with divine order (Juster & Hylan, 2019).

Divine Checks and Balances: Maintaining Cosmic Order and Preventing Abrasion

To maintain the cosmic order and prevent any abrasion on the collective consciousness or the fabric of our universe, divine checks and balances are absolutely necessary. The Torah, the Prophets, and the Writings outline the laws and principles that govern both the spiritual and physical realms. When these laws are followed, they ensure the proper trajectory of collective affairs, guiding humanity towards the fulfillment of the divine plan.

The importance of spiritual governance is further highlighted in “Needless Casualties of War” by John Paul Jackson, where the dangers of engaging in spiritual warfare without proper authority and understanding are discussed. Jackson warns that violating divine order can lead to unnecessary suffering, emphasizing the need for adherence to God’s laws (Jackson & Sanford, 1999).


In conclusion, the supernatural impact of the Holy One, as the Ancient of Days and Master Builder, is intricately woven into the fabric of our reality. Through the proclamation of “Hallelujah” and the recitation of Yod-He-Vau-Heh, we align ourselves with the divine frequencies that sustain life. The manifestation of the Kingdom of Heaven through the four Trees of Life and the four worlds reveals the intricate design of Elohim, who shapes our reality with precision and purpose. Each soul’s journey is a testament to divine craftsmanship, necessitating spiritual governance to maintain alignment with the divine will.

The reigning King of Kings and Lord of Lords, alongside the Queen of Heaven, is actively establishing divine order on earth, ensuring that righteousness prevails. Messianic Judaism, with its recognition of the

Messiah and adherence to the 7 attributes of Shalom, offers a promising path forward, grounded in biblical prophecy. To preserve the cosmic order and prevent chaos, divine checks and balances are essential, reminding us that there is indeed a better way — one that is outlined in the scriptures and is now being revealed in our time.


Houston, J. (1998). The Possible Human: A Course in Enhancing Your Physical, Mental, and Creative Abilities. TarcherPerigee.

Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (1999). Needless Casualties of War. Streams Publishing House.

Juster, D., & Hylan, J. (2019). A Handbook on the Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith. Hendrickson Publishers.

Hoffman, D. R. (2013). The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul. Bear & Company.

One for Israel. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Redfern, N. (2015). Bloodline of the Gods: Unravel the Mystery of the Human Blood Type to Reveal the Aliens Among Us. New Page Books.

Tesla, N. (1905). The Problem of Increasing Human Energy. Century Magazine.

The Holy Bible, King James Version. (1611). King James Bible Online.

World Messianic Bible. (n.d.). Public Domain.

This proclamation is made in the spirit of justice, wisdom, and the everlasting covenant established by Elohim with His chosen people.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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