The Universal Energy Field, Jewish Mysticism, and the Construction of New Jerusalem

Eric P. Felton Jr.
4 min readAug 1, 2024


For thousands of years, cultures and traditions worldwide have acknowledged a Universal Energy Field that connects all existence. This concept is found in various spiritual and philosophical texts, each describing it uniquely. In “The Kybalion,” it is referred to as “The All,” emphasizing that everything within this field is in constant vibration and motion. The Holy Bible describes this vibration as “the Word,” while in Hinduism, it is resonated as the sacred Mantra “Om.” This article will explore the connections between this Universal Energy Field and Jewish Mysticism, the Sephiroth, the Tree of Life, Messianic Judaism, and how Elohim and His Bride can leverage these insights in constructing New Jerusalem. The discussion will also incorporate Hebrew verbiage, symbols, and biblical scriptural support from the World Messianic Bible.

The Universal Energy Field: Light and Sound

Within our Solar System and beyond, everything is essentially made up of Light and sound. Pythagoras taught that all the Planets create a melody of sound in their rotational movement, a vibration he referred to as the “Music of the Spheres.” While Light consists of electromagnetic waves, sound is composed of mechanical waves. Mechanical waves are vibrations in matter that transfer energy via a material, like a Tuning Fork, which emanates perfect sine-wave sound patterns.

The Tuning Fork, invented in the early 1700s, was initially used to tune musical instruments. However, it wasn’t until the 1960s that Tuning Forks became a modality in Sound Healing. This therapy is based on the principle of sympathetic resonance — one vibrating object sends impulses through the air, causing other objects in its vicinity to vibrate in harmony. Tuning Forks send waves of sound into targeted areas, impacting Chakric energy centers along the spine, thereby stimulating the corresponding organs and optimizing their health.

Jewish Mysticism and the Sephiroth

Jewish Mysticism, or Kabbalah, delves into the nature of the divine and the universe, offering profound insights into the Universal Energy Field. The Kabbalistic Tree of Life consists of ten Sephiroth (singular: Sephirah), each representing different attributes of God and stages of creation. Each Sephirah correlates to specific Archangels, which mediate these divine energies to the physical realm.

1. Keter (Crown) — Represents the divine will and pure potentiality. Corresponds to the Archangel Metatron.
2. Chokhmah (Wisdom) — Represents intuitive insight. Corresponds to the Archangel Raziel.
3. Binah (Understanding) — Represents analytical thought. Corresponds to the Archangel Tzaphkiel.
4. Chesed (Kindness) — Represents love and compassion. Corresponds to the Archangel Tzadkiel.
5. Gevurah (Severity) — Represents judgment and discipline. Corresponds to the Archangel Kamael.
6. Tiferet (Beauty) — Represents harmony and balance. Corresponds to the Archangel Raphael.
7. Netzach (Victory) — Represents endurance and ambition. Corresponds to the Archangel Haniel.
8. Hod (Glory) — Represents humility and submission. Corresponds to the Archangel Michael.
9. Yesod (Foundation) — Represents connection and support. Corresponds to the Archangel Gabriel.
10. Malkhut (Kingdom)— Represents the physical world. Corresponds to the Archangel Sandalphon.

The vibrations and energies described in Jewish Mysticism align with the principles of the Universal Energy Field, where each Sephirah’s energy resonates through the Archangels, harmonizing with the divine melody of creation.

Messianic Judaism and Biblical Prophecy

Messianic Judaism bridges Jewish traditions with the belief in Yeshua (Jesus) as the Messiah, integrating biblical prophecy and the Universal Energy Field. In Messianic Judaism, the concept of “the Word” (John 1:1) embodies the vibration of the Universe, echoing the idea of divine energy and creation.

Biblical prophecies in the World Messianic Bible often refer to a new era where the Kingdom of God is established on Earth, with New Jerusalem as its epicenter (Revelation 21:2). This vision aligns with the harmonic resonance of divine energy, where Elohim (God) and His Bride (the Church) work together to manifest this divine blueprint.

The Construction of New Jerusalem

The insights from the Universal Energy Field, Jewish Mysticism, and Messianic Judaism can be leveraged by Elohim and His Bride in constructing New Jerusalem. The Tree of Life’s Sephiroth and their corresponding Archangels provide a framework for channeling divine energies into the physical realm. By aligning with these energies and harmonizing with the divine vibrations, the faithful can participate in the cosmic plan of redemption and restoration.

The Four Worlds and the Tree of Life

In Kabbalistic thought, the Tree of Life extends through four spiritual worlds:

1. Atzilut (Emanation) — The highest world, representing pure divinity and the source of creation.
2. Briah (Creation)— The world of divine intellect and the Throne of God.
3. Yetzirah (Formation) — The world of angels and the realm of emotions.
4. Assiah (Action) — The physical world, where the divine plan is actualized.

Each world corresponds to different levels of reality and spiritual consciousness, signifying the progression from divine thought to material manifestation. The interplay of these worlds reflects the continuous flow of divine energy through the Universal Energy Field, resonating with the Sephiroth and the Archangels.


The concept of the Universal Energy Field, as described by various traditions, harmonizes with the principles of Jewish Mysticism, the Sephiroth, and the Tree of Life. These insights are further integrated into Messianic Judaism, emphasizing the fulfillment of biblical prophecy and the construction of New Jerusalem. By understanding and aligning with these divine energies, Elohim and His Bride can participate in the cosmic symphony of creation, redemption, and restoration.


- Hoffman, D. R. (Year). *The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting the Deepest Desires of the Soul*. Publisher.
- Joseph, H. B. (Year). *Book of Wisdom*. Publisher.
- Roth, S. (Year). *The Incomplete Church: Unifying God’s Children*. Publisher.
- Taylor, S. (Year). *In the Spirit*. Publisher.
- Roob, A. (Year). *Alchemy & Mysticism*. Publisher.
- Jackson, J. P., & Sanford, J. (Year). *Needless Casualties of War*. Publisher.
- Roberts, S. J. (Year). *Power Moves*. Publisher.
- The World Messianic Bible. (Year). *The World Messianic Bible*.
- One for Israel. (Year). *One for Israel*. Retrieved from

(Note: The years and publishers need to be filled in with accurate details from the respective books.)

This comprehensive article encapsulates the interplay between ancient wisdom, religious traditions, and modern spiritual practices, offering a cohesive understanding of the Universal Energy Field and its significance in the spiritual journey towards constructing New Jerusalem.



Eric P. Felton Jr.
Eric P. Felton Jr.

Written by Eric P. Felton Jr.

Visionary | Performance Driven Consultant | Transformation Consultant | Creator | Thought Leader

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