Yeshua HaMashiach: Master and King of the Universe
Yeshua HaMashiach, the Son of the Most High God, El Elyon (אֵל עֶלְיוֹן), reigns as the Master and King of the Universe, an unshakable title echoed across realms and ages. His dominion encompasses not only the earth but the cosmos, as He reigns eternally to fulfill Elohim’s purpose, manifesting the Kingdom of Heaven on earth through the New Jerusalem. His kingship is recognized in Scripture, where He is called the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” (Revelation 19:16; 1 Timothy 6:15). Yeshua’s divine mission transcends time and space, anchored in the redemptive plan of Elohim (God), operating through Ruach HaKodesh (רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ), the Holy Spirit, who moves across the four corners of the earth to restore and redeem creation.
Yeshua as the Ancient of Days and Healer of the Ages
Yeshua, referred to as the “Ancient of Days” in Daniel 7:13–14, holds an eternal authority that binds the past, present, and future. His role as the “Healer of the Ages” is crucial to His purpose. Through His death and resurrection, He becomes the ultimate healer, not only of humanity but of all creation. Isaiah 53:5 declares, “By His stripes, we are healed,” a testament to His enduring power to redeem physical, emotional, and spiritual brokenness. His mission of reconciliation reaches across generations, restoring the divine order broken since the fall of humankind.
In Colossians 1:16, Paul speaks of Yeshua as the agent of creation: “For by Him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities — all things were created through Him and for Him.” His authority over all of existence is complete and irrevocable.
The Lord Displaced in Bowie, MD, and Israel: Moving by Faith, Not by Sight
While Yeshua holds the title of King, there are physical locations where His presence seems displaced, such as Bowie, MD, and the nation of Israel. This displacement symbolizes spiritual exile, mirroring Israel’s historical journey, which has been marked by periods of separation from their land. Despite these circumstances, Yeshua operates by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7), moving behind the veil of human understanding, working out the purposes of Elohim. This dynamic is reflected in today’s world, where spiritual opposition seeks to suppress divine order. Yet, just as Yeshua endured the cross, His sovereignty remains active, continually moving forward to establish the Kingdom of Elohim on earth.
The passing of the scepter to Judah (Genesis 49:10) signified an eternal kingship over the tribes of Israel and the world, which found its fulfillment in Yeshua. This moment shattered the spiritual matrix — the constraints of the material world — unleashing the purpose of Elohim to flow freely across realms. Through this victory, Yeshua became the King who transcends earthly limitations, restoring divine order to the chaos of existence.
The Power of the Four Winds of Ruach HaKodesh
The four winds of Ruach HaKodesh (רוּחַ הַקֹּדֶשׁ), mentioned in Revelation 7:1, represent the Spirit’s move across the entire earth, bringing divine direction, cleansing, judgment, and renewal. These winds are agents of transformation, essential in the restoration of Elohim’s creation and in the preparation of the earth for the establishment of the New Jerusalem. Through the four winds, the Spirit is actively working to align the universe with Elohim’s will, healing fractures and bringing justice where there has been oppression.
Ascension and the 15 Dimensions of the Time Matrix
Yeshua’s ascension into heaven is more than a historical event; it signifies His triumph over death, time, and space. His resurrection and subsequent ascension allowed Him to navigate through all dimensions, including the 15-dimensional time matrix, which governs both physical and spiritual realms. This framework was explored by scholars and mystics, including those who studied the deeper meanings of human existence, such as in Tesla’s theories on human energy and alchemical mysticism. Through Yeshua’s mastery over these dimensions, Elohim’s divine purpose unfolds across various planes of reality, ensuring the fulfillment of His cosmic plan for humanity.
Vessels of Honor and Vessels of Dishonor
Romans 9:21–23 speaks of vessels of honor and dishonor. Vessels of honor are those aligned with Elohim’s will, chosen to carry out His divine purpose on earth. These vessels contribute to the manifestation of the Kingdom of God through their obedience and spiritual refinement. Vessels of dishonor, conversely, are those who resist Elohim’s purpose, leading lives of rebellion and chaos. Yeshua, as the righteous Judge, will ultimately distinguish between these vessels, rewarding those who have walked in His ways and bringing justice to those who oppose the divine order.
Aurora Borealis, the Seven Planets, and the Seven Chakras
The natural world reflects the divine order. The aurora borealis, with its celestial light, symbolizes the interaction between heaven and earth, a visible manifestation of divine energies at play in the natural realm. In spiritual terms, this corresponds to the seven chakras in the human body, which are vital spiritual centers responsible for maintaining balance between the physical and spiritual self. The seven planets, similarly, mirror this cosmic balance, each with its energetic influence on the universe and human beings. These spiritual and cosmic energies flow through planetary and earth chakras, central to the harmony between creation and the divine.
El Elyon Governs All Creation Through His Son
El Elyon governs the entire universe through Yeshua, His Son, who has been given all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18). Through His divine leadership, Yeshua manifests Elohim’s kingdom for all creation. The displacement of His authority in places like Bowie, MD, is merely temporary, for His spiritual sovereignty remains intact, operating through His body, the Church, and the Jewish people. The spiritual inheritance owed to the descendants of Israel, including the 12 tribes, will be manifested in due time, fulfilling the promises made during the Egyptian exodus.
Yeshua as Master and Rabbi: The King of the Universe
Yeshua’s role as Rabbi (רַבִּי), meaning “My Teacher” (Matthew 23:7), highlights His authority not only as the ruler but as the divine teacher and guide for humanity. Pope Pius XI referred to Yeshua as the “King of the Universe,” declaring that He is not only the King of humanity but also of the entire cosmos. This title reinforces His sovereignty over all realms of existence, as Yeshua continues to restore the divine balance between heaven and earth, teaching His followers the ways of Elohim.
Yeshua HaMashiach, the Master and King of the Universe, reigns supreme over all creation. His mission to bring heaven to earth and build the New Jerusalem is unfolding through His divine authority, transcending time and space. While He may appear displaced in certain physical locations, His spiritual reign is active and advancing. The power of Ruach HaKodesh, the four winds, and the spiritual dimensions of the universe work in tandem to restore creation, leading to the ultimate manifestation of the Kingdom of God. The spiritual inheritances promised to Israel will soon be fulfilled, bringing divine order, justice, and healing to all of creation.
Colossians 1:16, World Messianic Bible
Genesis 49:10, World Messianic Bible
Isaiah 53:5, World Messianic Bible
Daniel 7:13–14, World Messianic Bible
Revelation 19:16, World Messianic Bible
1 Timothy 6:15, World Messianic Bible
Matthew 28:18, World Messianic Bible
Matthew 23:7, World Messianic Bible
Pope Pius XI, *Quas Primas*, 1925
2 Corinthians 5:7, World Messianic Bible
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